"Professor, don't you know what the Witch of Chaos is?"

Annan was a little regretful. If the magic professor didn't know the relevant information, he didn't know where to find it.

The Witch of Chaos gave Annan a lot of knowledge, but she didn't reveal anything about herself.

It seems that even if she dies, the Witch of Chaos will still see the Riddler through to the end.

Annan expressed his admiration for this.

"Sorry, I don't know..."

Duran, who frowned, shook his head.

"If the appearance of the Witch of Chaos is as special as you say, then everyone who sees her will be deeply impressed. But I have never heard of the existence of this witch..."

"The White Knight might know, but I can't think of any way to find out from them."

Antonio also wanted to know where a strange being suddenly appeared.

Everything that happened today has always been unknown to this detective.

In this way, his detective instinct is ready to kick in.

——This can also be said to be an occupational disease.

"I wonder what happened to the Witch of Chaos now. Annan, you said that the insect-like witch knocked the man holding the strange book down in mid-air. Did you see what happened after that?"

"No, it was windy and rainy, the visibility was too poor, and I was busy dealing with Alexis Nares, and then I returned to reality inexplicably. I really don't know the situation over there."

Annan kept his face open and told lies.

"Sometimes the world is like this. You can't control whether you go in or out, even if you are the one who opens the door."

Dulan did not doubt Annan's story at all. After all, he did not think it was necessary for the young man to deceive himself and others, and the other party's statement was not unreasonable.

"I just don't know if this incident is really over..."

"Didn't the White Knights intervene already? You should be able to rest assured that they are here."

Annan knew very well that this incident was indeed over.

The Witch of Chaos has desperately eliminated the bishop of the Abyss Religion, and the conspiracy that the Abyss Religion wanted to implement has been completely defeated.

Behind this, there are at most some finishing moves.

However, Annan did not intend to tell the matter.

Anyway, even if he didn't say anything, the subsequent situation would prove that everything was over.

"The White Knight is really reassuring when it comes to dealing with black magic, but I'm afraid it might implicate us... We need to confirm as soon as possible whether Trinidad Nares is really cooperating with the Abyss Order. .”

Dulan's current judgment is basically based on what Annan said and the intelligence known to the detective.

The black-robed man who was responsible for performing an unknown ritual that he met in the other world did indeed feel very similar to the Abyss Cult, but this was just a guess after all and could not be completely confirmed.

"Mr. Detective, no one should have seen you when you rescued Annan and the others, right?"

"How is that possible? Someone will definitely see it."

Antonio shook his head very simply.

"The location of Annan and Roderick is not far from the missing area. It is indeed not a residential area, but there are many residents there. Even because of the previous gun battle, most people were hiding. Even if you get up, you may still be seen by others. Rather, it is normal for you to be seen."

Antonio really took the risk to retrieve the two collaborators. Even if someone saw him, he couldn't leave them alone.

He had tried his best to cover himself up and put away the license plate of his car. After loading Annan and Roderick into the car, he immediately left the area.

He was lucky enough not to run into a police officer or a white knight, but even so, he didn't think anyone saw what he did.

"that's true……"

Dulan actually knew this obvious fact, but he still had a sense of luck.

"It seems there is nothing we can do here. Someone might really come to our door in the future, so we have to be prepared first."

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Everything is in a mess now. The White Knights are still moving around. The police are also very busy. It is very likely that they will notice us in a few days. Even if they want to find us by then, It’s basically impossible to do.”

There should be no one following Antonio when he came here. It would be difficult to find his movements. This detective is not a famous celebrity. It is not easy to find his true identity.

The same goes for Annan and Roderick, whose chances of being recognized are low.

What's more, this detective has carried out a certain appearance to cover up, and witnesses may not be able to identify him later.

Just don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the unexpected. The magic professor believes that it is not an exaggeration to be prepared in advance.

"Get ready...if there's anything we can prepare..."

Antonio turned to look at the unconscious man breathing slowly to one side.

"The biggest problem and the biggest loophole right now is undoubtedly the Nares family."

"Yeah... If you say that everything that happened today has nothing to do with this gangster family, no one will believe it. The White Knight will definitely investigate in depth after that. We need to solve all the problems before that."

Although Duran couldn't bear it, he decided to forcefully wake up Roderick.

Roderick can be said to be a key figure now, and he cannot continue to sleep peacefully like this.

Duran took out some tools and medicine from the magic workshop nearby, and played with the sleeping Roderick for a while.

Then, after a while, Roderick woke up.

"Cough... so spicy..."

Roderick, whose face was flushed, bounced up on the sofa very energetically.

Duran silently handed over a water glass, and Roderick drank the light blue liquid inside without thinking.


Roderick, who was completely awake, opened his eyes full of confusion.

"Huh? Where am I? This is..."

"Rodrick, calm down and listen to me."

Antonio stepped forward and looked at Roderick face to face.

"Roderick, think carefully about the last memory in your mind."

"I am……"

Roderick held his forehead, the memory in his mind gradually became clearer.

"By the way, I went to the other world and found my grandfather..."

Roderick looked up at Annan beside him.

"After that...how did I pass out? I seemed to have seen something terrifying..."

"You fainted. You should have fainted due to external stimulation. Anyway, please listen to me first."

Antonio glanced at Duran behind Roderick.

Dulan had silently prepared a sedative.

"Rodrick, come on, drink a glass of water first, and then I will tell you everything. Remember, you have to listen to me calmly. The thing is like this..."

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