Annan knew who this man was who suddenly grabbed his shoulder on the street.

This tall man with a beard and a bit unkempt was his savior.

This man was the good neighbor who heroically fought off the gangsters with a gun at the beginning of Annan's journey.

"Annan Gulen?"

The man has a bit of a smoker's throat and his voice is low and hoarse.

"You still recognize me, right? Are you back to see the crime scene?"

"...No, I just happened to pass by here."

Annan blinked and shook his head in response.

He was a little surprised, because this man actually knew his name, but he didn't know who this man was.

He did not speak to this lifesaver after the incident. The police arrived at the scene and sent him to the hospital quickly. Even if they wanted to find him, they could not find him.

It was very obvious that this man had conducted special investigations for yesterday's incident.

"Really? Can you take a step to talk?"

The man pointed to a small fast food restaurant on the roadside.

"Have you had lunch? I'll treat you to it."


Annan, who had made a random meal at home before going out, agreed to the invitation without much hesitation.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine this man was selling.

Since he is his savior, and on this afternoon street with lots of people coming and going, he shouldn't be too wary of the other person.

The main reason is that Annan is really curious about this man's identity and what he is doing.

Annan followed the man into a small fast food restaurant with a slightly oily floor, and sat down in a corner of the store together.

The man quickly decided on his meal. Annan, who was being treated to a meal, also politely ordered a burrito set. Anyway, he was not completely full at home.

"I'm Antonio Cannon, a private detective."

The man who called himself a detective waited until their meals arrived before finally introducing himself.

"I am investigating what happened yesterday. No one has entrusted me with it, but there is a reward from the police station for this case. Annan Grant, let me call you Annan. Do you have any clues about what happened yesterday?"


Annan thought for a few seconds and slowly shook his head.

"Annan, I have some impressions of you. I occasionally saw you visiting my neighbor's house. Think about it carefully. What about your friend and his parents? If the information you provided is useful, I can share some with you. Bonus." The detective followed suit.

Annan continued to shake his head.

He really doesn't know anything.

This man is also very direct. If it were the original Annan, he might think of his friend's death and not want to answer.

"I have no idea why that happened yesterday. Speaking of which, I don't know what my friend's parents do for a living."

"Is that so? I understand."

Antonio. Canon stopped asking about yesterday's events.

He picked up the cutlery and began to enjoy his lunch in silence.

Annan saw the detective's actions and picked up his own burrito to eat.

He did not feel embarrassed because of the silent atmosphere. In the quiet environment, he remembered that there was one thing that he had not done yet, and that was to say thank you to the other party.

No matter what, this detective saved me yesterday, and now treats me to dinner, so I can't thank you enough.

Anyway, all he could do was verbally thank you.

"Mr. Canon, I didn't have time to thank you yesterday. Without your presence, maybe I would have suffered. Thank you very much."

"No, this is what I should do."

The detective responded and then continued to remain silent.

The two finished their food quickly, left the fast food restaurant, and went their separate ways.

However, before parting, Antonio. Kanon specifically warned Annan.

"Annan, forget about your classmates. Behind what happened yesterday, there may be many problems involved. If you don't want to get into trouble again, then forget all about it and stay away from it all."

Annan actually wanted to say that Mr. Detective, you are a trouble yourself, and you took the initiative to find trouble for yourself, which might implicate yourself.

"What should I do?"

While Annan was having dinner with the detective, he secretly used the Death Gaze spell.

He can be said to be very handy in using this black magic. He does not need to recite the spell or perform any special actions. He only needs a thought to activate it - of course, the prerequisite is that he has enough magic power.

By using black magic directly on the street, Annan was indeed seeking death to a certain extent, but no one seemed to notice his actions and no one found anything wrong.

This can be regarded as a valuable experimental experience in magic.

Annan's eyes, which had been blessed by black magic, could clearly see the aura of death wrapped around Mr. Detective's body. These auras of death were not very strong and were completely incomparable to those seen in the hospital yesterday. However, if compared with ordinary people, It can also be said that there are many.

Annan didn't know what the detective usually did, and he had no intention of delving into it. Moreover, the aura of death on the other person's body was not the main problem.

The biggest problem is another breath of death secretly following behind this detective.

The moving aura of death, which is to say another person, a stalker.

Annan accidentally discovered another aura of death not far from them. Originally, he just wanted to take a look at the detective's condition, but unexpectedly he saw another aura of death outside.

The black magic of Death Sight can detect traces of death through walls. Even if there are obstacles, Death Sight cannot be blocked. As long as it is within the observation range of this spell, traces of death can be found.

Annan has not fully grasped the range of death sight so far, but it is at least a few hundred meters, and the other death aura he saw was at this distance.

"This kind-hearted detective is being followed? That person has a deeper aura and traces of death on his body. He must be a dangerous person."

Annan actually thought about whether to remind or hint that his savior was in danger, but in the end he said nothing.

In addition to the fact that he was not familiar with the detective and did not know what the other party's original grudges were, it was also impossible for him to reveal that he possessed black magic.

Annan didn't want to expose the biggest secret on the second day after traveling to this world.

Maybe the detective who once saved his life found out that he had black magic in his body, so he tied him up and handed him over to the police to earn the bonus.

This world, this society, is very unfriendly to black magic.

Although this attitude is correct.

"I thought the magic of Death Sight wouldn't have much effect, but it's actually pretty easy to use. No matter how well it's hidden, as long as there's no way to remove the traces of death on my body, I can see clearly no matter where I am. A different kind of auxiliary magic."

If Annan had enough strength, he wouldn't mind helping a group of his saviors, but he didn't, so he chose to follow his heart.

"Only auxiliary magic is useless. I need a magic with substantial damage capabilities. A defensive type is also acceptable, and one that can enhance strength is good. Then, the question arises. Today I can find the magic that can hear the darkness. A magical sound item?”

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