After Annan finished recording his statement at the police station, he saw Mr. Detective on the street outside as expected.

Annan, who was carrying a schoolbag, walked across the road naturally and approached Antonio.

Antonio looked like he didn't recognize Annan and passed Annan by.

"Wait for me on the street out back, be careful."

Annan's figure didn't stop, as if he didn't hear Mr. Detective's whisper as he walked past.

Antonio continued to walk towards the police station in unison.

"Even if you tell me to be careful."

Annan came to the next street, where the police station was no longer visible.

He looked left and right, then entered a bookstore in front, intending to kill some time there.

"Are there any good novels?"

Annan had only traveled to this world for a few days, and spent most of his time studying black magic. He had no time to pay attention to the leisure and entertainment of this world.

He picked up a certain foreign masterpiece that was highly recommended by the bookstore, flipped through it a few times, and then put it down.

"This science fiction story has such a strong sense of déjà vu."

Annan saw the beginning of this science fiction novel and already guessed how it would develop.

He has always experienced the baptism of prosperous online entertainment in his previous life, and has read many classic novels. In this relatively backward world, this kind of routine is not new to him at all and cannot attract him.

"Let's look at the others."

Annan wandered around in the bookstore for more than half an hour, and then finally waited until Antonio came back.

Antonio walked by the door of the bookstore. Annan walked out slowly, and then followed the steps of Mr. Detective.

The two people walking in tandem seemed not to know each other and walked out several streets in a row.

When passing a certain intersection, Antonio suddenly quickened his pace and soon lost sight of him.

However, he appeared again within a few minutes. This time he came back in a black car and asked Annan to get in the car.

"This car is not the magic professor's car. Did Mr. Detective buy it new? Or did it rent?"

Annan got into the passenger seat, and Antonio immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove onto the road, driving at high speed.

"Mr. Detective, why are we so sneaky?"

"I was worried that someone was following me, but fortunately I wasn't, at least not now."

Antonio glanced at the calm-looking boy sitting next to him.

"Annan, you are too bold."

Annan smiled shyly.

"I heard from the police that you were the one who subdued the student with the gun. It seems that you punched him and gave him a concussion. He is still lying in the hospital. Did you use magic to solve it?"

"It's not like I used real magic, I just sprayed it out."

Annan hasn't learned any normal magic yet. It's not that he hasn't considered using soul arrows to deal with the boy, but using black magic may leave evidence, so he didn't do it to be on the safe side.

"I released my magic power through the wand, interfered with that crazy guy, and knocked him out with one punch."

Annan's previous method of dealing with the gun-wielding boy could not be regarded as real magic. What he did was to spray out the magic power in his body to cause strong winds and interfere with the opponent.

Generally speaking, magicians will not use this method of directly releasing magic power, because it is not efficient and too wasteful.

Annan just used his magic power to blow up a strong wind. In just a few seconds, he had already consumed 60 to 70% of the magic power in his body.

This level of consumption is enough for him to use dozens of soul arrows.

It can be seen how inefficient and wasteful it is to simply release magic power. Normal magicians will never adopt this method.

However, Annan, a black magician, did not know how to use normal methods. In that case, he could only adopt this emergency method.

"You didn't tell the police you were a magician?" Antonio asked.

"It was too troublesome to explain, so I skipped it. The police didn't seem to suspect anything."

Annan's confession to the police was actually full of loopholes, but the police did not investigate further. In fact, it was he who knocked out the student who was holding the gun.

The police didn't treat him well as a student, but they didn't act too harshly. They didn't search him, they just took him back to the police station to record a statement.

"It's not so much that the police didn't have any suspicion, it's more that they didn't want to be nosy, didn't want to get into trouble, they were just taking things lightly."

Antonio snorted disdainfully.

"The veteran police officers are very smart. They probably already guessed what happened to the boy with the gun, so they didn't want to investigate in depth at all. They did tell you that the case is over, right? .”

"Yes, the police said they would not look for me again and told me to forget about it as soon as possible."

Annan originally thought that the next step would be very troublesome, such as some follow-up investigation or calling his guardian, but none of this happened. After the police recorded his statement for him, they told him that it was all over and he could Go home.

"Although there is no real evidence yet, if I think correctly, the boy you knocked unconscious should have been used as a gunman by the Caritis Gang."

Antonio just went to the police station and talked with a few young and aggressive policemen. Then he asked a few policemen who were easy to bribe, and finally got a preliminary understanding of the situation.

"The two students who died in this shooting seemed to be the latest subordinates recruited by the Nares Gang. In other words, they replaced your dead friend."

"Moving so fast? But even so, isn't the other side too messy? Do you need to be so radical?"

Annan had guessed the reason behind today's shooting, but now that he knew it, it still felt absurd.

"Mr. Detective, didn't you say that Caritis has a bottom line? Giving a gun to an innocent student and instructing him to commit murder is their bottom line?"

"The bottom line of gangs has always been very flexible. They may have had it before, but they definitely don't have it now. Moreover, innocent students are no longer innocent."

Antonio sneered.

"The current situation is very unusual. Just like you said, they are acting too randomly. There is something we don't know yet. Just like the boy with the gun, he obviously has a mental problem. Annan , please tell me carefully about the situation at that time."


Annan told the detectives around him in as much detail as possible about the boy at that time.

"New... medicine?"

Antonio's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"No wonder there is a sudden official movement. I also asked why. If that is really the case..."

Antonio thought in silence for a moment.

"Annan, you are also going to Dulan's side today, right? I'll send you there. You have to be careful in the future. You may be targeted by those troublesome guys. Even if you go to school, you'd better Carrying a gun, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst."

"You have to bring a gun to school, okay, I'll remember it."

Annan, who considers himself a good student, really feels that this magical world is getting more and more magical.

"Anyway, try to be careful. I will go to the hospital to see the boy who was knocked unconscious by you and try to see if I can ask him some questions. Keep in touch."

Antonio stepped on the accelerator hard and sped up to the magic professor's home.

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