
Roderick was completely unable to react.

It was all so sudden, or rather completely inexplicable.

...There's something wrong!

After recovering for a moment, Roderick stared at the young man beside his grandfather.

The other party's slightly feminine appearance is indeed very similar to their family's inheritance.

Moreover, there is no need for my grandfather to lie, he must be his child.

It's just that even this is fine, it's too strange, and the other party's appearance is too sudden.

Trinidad. Nares never married, but he had many women and many children. In this big family, there is no so-called illegitimate child, everyone is a brother.

No one would be surprised if Trinidad, who was already strong and healthy, had another child. Because of this, there was no need to hide the existence of a new family member.

However, Roderick didn't know Alexis. Nares, and this guy definitely didn't appear during the two years he was away from the family. The reason is very simple, just look at the reactions of other family members.

"Grandpa!? What are you talking about!?"

"Father! It's not that we have any objection, it's just, why him? Who is he?"

"Father! Why did you choose the next head of the family so suddenly? Why didn't you discuss it with us?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire space became anxious and noisy because of Trinidad's sudden announcement.

Of the more than sixty family members here, obviously no one knows Alexis. Nares.

"Because you let me down."

Trinidad. Nares spoke calmly in front of the excited family members.

"None of you can meet my expectations. I have given you enough time, but still, no one can perfectly inherit my bloodline. So, everything is enough."

Roderick didn't understand what Trinidad was talking about.

This attitude of treating family members as outsiders was not like the grandfather he remembered at all!

has a problem!

Roderick cast his suspicious eyes on the other person next to Trinidad, the man in black robe holding a black book.

Trinidad did not introduce him.

Rodrick was also unfamiliar with this person.


Roderick saw his uncle Ethan. Nares walked forward with a frown, as if he wanted to argue with his grandfather. However, what happened in the next scene shocked everyone.

"That's enough, no matter how much I tell you, it's useless."

Trinidad's eyes were as cold as if all the family members present were strangers.

"Now, use your last light and heat."


Ethan was about to step onto the front steps. Nares looked at his body blankly.

He vomited blood.

To be more precise, he was bleeding from seven holes, and his whole body seemed to spurt out a large amount of blood like a bloody man.

Immediately, his body fell limply to the ground.


It's not just Ethan. Nares was alone. At the same time, the members of the Nares family who were present also had abnormal body conditions one after another, and fell down alone, vomiting blood.

Roderick is no exception.


Roderick was half-kneeling on the ground. He tried hard to endure the heat and pain in his body. He opened his increasingly hazy eyes blankly and looked at the familiar yet extremely unfamiliar grandfather on the steps.

We...were poisoned...

Roderick had thought that something might go wrong at his grandfather's birthday party today. After all, the Nares family and the Caritis gang were fighting openly and secretly everywhere because of the competition for the anesthetic market.

On such an important day, it would not be surprising at all if something happened.

Before coming to attend this banquet today, the detective he met not long ago also reminded him not to relax just because he was in the family's base camp.

However, even though Roderick was prepared, he still fell into the trap.

Because he never imagined that the person he respected the most would actually murder all family members!

Rodrick didn't want to admit this fact, but his increasingly cold head told him that they had indeed been poisoned in their drinks by their most respected grandfather!


Roderick could hardly see the scene in front of him clearly. Even if he was a vampire, he seemed unable to fight against the toxins in his body.

He might really die here.

Death is not scary to him. To some extent, death may be a relief for him.

He didn't become a vampire voluntarily, and he didn't want to leave the family so suddenly.

But before he died, he wanted to ask his grandfather why.

Why would you do this to your family?




"smoke bomb!?"

"Mr. Nares, please be careful!"



The groggy Roderick was slightly stimulated by the outside world.

His ears hurt a little, his vision went blank, and his body was shocked by something unknown.

Then, he found that he seemed to be carried away. He was taken away by someone.

Roderick recalled some of the preparations he had made before attending the banquet.

Those are just some unnecessary worries of Mr. Detective - they should be unnecessary worries.


The weak Roderick could no longer hold on, and his consciousness fell into deep darkness.


Annan, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the car and reading a translated oriental novel, saw the two people rushing into the back compartment and stepped on the accelerator without any hesitation and started the car.

Annan stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and sped away on the dark streets at extremely high speeds.

"I really want to ask you what happened, but it looks like it's very bad."

Annan was driving the high-speed car intently while talking to his two bloody companions behind him.

"It looks like something really happened, it's the Nares family's birthday dinner."

"... Something did happen."

Antonio, who had entered a half-animal state, was breathing heavily.

After being warned by the magic professor not to use the power of orcs easily again, Antonio has always avoided using this dangerous power.

However, in the situation just now, if he wanted to escape with the completely unconscious Roderick, he would have to resort to this kind of power that might make him lose his humanity.

"Who would have thought that such a development would happen... The founder of the Nares family, an old man in his seventies, would actually poison all his children to death in one go... Who the hell would have thought of this? !”


Annan was stunned.

He thought he had heard wrongly.

"Eh? What? Who poisoned whom? No way? Seriously?"

Antonio, who tried hard to return to his human state, nodded wordlessly.

Annan blinked wildly.

The development of things was really far beyond expectations.

No novel would dare to be written so randomly!

"Let's talk about it later. I'll send you to the professor first. You two are in very bad condition..."

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