Roderick woke up at three in the morning.


Annan, who was already asleep in the guest room of Dulan's house, was awakened by the sound of Roderick waking up.

The sleepy Annan yawned and shuffled out of the guest room.

As soon as he came out of the living room, Annan saw Roderick rushing towards the door of the house.

"You idiot! Stop it!"

Antonio, who was covered in blood-stained bandages, roughly grabbed Roderick's shoulders from behind.

Roderick, who had not yet dressed, was easily stopped by Antonio.

"Calm down!"

Antonio grabbed Roderick's arm angrily and pulled the young man, who was weak and unable to resist him, to sit on the sofa aside.

Roderick instinctively wanted to resist, but he found that he didn't have the strength to resist the detective's pull.

At this time, Duran also walked out of his room.

Dulan stood aside without speaking, and Annan also imitated the magic professor's appearance and remained quiet.

"Has your head become clearer? Do you know what the situation is like?"

Antonio sighed forcefully, and then told Roderick exactly what happened when he escaped from the Nares family mansion.

In fact, Roderick's memory was very clear, and he did not lose any important memories due to the sudden poisoning and coma. But because of this, he couldn't control himself when he woke up and wanted to go to his grandfather immediately to ask for clarification.


Roderick finally sobered up a little and apologized to Antonio in a low voice.

Without this detective, he might have fallen into that familiar home forever.

"It's good to know that you are wrong! Your physical condition is too bad now! You are not suitable for activities at all!"

Although Antonio was shot dozens of times in the back, none of them were fatal. After proper treatment and with his werewolf's powerful recovery ability, he was able to move freely.

But Roderick, who was poisoned by an unknown poison, was different. His physical condition was indeed quite bad.

In order to save the vampire Rodrick, Duran used up the blood bags stored at home, but it was not enough for the comatose Rodrick.

Seeing this, Duran had no choice but to go out overnight to find a familiar black market shop, and urgently purchased a large number of blood bags at an expensive price, and then he barely managed to recover Roderick.

However, Roderick has only just escaped from the dangerous period. Even if he is a vampire and can recover his physical strength by consuming blood, this method is not a panacea.

"Dulan said, there are still some toxins left in your body. They are the toxins caused by magic potions. They are difficult to remove with ordinary methods. Fortunately, you are a vampire and have stronger resistance than ordinary people. As long as you take in enough blood every day, , maintain a certain level of physical strength, and then you can slowly recover as time goes by.”

Roderick nodded stiffly.

He clearly felt the weakness in his body, and he knew that he still had a long time to recover, but now he really couldn't sit still.

"I'm very aware of my physical condition, but I can't stay here any longer. I have to go back as soon as possible..."

"Roderick, they are dead, they must be dead."

Antonio stared directly at the pale Roderick.

He did not mince words at all, he stated an almost certain fact very directly.

"Except for you, all your family members must be dead. The poison administered by your grandfather is so poisonous that even a vampire like you, a dark creature, can barely withstand it, let alone other ordinary people. ”


Rodrick gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression, unable to say a word.

"Accept the reality. If you go back now, you will really die. You are alone and can't do anything. Wake up! Recognize the reality!"

Facing Roderick, who has lost many relatives, Antonio has no gentleness in his attitude, because he knows that gentleness is superfluous at this moment.

Roderick must accept the reality immediately. There is no use in escaping.

"You must not show up now, you must not show up in public. Your grandfather will definitely want to eradicate it!"


Roderick really bit his lip until it bled.

He was trembling slightly with excitement and kept breathing low.

"This is all too ridiculous! How could my grandfather do such a thing! There must be some misunderstanding here..."

Speaking of the last part, Roderick's voice became lower and lower.

Having witnessed and experienced everything with his own eyes, he couldn't deceive himself even if he wanted to.

"Rodrick, I won't say that I understand your feelings, but what you have to do now is not to find the truth, but to restore your physical condition first. I will help you with this matter. After all, I can't escape. It’s a relationship.”

Antonio didn't know how to comfort the young man, he could only support him in his own way.

Roderick held his knees tightly with both hands and frowned in thought for a long time.


Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly.

"There is no time to wait for me to recover! I must do something now!"

"Roderick, you haven't..."

Roderick expressed his intention before the frowning Antonio scolded him.

"I'm not going to find Grandfather. I know there's a problem there. If I go back, I'm just going to die... I'm going to recruit people!"

"……tell me the story."

Antonio hesitated for a while, but finally relaxed.

"Tonight, all family members died. Although I very much hope that they are safe, but in that situation..."

Roderick took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"I don't know many elders in the Nares family. I only have one uncle who is relatively close to me. I also know his men. Therefore, I plan to go to my uncle's men and let them know what happened tonight. , and then let them support me..."

Antonio frowned.

"I might be framed as the murderer of all family members. I want to let others know the situation clearly before the situation gets worse... I need to find out the truth! I need to find out why my grandfather Will...will do that..."

Rodrick, whose eyes were bloodshot, slowly stood up.

He looked at the three collaborators of different ages present one by one.

"I know this is an excessive request, but! Please! Please give me a helping hand! I will definitely repay your kindness!"

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