While Antonio frowned and thought, Duran turned his eyes to Roderick next to him, and then briefly told him about the other world.

Dulan initially learned about this new friend's situation from Annan's mouth. Before continuing to explain more profound things, he must first let the other party have a basic understanding.

The other thing is to let the new vampire who joins their gang know the experiences of the three of them and everything about their future fight against the golden witch.

"……I see."

Dulan, a magic professor with some teaching experience, gave an explanation that was simple and easy to understand. Roderick quickly grasped a general idea, but at the same time, there were countless questions in his mind.

"Professor Marquez, I can confirm that I have never entered that strange alien space with the red moon before yesterday, so why did I become a vampire inexplicably?"

"There's probably no reason, just like how you feel, it's inexplicable."

Dulan nodded and said that he didn't know, because in fact he didn't know and it was impossible to investigate clearly.

"Dark creatures are a kind of mutation of human beings. The other world will stimulate the possibility of mutation hidden in some people, but it does not mean that having been to the other world is the only reason for mutation. Some people have not done anything even if they have not done anything. If you come into contact with anything dangerous, you will suddenly turn into a dark creature one day."

Roderick is an example of such an unreasonable mutation.

"Or maybe without you knowing, you came into contact with something you shouldn't have come into contact with, which activated the possibility of mutation in your body. It may also be related to blood, but sometimes there is no reason for this change. Mutations will happen, it can only be said to be a matter of luck.”

After hearing this explanation, Roderick was naturally completely unacceptable.

However, if this was the case, without any reason or reason, he could only accept it.

Even if he doesn't accept it, there's nothing he can do.

"...Is there really no way to turn me back into an ordinary human?"

"Unfortunately, as far as I know, no one who has been transformed into a dark creature has ever been able to become a normal human being again."

Dulan said very directly. It is better to accept this kind of unchangeable thing as soon as possible. Don't let others misunderstand that there are other possibilities or hopes, otherwise it will only lead to greater disappointment and despair in the end.

"Rodrick, I want to remind you here that you were pulled into the other world once yesterday. This means that you will never be able to escape the shadow there in the future. You must be mentally prepared to suddenly fall into In the other world.”

"I will remember it, and I will always be careful..."

Rodrick, who looked bitter, nodded stiffly.

One accident can have a lifelong impact. Although it is difficult to accept it, there is no other choice but to accept it.

This is just like him not wanting to become a vampire, he can only be forced to accept this permanent influence and change.

"One more thing, please remember, if the moon in the sky is blood red when you enter the other world, then you must find a place that can block the moonlight as soon as possible. The red moon will stimulate the 'blood nature' of the 'vampires'. If a vampire like you continues to be under the light of the red moon, he will soon become extremely thirsty, and in the worst case scenario, he will lose control and attack others, if there are other people around you at that time."

Roderick naturally thought of the distraught feeling he felt under the red moon yesterday.

When he saw the red moon for the first time, his throat suddenly became dry. In the end, he even couldn't bear it anymore and had to take out the hidden treasure in front of Annan, who was still a stranger. After drinking the blood bottle, he finally recovered a little.

If he hadn't taken the blood he had brought with him immediately for emergencies, he might have attacked Annan beside him. His blood-sucking impulse was so strong at that time.

Roderick noticed something was wrong at the time, but he didn't have time to analyze it properly, and now he finally knew the reason from the magic professor.

"What is this all about..."

Rodrick sighed subconsciously.

"Everyone, next I will explain in depth about black magic and the other world. After listening, you can come back and ask me if you don't understand anything."

Duran waited until the two dark creature mutants who had similar experiences finished thinking about it, and then started his new lecture.

Except for him, the four people here basically know nothing about black magic and the other world. Not having relevant common sense can sometimes be fatal. Now that I have the opportunity, of course I must make it clear as soon as possible so that everyone can understand. Go deeper.

"The other world, some people call it a foreign land, is the shadow of a world that appeared thousands of years ago when magic appeared in human civilization..."

Dulan's explanation was not too difficult. It was very simple and easy to understand and easy to remember. It was finished in about half an hour.

In addition to the relationship between black magic and dark creatures, there are also some things to pay attention to in the other world. He also listed some well-known secret magic societies, some organizations or secret sects related to black magic that need to be paid attention to.

The Abyss Order, which Annan had only heard of but had not actually encountered, was also among the projects explained.

While listening to the lecture, Antonio took out the notebook he carried with him and wanted to take some notes, but Duran stopped him.

"It's best not to leave any written records regarding black magic. If it is discovered, it will be a bit troublesome."

Antonio hesitated for a moment, then finally put away the notebook and tried hard to use his memory to write down everything.

After Dulan finished explaining some basic knowledge about black magic and the otherworld, the three people who remained quiet began to ask questions one after another, and Duran also answered the questions one by one.

"Everyone, I hope you remember that what I say is not necessarily correct. I just came into contact with these things earlier than you. I may be wrong. Please don't prejudge it."

Dulan is very aware of his own level. He will not arrogantly show that he is knowledgeable. When faced with things he does not know, he will directly say he does not know, so as to prevent others from suffering in the future because of his mistakes.

In order to hide his identity and avoid the pursuit of the Golden Witch, he has been secretly and intermittently getting in touch with the underground world related to black magic. He really doesn't know much, just some basics.

"at last……"

Dulan took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then set his eyes on Annan.

"Annan, the dangerous black magic you learned may hide some big problem. If possible, can you copy the content of the black magic and give it to me? I want to check it."

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