On the second day of school again, Annan met the short boy from yesterday near the canteen during lunch break.

Annan did not miss this opportunity. He approached the other party proactively with a smile.

The boy who saw him became panicked, and then the boy ran out of the canteen in a hurry and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Annan followed without saying a word.

However, he could no longer find the boy.

"Uh, that guy is avoiding me? Why?"

Annan was a little confused. They obviously had a good exchange yesterday, so there was no need for the other party to avoid him.

He didn't give up just like that. He searched everywhere along the road, but in the end he still couldn't find anyone.

"Not in school anymore?"

Students were allowed to eat out during the lunch break. The boy probably left the school temporarily to avoid him.

"If I had known this, I should have remembered to ask his name and class yesterday."

Annan shook his head helplessly. He wouldn't have to eat lunch if he continued to search.

He finished his meal well first, and when he saw that there was still some time before the lunch break was over, he secretly hid near the main entrance of the school, ambush the boy who was hiding from him.

However, until the bell that announced the end of the lunch break rang, Annan, who had been staying near the school gate, still didn't see anyone.

I don't know if he was careless and didn't see it, or if the other party had returned to school earlier.

The boy might also choose to skip the afternoon class directly.

"What a waste of effort."

Annan curled his lips and walked back to his classroom.


Annan, who was taking notes in class, suddenly raised his head when he heard a harsh sound coming from not far away.

The sudden sound in the quiet classroom also startled other students. The teacher standing in front of the blackboard stopped teaching and turned his head to look outside the classroom without knowing why.

"This sound..."

Annan turned his head and looked at the corridor outside, but naturally he couldn't see the direction of the sound from his position.

However, he knew what the sound was.

"Isn't it the sound of gunshots that he meowed?"



A second sharp and loud gunshot rang out, followed by people's panicked screams.

"Kill, kill!"


"Someone shot! Run away!"

Annan's mouth twitched.

"Am I a little lucky?"

Before the teacher or other students could react, Annan stood up and rushed out of the classroom quickly.


The third gunshot rang out at this time.

"Isn't it on this level? Listen to the sound, below?"

Annan ignored the teachers and classmates who hurriedly ran out from behind. He quickly quickened his pace and reached the floor below, where the first-year high school students were.

"Run quickly!"

Annan looked at the students running in panic in front of him and knew that he could not move forward immediately. He could only stand on the stairs temporarily and wait for these people to leave.

"This classmate! Don't stay here! It's dangerous! Come with us quickly!"

A teacher saw Annan at the top of the stairs when he was passing by in a hurry. He kept running and shouted a warning to the student who seemed to be stunned and motionless.

When Annan turned around, he could only see the teacher's back running to the lower level.

"Of course there is danger. Someone shot in the school."

Annan listened to the teacher's warning, but he was not trying to escape from the beginning. He was moving to get to the scene of the incident.

"It should be the classroom in front."

Annan rushed forward at a trot before others saw him.

He soon discovered his target.

"I didn't bring a gun. Who knew I had to bring a gun for self-defense when I go to school? What should I do?"

Annan strode into the classroom where the gunman was with some distress.

He first glanced at the two students who were lying on the ground without any reaction, and then turned his attention to the gunman, whose whole body was shaking unnaturally.

"How are you?"

Annan waved hello to the male student who was holding a revolver tightly in both hands.

The male student holding the gun was the short boy who was hiding from him earlier.

Annan didn't expect that this guy would do such a thing even after not seeing him for an hour.

"While I remember that school shootings do sometimes occur in this country, it's not laughable at all if it happens in your own school."

While Annan was still free to think about things, the boy, who looked a bit off no matter how he looked, had already pointed the muzzle of his pistol at him.

"Don't be nervous, do you still recognize me? Are you okay?"

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun in front of him, Annan felt nothing at all.

He greeted the boy whose name he still didn't know in turn.

"Of course I'm fine! Very fine! I've never felt better!"

The red-faced boy roared hysterically.

He seemed to be laughing, a shaky laugh as he spoke.

"Hello! Look! I'm really, really good! This feels really great!"


The boy with the gun fired.

Annan turned his head and looked at the bullet hole that was thousands of miles away from him. He estimated that the boy was too excited and accidentally pulled the trigger.

"Those new medicines are really great! I have so much energy now!"

Annan looked at the self-proclaimed energetic boy with some confusion as his body continued to shake unnaturally.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure!"


The boy accidentally fired his gun again.

This time the bullet hit the ceiling.

The boy raised his hands in excitement and fired.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Annan asked softly.

"Of course I know! I'm making money!"

The boy laughed wildly.

"The people I met yesterday told me that as long as I kill these two guys, they will give me more medicine!"


Annan blinked.

One of the boys who fell on the ground did not know whether he was alive or dead. He was shot in the head. No matter what his previous state was, he was definitely dead now.

"I understand, then, can you introduce those people to me?"

Annan calmly took a step forward.



While the boy roared harshly, his fingers subconsciously pulled the trigger of the pistol towards Annan.

However, this boy, who was in an obviously abnormal state, forgot that the firearm in his hand was a revolver with only six bullets.

He had spent all his bullets.

"If it doesn't work, forget it. I'll ask you again later."

Annan stretched out his left hand that had been hidden behind his back.

He pointed his wand at this slightly crazy boy.

"You should have a good sleep now, good night."


An invisible flow of magic power burst out from the tip of the wand, and a strong wind blew in the classroom, making the short boy holding the gun unsteady and finally hit the wall behind him.


The boy who was in pain behind him still held the gun tightly in his hand, but at the moment when he was distracted, Annan had already clenched his fist and approached.

Annan used all his strength and hit the boy on the chin with an uppercut.


The boy spit out a few drops of blood from his mouth, and then his body collapsed and collapsed on the ground.

Annan shook his hand, which was a little sore from being beaten.

He gently kicked the boy who fell on the ground with his toes to make sure that the boy was really unconscious.

Annan shook his head and put away the wand in his hand.

"Ha, as expected, mages only want to fight in close combat."

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