Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 417: Ah Li is in love, Liu Ye is ruthless

  Chapter 417 Ari is in love, the sixth master is ruthless

   After a quarter of an hour, the door of the rest room was opened from the inside.

  The man kept a cold face and said nothing.

  The burgundy dress fluttered lightly, and the woman followed behind tremblingly, her breathing was messy, and her cheeks were glowing.

   "Wait for me..." Shen Yu caught up and grabbed the man's palm.

  Quan Hanting didn't move away, but he never looked at her.

   It seems that he is very angry.

  Shen Yu's eyes flickered slightly, he squeezed his tiger's jaw, and whispered: "Don't be angry."


   "You walk too fast, my feet hurt."

  To match this long dress, Shen Wei chose a pair of pointed high heels that were seven centimeters wide.

  Quan Hanting still did not speak, but his pace slowed down significantly.

  Shen Yu pushed forward and moved closer.

  Quan Hanting's eyelids twitched sharply, but he maintained a cold expression as always, without squinting.

  Will the wolf dislike the prey that comes to your door?

of course not.

   Shen Yu curled her lips, she didn't believe it, but Quan Hanting couldn't bear it!

  Suddenly staggered, the man had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped her stabilize.

  Shen Yu didn't stand up in a hurry, and just squinted at him like this.

   "Don't ignore me, talk to me..."

  Xiaoyi, docile, delicate, timid.

  Quan Hanting was unmoved, and said coldly: "Stand still."

  Shen Yu pursed her lips, and slowly backed away from his arms.

  The man strode downstairs without even looking at her.

have to! Things are getting worse.

  Did not continue to be a demon, Shen Yu followed behind obediently.

  Jin Chao has been searching for Quan Hanting in the crowd, "Strange, it was there just now, why didn't it disappear?"

   "Old Jin, why are you hanging around here without entertaining so many guests?" His wife couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over to arrest him.

   "Don't make trouble, I have very important things to do."

   "What is more important than hosting this reception well?"

   "What do you know? Just stay and don't disturb me..." Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

  Mrs. Jin could only watch her husband excitedly walk up to the spiral staircase leading to the second floor. Soon, a man and a woman appeared one after another.

   "Master Six..."

   "Go out and talk."


  Jin Chao followed with a respectful expression and a humble attitude.

  Shen Yu stayed where he was, almost stomping his feet in anger.

   "It seems that the sixth child's anger is not so great." The soft and warm voice came from behind him, with a bit of teasing and leisure, and he was completely watching the show.

  Shen Yu turned her head and met Song Jing's smiling eyes: "Is this the fun thing that the second master wants me to watch?"

   "Isn't it funny enough that he's angry?"

  Shen Yu's eyes turned cold, and she subconsciously closed her palms.

   "Why, it wasn't enough to scratch the master with a wine bottle last time, and now you want to punch me again?" Song Jing's cold eyes flicked past her hand.

  Shen Wei pursed her lips, "Second Master thinks too much."

  Song Jing looked at the direction where Quan Hanting left, and sighed quietly: "His temper has not changed for many years, can you really bear it?"

   "What does Er Ye mean by this?"

   "You are a smart girl, scheming and charming, why hang yourself on a tree?"

  Shen Yu's eyes moved lightly: "If I understand correctly, Er Ye is encouraging me to climb the wall?"

   "No, no, no..." Song Jing waved his hand, "Don't speak so harshly. You are just a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship now, it's normal to break up."

"But with thick golden thighs like Quan Hanting, it's hard to find a better one after I throw them away. If that's the case, why bother?" The red lips were lightly raised, and his expression was lazy, as if he had no interest in this topic. But those clear and lingling eyes stared at Song Jing boldly, as if implying something.

  The man's heart moved: "Look, how am I?"

  Shen Yu heard the words and looked up and down Song Jing.

  The man also let her scrutinizing eyes fall on him, with a faint smile on his lips, he was sure of winning.

   "I heard that your ranking is based on age..." Shen Wei said suddenly.

  Song Jing frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling.

   Sure enough—

"At your age, you should be older than the third and fourth masters, right?" He said, shaking his head, "I have bad teeth, and I can't chew the old cabbage, so Quan Hanting's watery cabbage is more suitable for me appetite."

  Old cabbage gang? !

   It was the first time that Song Jing was attacked face to face for his age, his perfect smile gradually cracked, "You!"

   "I'm only in my early twenties, so it doesn't make sense to leave the handsome uncle alone, with an old man?"

  She said it delicately and cutely, but every word stuck in Song Jing's heart.

  Shen Wei blinked, but it wasn't enough: "If one day you die, how pitiful it is to leave me a widow? You are not as good as Quan Hanting anywhere, how dare you say this?"

  The man's face was ugly, and his facial muscles twitched: "Shen Wei, you are really good!"

   "Thank you, Second Master, for your compliment. This is called reciprocity."

  Song Jing walked away in a huff.

   When going out, I ran into Quan Hanting and Jin Chao who were walking in.

   The four eyes meet, and the fire bursts.

  Jin Chao backed away silently, a master of fighting skills, it is better for a small shrimp like him to go far away.

   "Second brother hasn't danced for a long time, I'm really in a good mood today."

Although Song Jing tried his best to calm down his anger, Shen Wei's mouth was too bad. He would get angry whenever he thought about it, so the expression management was not in place, revealing some of his true emotions. This point, Lao Liu, you should have a deep understanding."

  Quan Hanting's eyes turned cold: "Don't try to get her idea."

  Song Jing raised his eyebrows, flicking the Buddhist beads in his hand: "What if I insist?"

   "The brother will never have to do it again."

  Back then, after the death of the boss, Song Jing unilaterally announced his break with Quan Hanting, but from the beginning to the end, Quan Hanting did not take over.

   It shows that he still has a brotherhood in his heart.

  But right now it’s for a woman...

  Song Jingding looked into his eyes, trying to see the weight of this sentence, and then he understood.

   Look away: "I didn't expect that you will have today." For a woman, I don't hesitate to give up my brother.

  Quan Hanting told him the final answer with determination in his eyes.

  Suddenly, Song Jing laughed in a low voice, "You two... are very interesting."

  Leaving such an inexplicable sentence, Song Jing strode away.

   Ahri followed closely behind.

   After getting into the car, Song Jing still had a smile on his face, as if he had discovered something interesting.

  Ari ordered the younger brother to drive.

   "What are you laughing at?"

  Song Jing: "I used to think that Lao Liu was too rigid, with a straight face and cold eyes, he could freeze people into ice cubes. Unexpectedly, he also has such a playful side."


   "Yeah, the last stubbornness of the vinegar jar even used the trick of intimidation."

  Ari thought for a while: "Is the sixth master serious about Miss Shen?"

  Song Jing didn't answer, but silence was the default.

  The woman moved her brows and eyes slightly, and tentatively said, "What about you?"


   "Are you serious about Miss Shen?"

  Song Jing paused for a moment, and then his gaze suddenly sharpened.

  The smile is still the same, but Ari feels a suffocating pressure.

  Her face paled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her trembling eyelashes revealed the anxiety in her heart.

   "Second Lord, I..."

   "Why do you ask that?" Song Jing stared at her, his quiet eyes seemed to be able to see everything.

   "Just now, I heard everything." He told Shen Yu to dump Quan Hanting and follow him.

  Song Jing was not angry or embarrassed, and even his voice was as calm as ever: "Then you should have heard, she said I am old."

  Ari was slightly stunned, and raised his head, his eyes showing confusion.

  Song Jing stretched out his hand, caressed her cheek, and gently stroked her slightly callused fingertips, as if identifying the most precious porcelain in the world.

  The woman was shocked, unbelievable.

  Ari has never felt so close to him...

  Song Jing looked at the face in front of him, bright and coquettish, enough to make any man flock to him.

   She grew up, and so did he.

  Perhaps, we should let go and return her freedom...

   "Little Li, why don't you call me Second Uncle?" He spoke slowly, Shen Lin's voice seemed to be cold in his ears.

   is "Little Pear", not "Ari".

   How many years have you not heard these two words from his mouth?

  It was so long that she almost forgot that her original name was "Jinli".

  Back then, when he brought her back, he called her "Little Pear".

  Like mother calls her every time, gentle and loving, like the warmest sunshine in the world...

  Song Jing could clearly see the daze in the woman's eyes, or in other words, he was always aware of it.

   I just chose to turn a blind eye, to see but not to respond.

   "I remember when you were a child, you used to say 'Second Uncle'. They asked you to change it, but you still insisted on it. Later, why didn't you call it?"

   "Because..." She looked at him, she had never been so brave as she is now, "I don't want to be your junior anymore."

   "Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows, with a faint expression, in the eyes of a woman, it was another kind of indifference, "If you don't want to be a junior, what should you be?"

  She wanted to say: Be your woman.

  But Song Jing didn't give her a chance to speak out: "Forget it," he kneaded the center of his brows, and there was a kind of incomprehensible sadness in his eyes, "These are not important. Have you thought about what you want to do in the future?"

  Ari looked at him blankly, and there was still residual disappointment in his eyes that had not been restrained in time.

   What makes him confused is not that he doesn't know "what to do in the future", but that he doesn't know why he would ask such a question.

  Song Jing: "You have to leave after all..."

   "Leave?!" The woman raised her voice, her reaction ability returned, and she looked at him puzzled, "Why did you leave?"

  Song Jing smiled and stroked her hair, like a father's longing for his daughter, "You are an adult, you should have your own life and future, and I should let you fly higher and farther."

  Ari's heart thumped, and the hidden collapse in his eyes seemed to flood the embankment in the next second: "You... don't want me anymore?"

  The voice is trembling, the emotion is fear.

  Song Jing seemed to be stung by something in his heart, "I didn't want you, but it's time to let go. Just go forward, I will always be behind you."

   "No..." She shook her head, her eyes gleamed with water, but tears never rolled down, "I'll just follow you, there's no need to go forward."

   "Little Pear..."

   "I'm not Xiaoli, I'm Ari—your bodyguard! Responsible for your safety is my future and life."

  The man was momentarily dumbfounded.

  She turned her head to look out the window, and stopped talking.

  The indifferent profile of the face hides the unknown loneliness, even the tears can only flow silently behind his back.

  How sad?

  The woman looked at herself smiling wryly on the window glass, how ugly!

  The reception was over, and Jin Chao personally sent Quan Hanting and Shen Yu to the car.

  The attitude is so attentive that even Mrs. Jin can't stand it anymore.

  After the car drove away, he quickly dragged her husband back: "It's almost enough, you still want to be shameless?"

   "Why am I shameless?" Jin Chao is now smiling. Liu Ye didn't blame him for reaching a cooperation with Hebang Industrial. He seemed to be relieved of the burden and relaxed.

   "Like a pug, everyone is still watching!" Mrs. Jin felt ashamed.

  Jin Chao is a very courageous person, and usually only others bow to him, so where is it his turn to flatter him?

   "Huh! Others want to be a pug, but they still can't."

   "What is the identity of that person? Is it worth it for you?"

  Jin Chao smiled and made a "6".

   Mrs. Jin was shocked at first, and then she was speechless.

  Backing to the temporary villa, Shen Wei caught up with Quan Hanting, holding up her skirt.

   "How long do you want to be angry with me?"

  The man didn't speak, but walked in with his head muffled.

   She gritted her teeth, and then smiled angrily.

   As for? I didn't say a word to her on the way back, and the jealousy was stronger than ever.

   "Ah Ting, wait for me..."

  Shen Yu simply kicked off her high heels, hugged her in her arms, and soon caught up.

  In the huge living room, there are no people, only two lights are left, and it is a bit dim.

  She directly grabbed the man's arm: "Tell me, what do you want me to do."

  The man looked at her, and immediately, his eyes fell on her arms, holding a pair of shoes.

   Look at the feet again, they are indeed bare.

  Quan Hanting walked to the entrance, took the slippers and put them on the floor: "Lift your feet."

  Shen Yu was so soft in her heart that she was obedient.

  The man got up, but ignored her, and poured a glass of red wine, um... drank it by himself.

  Shen Wei: "I'm thirsty too."


   "Just drink!"

  Quan Hanting handed her the cup and asked, "How does it taste?"

  Shen Hou stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around the man's neck, still wanting to say, "It's delicious and mellow, with endless aftertaste, good wine."

  The man's eyes tightened, his black pupils half-closed, and a sense of danger suddenly permeated, and he smiled softly, "Is it just wine?"

  Shen Yu pushed him away, raised her eyes slowly, and said with a smile, "He's not bad either."

   "Just good?" Even more dangerous.

  (end of this chapter)

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