"Is this here?"

Annan drove the magic professor's car and parked on the side of a nightclub with bright neon lights.

"This is it..."

Roderick in the passenger seat nodded slowly.

"It looks like they are still singing and dancing? Or is it just a facade?"

Annan looked out at the red light district.

Even though it's almost four o'clock in the morning, you can still see some pedestrians here from time to time.

"...Is it really okay?"

Roderick asked the boy beside him stiffly.

"An accident might happen. Annan, I will go in alone and you will meet me in the car..."

"That would be dangerous. With your current physical condition, you will be knocked down in an instant. You're welcome, just let me be your temporary bodyguard."

Annan smiled and patted a certain package placed beside him.

Contained inside are weapons provided by the magic professor.

"Let me go with you. Nothing will happen. And if something does happen, it will be easier for more than one person to take care of you."

"Okay... then it's up to you."

Although Roderick didn't want to involve the young man in the family dispute, he did need help now.

He thought that if he settled down in the future, he would work harder to repay the other person.

Rodrick dragged his still heavy body out of the car.

After a brief heated discussion, Antonio was finally convinced by Roderick and promised to help Roderick.

At this moment, Annan, who was watching, jumped out and said with a smile that he didn't mind helping either.

Antonio and Roderick wanted to refuse, but Annan was quite insistent on helping.

"It's easier to do things with more than one person. Aren't we pressed for time now? Then don't push back."

Annan kept saying it didn't matter, and intervened in the matter semi-forcefully.

Wanting to take immediate action, Antonio and Roderick passively accepted Annan's help.

After all, now is not the time to continue wasting time. Before sunrise, before the incident in the Nares family expands, we must first recruit a group of helpers.

Dulan, the magic professor, didn't ask for help. It wasn't because he was cold-blooded, but because he thought it was best to have someone who could adapt to the situation outside of the dispute so that they could deal with them who might get into trouble at any time.

Then, after some arrangements, Antonio decided to take a risk and divide his troops into two groups.

"Rodrick, you and Annan go to your uncle's territory together to try to subdue the men there. As for me, I plan to check out the current situation of the Nares mansion."

Antonio actually wanted to accompany Roderick, who was still physically unable to move, but they lacked enough intelligence and could not miss the opportunity. Since there was an extra helper, of course they had to make full use of it.

Judging from Annan's past performance, he has certain strength and adaptability, and should be able to help Roderick.

No matter what, their plan is risky, and thinking too much will only get in the way, so it's better to give it a try bravely.

"Antonio, you are also injured, so be careful." Roderick thanked Antonio sincerely.

In this way, they decided to divide their troops into two groups and go to different places.

Roderick took Annan to the territory of his uncle Ethan, who had most likely died, which was the largest nightclub in the red light district.

Of course, Roderick would not choose to go in through the front door because it would be too conspicuous. He walked around to the back door and opened the door with the key given by his uncle.

There is no one guarding the back door. Normally there should be one, but this nightclub has not had an incident for a long time, so it is quite normal for negligence.

In the dimly lit nightclub, Antonio quickly found his target.

He mustered up the courage and was mentally prepared to be shot by all the gang members present in the next second, so he went to talk to the beautiful woman who had just come off the stage of the nightclub.

"Miss Buck."

"Huh? Roderick? When did you come?"

The beautiful singer in scantily clad clothes smiled brightly at Roderick.

"Where's Ethan? He didn't come back with you?"

Roderick didn't feel any hostility in the expression of his uncle's mistress in front of him. It seemed that she really didn't know what an earth-shattering event had happened to the Nares family tonight.

This may be his only chance.

"Miss Barker, let's go to the office to talk."

Veronica. Buck was keenly aware that something was wrong with the attitude of the young man in front of her, and then she discovered the second suspicious thing.

Her expression remained unchanged, she nodded while maintaining a smile, and led Rodrick to the office behind the nightclub.

Enter Ethan. Behind Nares's office, Veronica. Buck glanced at Annan behind Roderick, but she didn't ask more about Annan's identity.

Veronica sat half-reclined on her desk, smiling coquettishly.

"Okay, there are no outsiders here, Roderick, tell me, what happened?"

Roderick bit his lip lightly, and then hesitantly explained the words he had sorted through in his mind to his uncle's mistress.

The beautiful smile on Veronica's face gradually disappeared.

"Roderick...are you kidding?"

Veronica tried hard to maintain a fake smile, but she couldn't hide the panic in her heart.

"It's true! Miss Buck! Please believe me! Uncle, he has..."

Roderick stopped talking mid-sentence.

But he knew he had to keep talking.

"Miss Buck, something is wrong with the family! We must stop this! Please! Please summon all uncle's men! We must go back and find the truth!"

"the truth……"

Veronica changed color again and again.

"Rodrick, do you mind if I find someone else? I can't decide on my own."

Roderick hesitated.

Veronica might want to find someone else to subdue her, but now she can only continue to gamble.

"...of course."

Veronica quickly left the office and returned within a few minutes.

She returned with a boy and a girl.

Roderick naturally knew this man and woman.

A young woman who looks somewhat similar to Veronica is named Paige. Buck is Veronica's daughter.

A strong man about two meters tall with tendons all over his body. He was uncle Ethan's strongest fighter and the former underground boxing champion, Caleb. Ruth.

"Roderick, please tell me what happened again."

Veronica stood in front of the door of the room with two reliable confidants, looking straight at Roderick, who looked a little pale.

"Please tell me carefully. We need to figure out the cause and effect."

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