"Professor, are they two okay?"

Annan, who was leaning against the wall with his hands folded, saw that the magic professor Dulan finally stopped what he was doing and opened his mouth to ask questions in a timely manner.

"It's okay, both of them are fine."

Duran breathed a sigh of relief and took off his bloody gloves.

He took the water and towel handed over by Annan, drank the water in one breath, and then wiped the sweat on his face.

This is the magic workshop next door to Dulan's house. It was originally used to research some magic and experiments, but now it has been turned into an operating room.

This is also an emergency measure of last resort.

"It doesn't matter the gunshot wound on Antonio's body. I have taken out all the bullets in his body. There should be no missing ones. With his recovery ability that is stronger than that of ordinary orcs, he will be able to recover in a few days. I will give him I took a sedative to stabilize his animal state, so he won't lose control when he wakes up."

Dulan pulled up a chair and sat down to rest a little exhausted.

He is not a professional surgeon. Although he has a certain understanding of the structure of the human body and has learned some basic medical knowledge because of his need to understand black magic, it is really difficult for him to perform a surgical operation. .

We can't ask Annan, a student who knows almost nothing, to help here, so we have to let Dulan do it all by himself.

"Rodrick's condition is a bit bad. He was poisoned, and it was the poison of the potion. Fortunately, because he is a vampire, he will not be poisoned immediately like ordinary people. I have tried my best to detoxify him, but it doesn't work. I don’t know if it’s useful or not. I don’t know what kind of poison he was poisoned. Now I can only continue to transfuse blood for him. I hope the plasma I prepared is enough.”

After knowing the identity of his collaborator as a dark creature, Duran secretly collected some supplies that might be needed, such as fresh meat that Antonio needed, complete animal carcasses that could also be used to vent his beastly nature, and Luo Derek might use human blood, etc.

Dulan, who has lived in this city for almost ten years, is familiar with the operation of the underground black market. It is still possible to buy some things that cannot be made public, but it will cost a lot of money, but he thinks it is worth it. of.

But Dulan never thought that this basic preparation would come in handy so quickly.

"Annan, I don't know how long it will take for them to wake up. Please tell me what you know first."

Duran rested for a few minutes, and then asked this important question with some worry.

If it weren't for the emergency treatment of these two companions who were in extremely bad condition, he would have wanted to ask the question.

"I'm not very sure. Maybe I heard it wrong. Mr. Detective did say that before he couldn't hold on and passed out..."

Annan told everything he knew, and it could be said in one sentence.

After listening, Duran fell into a long silence.

"Is this...what a joke...how is this possible?"

Dulan's reaction was just like Annan's when he first heard about it, it was very unbelievable.

"Everyone who knows the Nares family knows that the head of the family is extremely protective of family members with the same bloodline. How could he... how could he..."

Dulan still didn't know the situation at that time, but the two people who knew the situation at that time were still in a coma, and it might take a long time to wake up.

"If something like that really happens... Annan, are you sure no one will follow you when you come back?"

"Probably not, right? At that time, I just rushed here and didn't have time to ask Mr. Detective about his situation, but it seems that Mr. Detective must have escaped from the pursuers."

Annan then remembered that they might be tracked, but since nothing happened now, there shouldn't be too much to worry about.

Dulan also felt that he was asking too much. If Annan had been followed when he came back, something would have happened while he was undergoing surgery.

"What happened to the Nares family? Why have so many things happened recently in this relatively peaceful city? It's like the storm caused by the appearance of the Golden Witch..."

Dulan wanted to know the situation as soon as possible, but he had no good way to quickly wake up the two unconscious people around him.

As for going out to inquire about information this night, Dulan asked himself that Antonio was not a well-connected detective, so he would definitely not be able to find anything useful, and maybe he would be exposed as a result.

Dulan can only wait now.

Fortunately, more than three hours later, Antonio woke up.

Duran, who was waiting patiently and looking after the injured, immediately noticed that the detective was awake, and he immediately checked on the other person's condition.

Annan, who was resting while reading a novel in the living room, heard the noise and immediately ran into the magic workshop.

"Mr. Detective, can you speak now?"

Dulan gave the detective a sip of water, and then couldn't help but want to know the details of the matter as soon as possible.

Antonio, who was lying on the table originally filled with various magic potions, endured the pain caused by various bullets in his back and answered the magic professor's question in a hoarse voice.

"...This is what happened at that time."

After listening to what the detective said, Dulan frowned and thought deeply.

Antonio was worried that something might happen to the Nares family's banquet held tonight, so he secretly sneaked into the Nares family's base camp and lurked quietly outside the mansion.

Because of the family head's birthday party tonight, the Nares family's defenses inside and outside have become tighter than usual. However, with the help of Roderick, the mole, Antonio was able to sneak in smoothly.

At the time of the incident, Antonio was lurking at the side door and peeking at the window to see what was going on inside the house.

Under normal circumstances, of course he would not go close to the main house, as he might be discovered at any time, but he sensed that something was wrong in the hall, so he quickly ventured closer.

Thanks to his timely discovery of the problem, he was able to barely rescue Roderick who fell to the ground due to poisoning.

Antonio had made a lot of preparations for this infiltration. He carried two smoke bombs and a shock bomb. They were originally intended to be used to escape when discovered. Who knew they would be used in another way? On the escape.

Because there was an unconscious injured person beside him, Duran could not move even an inch, and the pursuers behind him were not polite at all and kept shooting at him.

Antonio finally had to use the power of the werewolf to enter a semi-animal state, and then fled into the forest behind the Nares mansion. With the help of the terrain, he barely got rid of the pursuers behind him.

Thanks to various preparations in advance, Annan was asked to drive and wait at the predetermined location, otherwise Antonio, who was shot multiple times in the back, might still be caught after all.

"If I'm not lucky, I might not be able to escape. Moreover, the place where I asked Annan to wait is far away from the Nares family's mansion for safety reasons. Fortunately, I persisted..."

Antonio's head was still a little groggy, but his detective instinct seemed to have been engraved in his bones, and he still started some analysis in this weak state.

"There is something wrong with the Nares family's firepower. The guards outside are all using submachine guns and rifles. Not only outside, but those who appear to be servants and waiters in the hall are also armed..."

"Everything that happened at today's banquet was planned in advance?" Annan's eyes rolled.

Antonio sighed and nodded.

"Depending on the situation...that should be it."

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