"……very noisy."

Annan woke up amid bursts of noisy sounds.

He raised his head blankly.

An unfamiliar ceiling, or the roof of an unfamiliar car.

"Strange...when did I..."

"Are you awake?"

Private detective Antonio. Kanon finally felt relieved when he saw Annan opening his eyes.

"Mr. Detective?"

Annan blinked twice.

He was now in a moving car.

Next to him was the unconscious and pale Roderick.

"Why am I here?"

Annan straightened his body and observed the current situation from left to right.

He had apparently returned to reality, and in the detective's car.

Antonio was driving his car on the road.

Loud alarm bells and the din of people could be heard from all directions.

Annan turned around and looked at the street entrance behind which was completely blocked by police vehicles.

"Mr. Detective, where did you find us?"

Annan's memory was very clear, but precisely because it was so clear, he couldn't remember when he passed out.

He had no idea how he returned to reality.

His previous memory was that he was still standing next to the witch of chaos who was like a giantess, and then he was forced to accept a lot of knowledge from the witch of chaos.

He saw the Chaos Witch dead. The Chaos Witch's giant body shrank like a withered flower, and finally turned into an ordinary human size, and then turned into dust and dissipated.

The memories after that are directly connected to the present.

The experience in between is completely blank.

Annan suspected that the Witch of Chaos used her last strength to send him back before she died, but she couldn't be sure.

"I was in a butcher's shop and I saw you collapsed in the doorway."

Antonio glanced at the thoughtful Annan in the rearview mirror.

"I almost thought you were dead. Your face was covered in blood, but I looked carefully and found that you were not injured at all. Then I found Roderick in the butcher shop, and he was with you. Same fainted, same no injuries, just seems to be in very bad condition.”

Antonio said that they were very lucky, and he really just happened to discover their existence.

If Antonio had left the top floor of the building where he was originally a minute earlier, he might not have noticed Annan's presence.

"What happened to you? What happened to you?"

"I took a trip to the other world."

Annan wanted to take off his muddy and dirty clothes. The sticky clothes made him very uncomfortable, but he could only endure it in the car.

He found that the injuries caused when he landed with a hang glider seemed to be completely healed, and he could no longer feel the pain.

This may also be a good thing that the Witch of Chaos does.

"The other world? How could you... Aren't you going to find Trinidad Nares?"

Antonio saw more and more police vehicles gathering on the road, as well as fire trucks and ambulances. He chose to take a detour without even thinking about it.

Although it would take more time to get to the magic professor's home, it was better to be careful and avoid all possible troubles.

Even if the local police are irresponsible, these are extraordinary times, and God knows if anyone will stop them for inspection.

Annan and Roderick in the car now look a bit bad, and they can easily be suspected.

"Trinidad Nares is in the other world, and we found him there."

Annan explained their experience in a few words.

"Magical rituals performed in the other world? Black magic that can change the body? This..."

Antonio frowned.

"And then, you killed Trinidad Nares?"

"It should be impossible to die."

Annan nodded.

"By the way, Mr. Detective, what happened in reality? The police here are actually moving."

"Something big happened, a very big thing, something more serious than the fight between two big gangs..."

Antonio thought about it and briefly explained what actually happened.

"The White Knights are out, and then, a block disappears?"

Annan's eyes widened.

After hearing Mr. Detective's explanation, he really wanted to go back and see the situation on the ground.

"I don't know what happened, but it's very bad... Everything in the entire area with a diameter of several hundred meters is gone, as if it was dug up by something..."

After Antonio discovered that a block was missing, he planned to retreat without hesitation.

He didn't want to be suspected by the White Knight because of what happened here, and if he continued to stay there, he might be affected by new dangers.

Fortunately, he didn't leave too fast and stayed to observe for a short period of time, otherwise he might not be able to recover the two unconscious collaborators.

"Anyway, let's go back to Dulan first and ask for his opinion. Maybe he will know something..."

Antonio really hopes that the magic professor knows some inside stories, but he also knows that this is just a one-sided extravagant wish.

Magic Professor Dulan does know many unknown things, but the other party is not omniscient, let alone omnipotent, and cannot force the other party who is not at the scene to know the secrets behind this incident.

Antonio drove the car smoothly and finally arrived at the magic professor's home after more than forty minutes.

"Can I go change clothes and take a shower first?"

As soon as Annan got out of the car, he asked the magic professor who had not yet understood the situation.

After the magic professor nodded in agreement, Annan quickly ran to the bathroom and tidied himself up.

Ten minutes later, Annan came out after taking a hot bath and feeling refreshed.

"Annan, tell me about your experience."

Antonio, who was discussing this serious incident with the magic professor in the living room, saw Annan finally coming out of the bathroom and immediately waved him over.

"I'm coming."

Annan quickly came to the living room and saw Roderick, who was still unconscious, lying on the couch beside him.

Roderick must have received a blood transfusion. His complexion returned to rosy, but he still didn't wake up.

"That's right, after we arrived at the scene..."

Annan followed Mr. Detective's request and this time recounted his encounter with Roderick in more detail.

Later, Antonio also recounted his experience.

"... Is it the Abyss Order who is cooperating with Trinidad Nares? But, is it really possible for a magic ritual held in the other world to affect reality? This... this is far beyond me The scope of knowledge that can be understood.”

Magic professor Dulan tried hard to stay calm and analyzed the experiences of his collaborators.

"Is this gangster godfather cooperating with the Abyss Cult in order to regain his life? No, we still know too little now to be sure of the facts behind it..."

Dulan rubbed his aching head.

"Furthermore, Annan's experience in the other world, what was that giant insect that he saw falling from the sky? The Witch of Chaos...a name I have never heard of..."

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