Annan felt as if this giantess was going to eat him.

Fortunately, nothing such a horrific thing happened.

The female giant didn't know what she saw in Annan. She, or rather it, fell into a strange state and kept mumbling to herself.

"Even the original witch can't weave the fate of the tyrant... Even if she is, it's fine if she hasn't grown up yet... Besides, he is..."

The giantess suddenly calmed down.

She stopped saying incomprehensible words, distanced herself from Annan, and lay down on the ground in a powerless posture again.

"Hello, I was rude just now. I am the Witch of Chaos. Excuse me, who are you?"

Annan subconsciously picked his ears.

The voice of this big bug who called herself the Witch of Chaos made Anan more and more itchy.

Even though the voice came directly to Annan's mind, he still felt a little itchy.

"The Witch of Chaos..."

Annan had never heard of this name. When the magic professor Dulan explained some basic information about the underground world and celebrities, this unique name did not appear.

"Hello, I am Annan, Annan Gulen."

Although the Chaos Witch looked a little nervous at first, now that the other party greets her politely, Annan will certainly not be rude.

"Annan...Okay, Annan, are you here because of the prophecy of the Fire Witch?"

The pure white eyes of the Chaos Witch were still staring deeply at Annan.

"The prophecy of the Fire Witch? Ah..."

Only then did Annan remember this.

"I understand. You have indeed met the Fire Witch, and she has indeed given you a prophecy."

The voice of the Witch of Chaos is now very clear, not as weak as it was at the beginning.

"However, the Fire Witch cannot weave your destiny, and she cannot influence me. However, our encounter is still destined."

Annan had no idea what the witch of chaos was saying.

He could only look blankly at this giant female with white hair all over her body.

"You will be attracted to me. Even if there is no prophecy from the Fire Witch, you will still come. As long as I appear, you will come to me... because this is inevitable..."

"Um, can you please make it simpler?"

Annan mustered up the courage to face the huge witch.

Even without her lower body, this huge witch is still full of oppression, and her pure white eyes also exude a powerful force.

"I am the witch of chaos, and you are..."

The Witch of Chaos obviously paused in her words.

"Annan, you are a tyrant who has not yet grown up. My mission, the reason why I was born, is to lead the tyrant..."

Annan understood every word that the Chaos Witch said. After all, it was through a method similar to telepathy, so it would be strange if he couldn't understand it.

However, Annan still couldn't understand what this woman wanted to express.

"Uh, so what is a tyrant..."

Annan's head was filled with questions.

"To understand it simply from the language, it means a tyrant, or in other words, an absolute king, an absolute ruler who is not bound by any law..."

The Witch of Chaos shook her head mid-sentence, and then stopped talking for the second half.

Annan felt helpless when he said half of it but not half of it.

"Although the Fire Witch is also a Riddler, this Witch of Chaos is not even close... Are all the guys called Witches Riddlers?"

Annan naturally wouldn't say this, it would be too offending.

However, if you want to ask clearly, it is better to find out immediately.

"Witch of Chaos, can you explain it in more detail?"


The Witch of Chaos simply refused.

Annan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"You can't do it now. You haven't grown up yet. You can't understand it yet. You can't understand it yet. You have to become stronger. When the time comes..."

The witch of chaos suddenly stretched out a huge finger.

Annan couldn't react at all, and then he was touched by the witch's finger.

The black snake, which was supposed to automatically fight back against external irritants, had no reaction at this time.

The witch's fingers very gently placed on Annan's head.


Then, Annan's seven orifices were bleeding, and he staggered to his knees.

"I'm sorry to be a little rude, but I don't have time now..."

Annan's brain was trembling.

The sound of black magic raged through his body.

The Chaos Witch did not attack him, but what she did was almost equivalent to an attack.

Annan was forcibly instilled with a lot of knowledge in the previous contact.


Annan understood this knowledge in an instant. Although he has not fully absorbed it, as long as he waits for some time to pass, he will be able to integrate this knowledge and use it for himself.

"I am the being who is supposed to guide you, and you are the tyrant of chaos that I have been waiting for for thousands of years..."

Annan, who had a bunch of knowledge forced into his head, couldn't speak now even if he wanted to, but his mind was sober and clear as never before.

"I originally thought that I would not wait for my tyrant, after all... But, he appeared, just before I was about to die, he appeared in front of me... This is a destined fate..."

Annan's body finally recovered slightly and he could control himself to stand up again.

He really wanted to say that he didn't mind receiving some new knowledge, but at least he could tell it before giving it to him so that he could be mentally prepared.

"I'm dying, so, long story short."

The Witch of Chaos did not wait for Annan to fully recover, she just started talking to herself.

"What the Abyss Religion usually does has nothing to do with me, and I have no interest in it. However, this time, I cannot turn a blind eye to the ceremony they held under the light of the blue moon. I must stop it. I can only stop it. …”

Annan felt that he had been dazzled by something, and the body of the Chaos Witch seemed to be gradually shrinking.

"The Abyss Cult has actually set their sights on witches. They want to create their own witch through the 'Witch Night', the witch of the abyss..."

Annan started to feel a little headache.

The Witch of Chaos spoke some unintelligible words again, but these were obviously keywords.

"I stopped them. I killed their bishop who was responsible for presiding over the ceremony. However, before that bishop died, he fought back against me. Let's die together... The Book of Revelation created by the Abyss Order was actually able to use That kind of power... They have actually reached this stage, no wonder they dared to set their sights on 'Witch's Night'..."

Witch's Night...

Annan shook his dizzy head.

He seemed to know what Witch Night was.

There were relevant instructions in the knowledge that the Witch of Chaos had just forcibly transmitted, but he couldn't remember the content of the knowledge for a while.

"Things here have ended after the death of the bishop. The Abyss Order's conspiracy failed, and the price was my death..."

The figure of the giantess is indeed shrinking.

The originally huge insect's bloated body began to shrink.

"Now, I finally understand that this is my destiny, opened by my death... Yes, a tyrant who has not grown up does not need a witch. What you need... is... someone to guide you..."

The witch's voice became intermittent and became unclear.

"Go to them...go to the stargazers at the observatory. When your power grows, when you think you are strong enough, go to them...there, you will get the answer..."

The Witch of Chaos did not continue, and had no way to continue.

She is dead.

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