Annan didn't notice anyone following him.

In fact, there was only one stalker he had discovered before. It was estimated that the target was the detective, not an unimportant passerby like him.

"Fortunately, the detective didn't bother me. Hey, I just went out for a walk. I should be fine next time, right?"

Talk to Detective Antonio. After Kanon left, Annan came to the neighborhood where he remembered buying black magic necklaces.

This dirty street, filled with street stalls and small stalls, without any physical shops, and with sewage everywhere, is where I originally went shopping last week.

There are all kinds of things here, some sell food, some sell clothes, some sell some weird-looking jewelry, some sell books, and some people work as fortune tellers here.

"It doesn't look like you can find what you want. Forget it. There are no other clues or clues now. Let's try our luck first."

Annan began to look around.

He visited a few street stalls and touched a lot of strange things with his own hands, but as expected, he didn't find anything useful.

This small street is neither too long nor too big, so it won't take too much time to walk around it thoroughly. Annan continued to look here and there patiently.

During this period, he also used his dead gaze to observe the condition of the items, and really saw some items wrapped in the aura of death.

The smell of death is not everywhere, only those who have been exposed to death will have relevant traces.

It's not surprising that the smell of death can be seen everywhere in a place like a hospital. You don't see it frequently on ordinary streets.

Things with the aura of death are not necessarily special, they may just be ordinary things, but at least it is a clear target. You will not suffer any loss if you touch it. At most, it will just dirty your hands. Just go back and wash your hands.

The things bought here are not rare items, and the owner of the stall will not stop the customer from touching them.

In the eyes of Annan, who used the auxiliary magic of Death Sight, the so-called traces and breath of death are not something that can be described in detail. If it is really said, the breath of death is invisible and qualityless. He just passes it through the black The ability of magic is sensed abstractly with the eyes.

It's a pity that those things with the aura of death didn't react at all, they were just some strange-looking waste products that came from nowhere.

To put it simply, it is garbage, and it is not surprising that it may even have been dug out of a garbage dump.

Annan wanted to look for the street stall where he bought the necklace, but he couldn't find it. The memory of that street stall was already very thin. He couldn't remember the appearance of the stall owner, and walking all the way to look at it didn't make his memory clear. stand up.

It is always a very mobile street stall, and it is not surprising that he went to other places to buy and sell, or maybe he didn't remember it when he passed by.

This matter can only be let go.

Anyway, even if you find the same stall, there shouldn't be anything related to black magic there, so don't worry too much.

“But it’s not without some additional rewards.”

Annan turned off the magic in his eyes.

He is becoming more and more familiar with the applications of the dark arts that he alone has mastered.

The death sight spell really requires more practice, and it must be used when the breath and traces of death are visible, otherwise there will not be much progress.

This auxiliary black magic will continue to consume magic power when used. Annan is not sure whether his magic power is too much or too little. He has tested it at home. If he continues to activate this black magic when he has sufficient physical strength, the most he can endure About ten minutes.

In order not to waste magic power, Annan tried the method of turning it on and off. He became more and more proficient in this magic, and it didn't take long for him to be able to control it freely, which greatly saved magic power.

He doesn't need to keep looking at the aura of death, he can just walk over when he sees something.

After becoming familiar with this magic, Annan began to gain some insights naturally.

The aura of death seen by the Death Sight spell is not limited to the death of humans. The traces left by the death of all living creatures can be seen, but there is no difference in the traces of death.

The faint breath of death lingering on those strange things was probably left by rats or wild cats and dogs.

However, life as small as an insect cannot be seen unless it gathers in large numbers in the same place and leaves traces.

In addition, it should be regarded as a living plant. Death sight means that you can't see the traces of death left after the plant withers.

The black magic of death sight has its own upper and lower limits.

I walked down the whole street in Annan and found nothing of value.

"That necklace was indeed just an accident that I was lucky enough to find. Things related to black magic cannot be found everywhere..."

Annan shook his head secretly, and then left this small street selling all kinds of messy things without looking back.

He was not obsessed with finding anything related to black magic within today, and he could just look for it slowly in the future.

Annan had nothing to do after that, and he planned to go home and rest directly.

The common sense in his body tells him that even if he is a man, he should not wander around the nearby neighborhoods casually after nightfall. The security here is not very good. Sometimes, even on a sunny morning, some incidents may happen.

"The public security is indeed very bad. Yesterday, someone broke into the house and killed someone..."

Annan sighed as he left the dirty neighborhood where the environment was not very good.

"If there is no way to get an item that can hear the sound of black magic for the time being, why not just get a gun? This seems more practical."

Objectively speaking, the world where magic exists that Annan traveled through can only be regarded as a "low magic world", which means that the upper limit of the power of magic is not high.

In his memory, he seemed to have read a report, saying that a powerful legendary magician from a foreign country was killed without any defense at home with a pistol and a bullet in the back.

"In my previous life, no matter how good my kung fu was, I was still afraid of kitchen knives. In this world, no matter how powerful my magic is, I can just shoot my head off with a bullet?"

At this moment, Annan thought of the unknown space with huge red blood he saw last night.

"With such a weird place, is this world really just a low-demon world... Huh?"

Annan, who was walking towards home, suddenly stopped.

"This sound..."

Annan quickly walked to the side of the road, stopped and listened.

He heard it, he heard a very faint sound in the distance.

That was the sound of black magic.

"How can it be……"

Annan didn't touch anything with his hands now, but he still heard sounds he shouldn't have heard.

Just like the unknown space he entered last night.

Annan thought for a while and continued to move forward.

However, he changed his direction.

He didn't continue home, he headed in the direction where the faint sound of black magic came from.

There was a hint of excitement and expectation on Annan's face, and he was walking on the road to death without any consciousness.

I signed the contract, please support me~

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