"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Annan grabbed the hang glider and staggered in the air before falling to the ground.

Or maybe it fell to the ground.

Because of the impact of the howling wind and rain, his landing method could only be said to be barely successful, and he almost fell over.

When it was still five or six meters away from the ground, although the small glider created by the soul was not damaged, it was blown by a strong wind at the last moment and flew around in a 360-degree circle, which made Annan feel dizzy.

Annan clung to the hang glider's tripod and didn't let go. Even if it was only five or six meters high, a fall would be enough for him to drink.

In the end, Annan managed to regain his balance. As for landing safely, there was no need to think about it. He landed tilted sideways and scraped the ground.

Fortunately, the ground is now muddy, so you won't be seriously injured even if you hit it directly.

Annan, who scraped the ground for several meters before stopping, only had some soreness in his left arm and back, but it did not affect his movements. There were no broken bones, nor serious injuries to his hands or feet.

"It hurts...hey, forget it, I wish I didn't die."

Fortunately, Annan was not injured in the battle just now, but this time when he jumped from the top of the mountain and glided in the air, he scratched his skin. I don't know if there was any bleeding, but it just hurt.

Annan, who was soaked all over, got up awkwardly on the muddy ground. He took advantage of the situation and took the small glider that was still intact around him back into his body.

Perhaps because of the instrument made from the soul, even if it hits the ground, the glider will not be damaged too much, so that more soul fragments can be recovered.

Annan didn't have time to dismantle the hang glider now. Anyway, he would have plenty of time to do it slowly when he got home safely.

Now, the first thing to do is find his target.

"Speaking of which, how high did I jump?"

Annan's sight was completely blocked by the violent wind and rain. After falling to the ground, the wind and rain seemed to become even more violent. The distance of his sight was less than three meters, and he could not find where the top of the mountain was.

"It doesn't feel high, probably no more than fifty meters?"

Annan dragged his feet, enduring the pain on his body, and began to move forward in the wind and rain.

He had no idea where his target was, not to mention that his current vision was too poor. He simply didn't think about anything and found a direction to move forward based on his own feelings.

Since his spirituality is high enough, he should be able to guide him in the right direction.

"The professor said not to blindly believe in spirituality. I feel that this kind of thing often goes wrong. However, now I have no other good way."

For the sake of caution, Annan advanced with a small submachine gun.

As for the shotgun and rifle he originally used, he threw them on the mountain.

The bullets he got from the nightclub were not used up, but in order to glide down from the top of the mountain, Annan decided to reduce the weight on his side, so he gave up the heavier weapons and bullets.

Annan even took off his body armor, and now he only had a revolver, the submachine gun he was holding, and some matching bullets.

He had not taken out the wand that Dulan had given him before at home. He had not learned any formal magic yet. Carrying a wand was just superfluous. It would be more practical to get an extra gun.

"Where is it?"

If you want to ask Annan why he didn't leave the other world quickly, but instead took the risk of asking for trouble and landed on the ground with a hang glider, and then went to find the target who didn't know where it was, he couldn't explain why.

Annan is indeed not afraid of death and has no feelings about death, but that does not mean that he will look for trouble. His IQ has not declined.

But, he felt the need to come.

He was going to find the giantess.

As for the reason, you may be able to understand it when you meet the other party.

On the other hand, Annan was somewhat interested in the black book held by the man in black robe earlier.

That book was obviously very unusual. Annan heard the sound of black magic in that book that made him feel uncomfortable. The current storm should have been summoned by that book.

Annan wanted to read the book, that's all.

"So, where are people?"

In the increasingly intense storm, Annan moved forward with increasing difficulty.

The muddy ground under his feet was hindering his steps, and the howling wind also made his steps unsteady.

But Annan did not look back. It was impossible to look back now anyway. He could only keep moving forward.

In the end, the hard work paid off. Annan estimated that after walking silently in the dark wind and rain for more than ten minutes, he finally found the target he was looking for.


Annan felt something in front of him. He pushed his tired body and rushed forward faster.

Then, the storm subsided.

Annan looked at this calm space with no wind or rain in astonishment.

He turned his head and saw the black rain curtain and wind wall behind him.

If you look up, you can see a ceiling formed by wind and rain about five meters high. You can't see the sky here.

The wind and rain have not disappeared, but in this small and medium-sized area, there is no way for the wind and rain to enter.

This is a weird safe area that I don't know how to form.

"It's like the eye of a typhoon, although I don't know if this is the right description."

Annan looked around and walked towards the center of this strange safe zone.

There, there was a fat and bloated white worm about three meters long.

Or in other words, a female giant with only her upper body left.

Annan wiped the rain and mud off his face and opened his eyes wide, trying to see more clearly.

But no matter how he looked at it, only the upper body of the giantess was left at the waist, and the appearance of the white insect with a broken section still overlapped.

"So, which side is what this thing really looks like? Which side is the real reality?"

When Annan curiously looked at the strange existence in front of him, the giantess who had closed her eyes and seemed to be in a coma slowly opened her eyes at this time.

The giantess has no distinction between the whites of her eyes, and her pure white eyes reflect Annan's drenched figure.

On the other side of the overlapping figures, a fat and ugly insect with dozens of pure white eyes stared closely at Annan.

"Uh, hello?"

Annan, who noticed that the giantess in front of him had woken up, waved and said hello with some embarrassment.

"Well, who are you?"

"It's the flavor of fate..."

An external voice suddenly sounded in Annan's mind.

The sound sounded like countless insects chirping, or like an ethereal female voice.

"This is the smell of the original witch, this is the smell of the fire witch..."

The giantess struggled to hold herself up.

She looked down at Annan who kept blinking wildly.

"Has fate been woven...even my fate...wait...no...this is...this voice...could you be..."

The giantess who was originally expressionless suddenly became excited.

She leaned down, her head pressed to the ground, and her huge white eyes stared deeply at Annan.

"You are...yes...yes...you are...a tyrant!"

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