Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 423: Let her take the land, she will be abused with her mouth (Wan Geng)

  Chapter 423 Let her take the land, and she will be abused by her mouth (Wan Geng)

  Sleeping soundly all night, poor Shen Yu has to get up early for class the next day.

   Almost fell when getting out of bed.

  The instigator was leaning on the head of the bed, holding a cigarette in his hand, smiling at the corner of his mouth, gloating a little.

  Shen Yu: "..."

  At this moment, the man has a particularly good temper, "Be good~"

   "..." So angry!

   After breakfast, Quan Hanting sent her to school.

  It was Zhang Fan's class in the morning, but he only came in with a teacup, but no lesson plans.

  That leisurely and leisurely look, it doesn't look like giving a lecture, but rather a stroll.

"There is only one month left before the official graduation, and we have yet to complete the third simulation practice. The first two times were conducted in the AI ​​classroom through the computer. This time, we changed the rules and changed to another way of playing. "

  The audience discussed, and most of them responded curiously, waiting for the next article.

  Just listen to Zhang Fan continue to speak: "After the communication and negotiation between the school and the enterprise, we finally reached a cooperation, and decided to change the 'simulation practice' to 'practical drill'."

   "Practice drill?"

   "Is that what I understand?"

   "If you don't come here to pretend, play for real instead?"

   "Do you want to be so exciting?"


  This actual combat exercise is limited to Class C. There are 68 people in total, divided into 13 groups. Each group will receive one item. The time limit is half a month. Full points will be awarded for completion, and zero points will be awarded for failure.

   "Professor, who provided these 13 items?"

  Zhang Fan: "There are 13 local enterprises in Ningcheng."

   "Is there a competition between projects and projects?"

  Zhang Fan: "No."

   "Are they all the same difficulty?"

   "Difficult and easy..."

   "Is this unfair to some groups?"

Zhang Fan waved his hand: "Listen to me first. Actual combat is no better than simulation. If it fails, it will never be recovered. That is to say, this company will die a project, and the economic loss that may be caused in the middle is no longer simply a number. .So, don’t mess around. If we follow the previous two random allocation methods, it is very likely that the strength of the group will not match the difficulty of the project, which is not the result we want to see.”

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone realized the seriousness.

  Go out of the simulated world and put yourself on the real battlefield. When the loss can be quantified by money and the results need to be borne by someone, everything will become serious and cruel.

"In order to minimize the project risk and allow the right people to play their due roles, we have evaluated the difficulty of the 13 projects several times and sorted them from high to low. According to your comprehensive results of the previous two simulation practices , the higher the score, the more difficult it is to receive the item, of course, the return is also proportional."

   "Professor, what's the reward? Can you give me an example?"

"For example, the 'Shiquanwan' project provided by Mingda Group is the most difficult. If the negotiation is successful, each team member can get a bonus of 50,000 yuan and the opportunity to join Mingda, and the minimum position is a department deputy. Manager level."


   "Great hand! You actually brought Mingda in!"

   "What's so strange? You forgot what our principal's last name is?"

   "One shot is 50,000 yuan, and those five people add up... 250,000?! Tsk tsk, there is no humanity!"

   "What is that little money? The opportunity to get a job is the most precious. Back then, when I went to Mingda to apply for a job, they were very reluctant to graduate from the Ivy League. Now that I think about it, I still feel uncomfortable."

   "You have a deep obsession?"

   "Hey—it's not just me, ask everyone here, is there anyone who isn't moved?"

   "Unfortunately, it's useless to be excited. At present, only Shen Yu's group has a chance."


  As the well-deserved first place in the previous two simulation practices, this project naturally fell to Shen Hou's group.

   There are many people who are envious, and there are also many people who are jealous of pantothenic acid.

  In an instant, all eyes were cast on the small group in the corner.

  Shen Yu's complexion was as usual, and Miao Miao buried her head in writing and drawing.

  Gu Qing and Zhang Yang also looked calm, as if Mingda's employment opportunities were no different to the big wax gourds sold everywhere in the vegetable market for them.

  As for Jiang Shuokai, he was even more annoying, lying on the table and falling asleep!

   Are these people the devil? !

Depend on.

   Fortunately, such emotions did not last long.

   Firstly, the project is too difficult and daunting; secondly, although the returns of other companies are not as generous as Mingda, they are still very impressive.

  In the second class, Zhang Fan brought a thick stack of project materials, a total of thirteen copies, and distributed them to the corresponding team.

   "Starting tomorrow, you will not come to school to attend classes, and concentrate on using the next fifteen days to conquer the project. I wish you all success!"

   "Thank you Professor..."

   "Thanks for your good words."

   While everyone was laughing and laughing, Shen Wei had already started to look through the project information—

   "Don't rush to leave after class."

  Miao Miao nodded: "Okay."

   Gu Qing and Zhang Yang naturally had no objections.

  Jiang Shuokai's eyes flashed with confusion.

  Shen Yu estimated that he was going to move bricks, thought for a while, and added: "It won't take up too much of your time, it can be done in about 20 minutes."

  Jiang Shuokai breathed a sigh of relief subtly. If he didn't go to the construction site for dinner, he would have no problem squeezing out 20 or 30 minutes.

   "... yes." He replied in a muffled voice.

  There are not many project materials. Compared with the thick book of other groups, they only got twelve pages.

  It was just convenient for Shen Yu to take a picture with his mobile phone, and then handed it to Miao Miao. Miao Miao followed suit, and then Gu Qing, Zhang Yang...

   In the end, it was handed over to Jiang Shuokai. Because the pixel resolution of the mobile phone he used was too low to take pictures, he just took the paper and read it.

  Everyone doesn't point out, just give convenience silently.

   But this kind of silent care is much more real and easier to accept than those hypocrisy.

  Especially, someone as proud as Jiang Shuokai.

  He disdains sympathy, all he wants is respect.

   Zhang Fan glanced over, and suddenly stopped.

  I saw other people still whispering and chattering. In the corner of the last row of the classroom, everyone in Shen Hou's group lowered their heads, looking at something, and they were very focused.

  Jiang Shuokai didn't even sleep...

  The get out of class bell rang, and everyone rushed out. Soon, there were only five people left in the big classroom.

  Miao Miao closed the front and rear doors.

  Jiang Shuokai and Zhang Yang put the tables together and sat down around them.

  Shen Wei bent her knuckles and tapped on the table: "Have you read all the materials?"


   "Tell me, what do you think."

  Miao Miao: "There are too few materials and the information is vague. I suspect that the school deliberately did this in order to increase the difficulty."

  Shen Wei hummed lightly: "What else?"

   "I discovered this for a while." She shrank her neck and replied in a low voice.

  Zhang Yang: "I have heard some rumors about the Shiquanwan project. It is said that Mingda Group started planning a few years ago, but there has been no progress. The main reason is that it is difficult to obtain land."

  Shiquanwan project, the full name is Shiquanwan Plaza Development Project.

Gu Qing: "According to the data, the final Shiquanwan Plaza will cover an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers, and will have more than 8 Grade A office buildings, 2 luxury apartments, 1 large open shopping mall, and 1 luxurious five-star hotel. The hotel and transportation will be close to the subway station and bus station.”

"Mingda's vision is to build it into a landmark shopping center in Ningcheng. It must not only be the largest, but also the most luxurious. Regardless of the funds invested, in order to meet the above aspects, there are not many geographical locations to choose from. many."

  Ningcheng city center is such a big place. Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and was looking at the map while she was talking.

  Quickly come to a conclusion—

   "The three locations I circled all meet the above conditions, but which plot has the most obvious advantage, and further investigation is needed to judge..."

   "No need." Jiang Shuokai suddenly said.

  Zhang Yang didn't feel slighted, but looked at him curiously.

  Jiang Shuokai is a genius.

  He usually doesn't speak much, but once he speaks, he must have something to say, and it often has the finishing touch.

  Shen Yu couldn't help but look at him, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

  Jiang Shuokai's scalp was numb from being stared at, and he coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment: "Don't you guys feel familiar with an area of ​​100,000, office buildings, luxury apartments, open shopping malls, and five-star hotels?"

  Miao Miao: "Don't large shopping malls have these facilities?"

  Jiang Shuokai directly circled a keyword on the material with a pen.

   "Landmark Mall? Questions?"

   "Don't you think this planning drawing is very similar to Jingping's Oriental Plaza?"

   "Hiss... Oriental Plaza?!" Gu Qing gasped.

It is the first shopping plaza built at the foot of the imperial city after the opening of foreign capital. It covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters and has a total construction area of ​​800,000 square meters. As one of the largest commercial buildings in Asia, it is worthy of being a "city within a city". reputation.

  Miao Miao swallowed, "...Mingda Group's ambition is really beyond the reach of ordinary companies."

   Such a large-scale project is likely to have epoch-making significance. Is it really okay to just hand it over to them as experimental guinea pigs?

  Zhang Yang tried his best to control his emotions, took a deep breath, and calmed himself down slowly: "Why do I feel...not very at ease?"

  Jiang Shuokai couldn't laugh or cry: "I didn't say this to put pressure on you, can you take it easy?"

   "Then why do you say this?"

   "Similar to Oriental Plaza, then the location can be determined."

  Oriental Plaza dominates the city center and is located at the perfect location at No. 1 East Chang'an Avenue.

  Jiang Shuokai pointed to one of the three circled places on the phone map, "It should be here."

  Zhang Yang frowned: "But this land..."

  Miao Miao: "Is there any problem with this land?"

   "The right to use has been tendered and auctioned. Fortunately, it is classified as commercial land. If it is confirmed that this land is the land, then we can only talk to the other party about the transfer."

  In the real estate business, everything else is fine. Once land is involved, it is quite troublesome whether it is reselling or buying.

   Not to mention the complicated procedures, it is also difficult to negotiate the amount.

  After all, things that cost tens of billions are all in fractions of tens of millions.

   They can't be allowed to make decisions casually, not to mention that they are not employees of Mingda, and even if they are, I'm afraid they don't have the power.

  The discussion reached a deadlock, and the four of them looked at Shen Wei at the same time, asking her for an idea.

  Shen Wei put away the information and put it in the bag: "I also need to figure out some things. Come here first today, Miao Miao remember to create a WeChat group for everyone to discuss, and then make an appointment to meet."


  Jiang Shuokai glanced at the time, no more, no less, exactly twenty minutes.


  After finishing lunch in Qihang canteen, Shen Yu drove straight to Mingda.

   "Miss San, I'll take you up." There was no surprise on the woman's face, with a just right smile.

   "Secretary Jiang seems to have known that I would come?"

   "You are joking, I am only responsible for uploading and distributing."

  The implication is not that I knew it a long time ago, but that Shen Chunjiang knows things like a god.

   "In this case, please ask Secretary Jiang to lead the way."


  The two entered the elevator, and Jiang Ling consciously stood behind Shen Yu, looking at the legendary "Miss Shen" quietly through the shiny elevator door.

  As the president's secretary, she could more or less guess what Shen Chunjiang meant.

  Although he didn't make a clear statement, he actually tended to let Shen Yu work in the group.

   This point, the board of directors can't see through it, but she knows it clearly.

   That's why I became more and more curious about Shen Yu.

  As far as she knew, this Third Miss Shen was born with a disgraceful background, she was born to an outside woman, and it has been less than a year since she returned to the Shen family.

   Graduated from vocational high school, education is not enough.

   She looks beautiful and has a good figure, all of which can be attributed to innateness, but temperament can also be brought out of the mother's womb?

   Anyway, Jiang Ling didn't believe it.

  If you insist on comparing Shen Ru and Shen Yu, then from the senses, the former will make people see her beauty at a glance, while the latter will make people amazed by her temperament first, and then her appearance...

   Originally, Jiang Ling thought that a beauty like Shen Ru was already rare, but it wasn't until she met Shen Wei that she understood what it means to meet something but not to ask for it.

Thinking of her being admitted to Qihang with full marks, and quietly winning the Sixth Master Quan, she became the envy and envy of the celebrities in the circle, and turned her illegitimate daughter, Xiaopoor, into a koi little white flower, Jiang Ling Don't think she was just lucky.

  It is not difficult to understand why Shen Chunjiang insisted on letting her join the group.


  The elevator has arrived.

  Jiang Ling: "Turn left to the first office, the president is already waiting for you, just go in."

   "Thank you."

   "Easy to do."

   It's not that Shen Wei didn't see Jiang Ling's overtures. She also likes smart people, but now is not the time to respond.

  Jiang Ling looked at the woman's slender but straight back, bowed his head for a moment, and smiled slightly: "I'm more calm than I imagined..."

  Are all the little girls this year so powerful?


  Although Jiang Ling told her to go in directly, Shen Yu still knocked on the door first, and only pushed the door open after getting permission.

   "Wu Hou is here." Shen Chunjiang smiled all over his face.

   "Dad seems very happy?"

   "Come on, sit down and talk."

  Shen Yu did what she said, she was simply a good role model.

  Usually such children are the easiest to please their parents, as expected—

  The smile on Shen Chunjiang's face widened, and he looked like a loving father: "Have you received all the project materials?"

  Shen Wei put on a surprised expression at the right time, "Dad, this..."

   "Don't be nervous, this is what your uncle meant."

"I do not understand."

   "Ah Ru went to work in Guangdong Province, and the position of project manager is vacant. You just graduated from Qihang in March. I plan to let you sit."

   This is the first time that Shen Chunjiang has made his words clear and put them on the table.

  Although Shen Yu had expected it, she still did her best to maintain a flattered image.

  There is both emotion and astonishment in the eyes, but more of it is the daughter's respect and gratitude to her father.

   There is no way, Shen Chunjiang will do it.

  Being watched by the child like this, the loving father's heart suddenly swelled to the extreme, and I felt very comfortable and very comfortable.

   "Dad..." She sniffed, her eyes turned red, "Thank you."

"Silly boy."

  Shen Yu took a deep breath, as if she wanted to use this movement to force back the tears in her eyes.

  Shen Chunjiang became more and more emotional, and his heart was extremely complicated.

  At first, I still had some scruples about the board of directors, but at this moment, what else can stop a father from loving his daughter?

  Shen Chunjiang wants to be a "loving father", well, Shen Yu will satisfy all his fantasies.

   They are all acting, but one has been completely involved and cannot extricate themselves, while the other seems to be deeply trapped, but is actually sober.

   It is clear at a glance which is higher and which is lower.

  In the previous life, Shen Yu had seen the mercenary face of her good father, and she no longer had any expectations in this life.

  If she failed to get into Qihang, Shen Chunjiang would probably be stingy with alms.

  If she doesn't have the status of "Quan Hanting's girlfriend", let alone work in the group, maybe even a high position like a department manager, I'm afraid she won't even be able to enter the company's door.

  Perhaps Shen Chunjiang really wants to be a loving father, but family affection should also give way to interests.

   To put it simply, only those who are valuable and able to create benefits are worthy of the meager affection he gave, otherwise, they may be discarded at any time just like Shen Ru and Chen Yan.

   And Shen Yu's biggest role now is to be a bridge to connect Mingda and Phaeton. Even if he can't get any benefits from Quan Hanting, he can use his power to pretend to be a tiger.

  Shen Wei could see it clearly. In the past, she might still feel sad, but now it doesn't matter anymore.

  Anyway, they are using each other to whitewash the peace.

  As the saying goes, blue comes from blue and is better than blue. She thinks she is better than Shen Chunjiang.

   At least, so far no telltale signs have been revealed.

   "Are you confident?"

  Shen Yu nodded, "But..."

   "Speak straight."

   "I'm afraid that I will be airborne suddenly, and I will be hard to convince the public."

  Shen Chunjiang's eyes flickered slightly: "This is easy to handle. As long as you win the Shiquanwan project, even if you pass the assessment of the board of directors, everyone will naturally be convinced."

   "Dad, are you kidding me?" She widened her eyes and looked innocent.

  The man's face was dark: "Why, you can't do it?"

  Shen Yu nodded, "I can't do it."

   "..." Shen Chunjiang was almost choked to death by her, and was about to get angry when she heard her continue in a soft voice—

"Such a project, not to mention the huge cost and long construction period, requires a professional and experienced team to be responsible for follow-up. I only have a few soldiers in my hands now, and it is impossible to complete such a large and complex project independently. "

   Shen Yu didn't dare or didn't want to, but the hardware was not equipped enough.

  Even if you have great ambitions and no sharp weapons in your hands, how can you fight against the enemy?

  Even if she dared to take it, Shen Chunjiang might not dare to give it, because he couldn't bear the risk of project failure.

  After the man heard this, his face softened a little, "You have considered it very carefully. It is really impossible for such a large-scale project to be put on one person."

  Coldness flashed across Shen Yu's eyes, and finally, the fox's tail was about to be exposed.

   "However," Shen Chunjiang changed the subject, "As long as you solve the key problems of this project, the rest will follow as a matter of course, and the credit will still be on your head."

   "What is the key question?" Shen Yu tried her best to play the role of "ignorant daughter", and her eyes were full of absolute trust and obedience to her father.

  Shen Chunjiang was very satisfied, a smile inadvertently flowed out from the corner of his eyes, and his tone was a bit gentle.

   "You have read the project information, you should know that the pre-planning of Shiquanwan Plaza is very complete, and the funds are ready to be released at any time. The only problem now is the site selection."

Shen Yu nodded, and reported three strings of numbers one after another. They were the registration numbers of the three plots of land circled by Zhang Yang on the mobile phone map during the previous discussion: "... I checked, and these three plots are still available. good."

  Shen Chunjiang's eyes showed surprise: "These are all your own thoughts?"

   It’s no wonder that he was surprised, because these three places were also selected by Mingda’s team after thousands of choices, and they were not included in the materials, so it was beyond his imagination that Shen Yu was able to blurt out.

   "I analyzed the conclusion with my classmates." She smiled shyly.

  The man's eyes instantly became extremely complicated.

  This daughter seems to be really talented...

  After a while, Shen Chunjiang returned to normal, "That's right, all three lands are fine, but one is more suitable than the other two."


   "Haha... you are indeed the daughter of my Shen family!" Shen Chunjiang laughed from the bottom of his heart, with a bit of pride and relief.

  If Shen Yu was a son, he would definitely cultivate him regardless of the cost.


   "If you can win the 0019 plot, it will be equivalent to reinvigorating the project. Then, the results of the actual combat drill will be perfect, and the position of project manager will also be yours."

  Shen Yu understood, Shen Chunjiang didn't need her to complete the whole project, he just wanted her to get the land.


   "With the strength and financial resources of the group, we can't handle the land. Can I and a few classmates alone be able to negotiate?"

  Shen Chunjiang smiled, "You can't, but someone can."

  She pretended to be stupid: "Who?" But she already had a guess in her heart.

   "Quan Hanting."

  Shen Yu secretly sneered, but his expression did not reveal anything.

   It's no wonder that such an important project was entrusted to her, and she also used Qihang's graduation exam as a raft, using the position of project manager as a bait, and made a fuss for a long time, all for Quan Hanting!

  Finally, Shen Yu agreed, like an ignorant idiot.

   At the critical point, there is no need to confront Shen Chunjiang head-on.

  Besides, he thought the land was Chinese cabbage on the street, so he could buy it if he wanted?

   "Huang, seize the opportunity, the project department will soon be your world."

   "Thanks Dad, I'll do my best."


   After figuring out Shen Chunjiang's purpose, Shen Yu calmed down instead.

  "Difficulty" is not scary, what is scary is "unknown", that kind of feeling of black eyes can easily stir up panic in the heart.

  After leaving the president's office, Shen Yu did not leave directly, but went to the project department accompanied by Jiang Ling.

  "Secretary Jiang." A young girl received the two of them. She didn't recognize Shen Wei, so she only greeted Jiang Ling.

  Jiang Ling didn't dare to make too much noise, and immediately introduced: "This is Ms. Shen, the president asked me to accompany her down to find some information."

  Shen... Miss?

   Surname Shen!

  The young girl quickly realized that she couldn't help but look at Shen Yu twice, lowered her head slightly, and said respectfully: "Ms. Shen, hello, what materials do you need? I usually take care of the filing."

   "Market research, project approval application, and specific planning plan for the Shiquanwan project."


  Shen Wei: "No?"

   "Yes, but because the project is too important, the relevant materials have been set to read permissions, and unless they are at the manager level, they cannot be easily viewed."

  Shen Wei didn't respond. If you observe carefully, you will find that her expression has faded a lot before.

   Faintly showing a cool color.

  Jiang Ling cursed secretly, this little girl looked clever, without winking at all, and she had to help clean up the mess—

   "Didn't you hear what you said just now? The president asked me to accompany Ms. Shen on this trip. Are you qualified to check now?"

  President secretary and department manager belong to the same rank.

  The young girl shrank her neck and nodded hastily: "Yes, of course. Please wait a moment, I'm going to get it."

  Shen Yu only took the copy: "...Xin Secretary Jiang accompanied me for a trip."

   "Should be, you go slowly." Jiang Ling was relieved when he sent the person to the elevator entrance, watched Shen Yu go in, and the door closed.

   Don't look at the other party as just a little girl, but she speaks and does things in an orderly manner, which makes people dare not underestimate her.

  Jiang Ling could only muster 120,000 energy to deal with it, and he was exhausted.

  Taking a deep breath and exhaling a foul breath, she returned to the project department.

   "Liu Ting." She directly called the young girl's name just now.

   "Here it is—**, is there anything else?"

   "In the future, if Ms. Shen comes to ask for project information again, you can give it to her directly and try to meet her request."

   "But the deputy manager..." He looked hesitant and embarrassed.

  Jiang Ling knew that it would be difficult for her to be stuck in the middle, "Don't worry, I'll go and say hello."

  The young girl breathed a sigh of relief, inadvertently revealing her age-appropriate charm, "Thank you **! Didn't that 'Miss Shen' just now..."

   "It's good to know some things in your heart, so you don't need to say them." Jiang Ling spoke in time and interrupted her.

  The young girl understood everything in an instant.

  It turned out to be the controversial "Third Miss"...

   Not only has a good temperament, but also a superb figure.

  Shen Wei took the elevator to the B1 floor to pick up the car.

  As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, the door of the next elevator opened.


  The man is in a suit and his leather shoes are shiny.

  At this moment, with his hands in his trouser pockets, he paced out.

   There was a gentle smile on his handsome face, but those eyes were deep and deep, as if separated from another world.

  In the next second, the man lowered his eyelids to cover up the complex turbulence.

   Looking up again, it was calm again: "Come to see Dad? For the Quanshuiwan project?"

  Shen Wei squinted his eyes slightly, and a dark color faintly flashed across: "How do you know?"

   "Are you satisfied with my arrangement?"

   "Did you deliberately dig a hole for me to jump?"

   "I dug the pit, that's right; but it's your choice whether to jump or not."

   "The reason." She said coldly.

   "With so many eyes on the board of directors staring at you, the difficulty should not be too low, otherwise what else is there to see?"

   It sounds grandiose, but it is actually gloating.

   "You think I can't do it?" The four eyes met, and Shen Wei didn't dodge anything.

The man met her and looked at her: "To complete a project, especially a big project like Quanshuiwan Plaza, it takes at least one or two years, as long as four or five years, or even longer. What can you do in just half a month? During the referral, not only Qihang has to hand in a blank paper, but the board of directors is also difficult to explain."

  Shen Wei snorted slightly, evoking a mocking arc: "You really took great pains."

   "Wuuuuuuuuuuuu," he took a half step forward, suppressing something in his voice, so that the tone became low and hoarse, "We shouldn't be in this situation."

  She sneered silently.

   "Why didn't you listen to the persuasion? Do you want to enter Mingda? If you are too free, you can go shopping, party, or even travel around the world. The Shen family won't be short of your money, so why bother?"

   "Since idleness is so fresh and refined by you, why don't you just leave everything here? Anyway, in your eyes, it's just 'trouble'." Shen Yu shrugged and blocked him with his words.

  The man gritted his teeth: "Can this be the same?"

  Shen Wei raised her eyebrows: "What's the difference?"

  "Men conquer the world, but women only need to conquer men."

   "Brother," she twitched the corner of her mouth, "I died early in the morning, please wake up."

   "It has nothing to do with gender discrimination, but a different division of labor between men and women."

  Shen Yu impatiently listened to his tricks, and made a gesture to leave, but Shen Qian grabbed his shoulders.

  Fortunately, she had prepared herself early, she managed to break free with skillful efforts, and stepped back two steps in an instant.

   "I won't make the same mistake again."

  The man's thin lips were tightly pursed, and his eyes were heavy.

"Brother, do you really think I'm going to lose? That's right, I can't do much in half a month, let alone finish a project? But Dad just promised me that as long as he wins land No. 0019, he can solve the most difficult problem at present. For the issue of location, even if it passes the assessment of the board of directors, Qihang will get full marks."

  Shen Wei's speech is not fast, so it is convenient to pay attention to the changes in the man's demeanor while speaking.

   Shen Qian was not surprised by this.

  It seems that Shen Chunjiang has known this plan for a long time.

  The old and the young are all foxes!

  Shen Qian: "Even so, you have no chance of winning."

  The man's tone was too firm, and Shen Yu couldn't help frowning.

   "You can't take this land."

   "I'll know after trying it." After finishing speaking, she turned around and found little Martha, opened the car door and sat on it, then started the engine and left in a hurry.

  Shen Qian stood where he was, watching the white sports car drifting away, suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes dimmed.

   "Wuhou, you are too stubborn..."

  The tone of love and hate, but also revealing helplessness.

   Finally turned into a wry smile on his lips, mixed with a sigh.

  Shen Qian thought, he must have done something wrong in his previous life, and only in this life will he meet such a woman to deal with him.


  Driving back to Dongli Mountain Villa, it was already evening.

  The sun is setting and the twilight is dim.

  The cold wind was mixed with biting cold, and as soon as she got out of the car, it poured into her neckline. Shen Yu couldn't help wrapping her coat tightly, and buried half of her face in the scarf, like a cowardly quail.

"came back?"

  She changed her slippers, walked over, sat down next to Quan Hanting, and put her hand on his.

   "Huh... so warm."

  The warm palm was full of heat, and Shen Yu couldn't help rubbing on it, which made it even warmer.

  She blinked and smiled innocently: "Does it seem like you're going to… ignite fire?"

   After finishing speaking, he quickly retracted his hand, took his bag and went straight to the room, "I'm going upstairs to read two documents, call me when I'm eating."

  Quan Hanting: "..." It's still on fire!

   Not far away, Lu Shen saw this scene and couldn't help curling his lips.

   "If this continues, my sixth brother will be harmed by the little goblin sooner or later. Worry..." Some time ago, the old man had his birthday, and he returned to Jingping for two weeks, and he only came back yesterday.

  Ling Yun happened to pass by him, and Lu Shen quickly stopped him: "Little Mushroom, I heard that you have been doing well recently?"

  Ling Yun didn't understand what he meant, but it didn't prevent him from answering literally: "I've always had a good life."

  Lu Shen rubbed his hands together, and laughed a few times, "I heard that your little green melon was ripened by the third brother and the fifth brother?"

   "Xiao Qiye, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I do not know?"

"don't know."

   "That's what happened in the movie, just men and women... eh!" The next second, Ling Yun covered his mouth, dragged him to the corner like a sack, and leaned against the wall.

  The lower half of Lu Shen's face was covered, and he was speechless, leaving only a pair of dark eyes outside, staring at Ling Yun in surprise and anger.

   "Ummmmmmmmmmmm..." Do you dare to let go, let's have a duel between men? !

  Ling Yun was unmoved, and pressed him even harder against the wall, in a standard wall-dong posture: "I made you talk nonsense, you deserve it!"

  The low-key little mushroom also began to speak harshly.

   Sure enough, the rabbit is going to bite people in a hurry!

   "Should I still talk?"

   "Ugh!" Just say it!

  Ling Yun's eyes hardened, he pulled the person over, and slammed into the wall with a bang: "Are you still talking?!"

  Like a ruthless little wolf cub.

   Lu Shen's facial features wrinkled in pain, and only then did he realize that the joke was a little too big.

   Blinked pitifully, "Um..." Wouldn't it be okay to stop talking?

  Ling Yun just let go.

  Lu Shen felt that his teeth were almost knocked out by him.

   "Damn! Just talking for fun, do you want to be so ruthless?"

   "I don't like to play." After every word, he strode away.

   Turning around, there was a gust of cool wind instantly, and Lu Shen couldn't help shivering.

   "Crack—did you take the wrong medicine?"

  He rubbed the facial muscles that were almost deformed by Ling Yun, and cursed as he walked.

   "Xiaoqi?" Hu Zhibei was rarely at home, and just as he came down from the second floor, he saw Lu Shen full of resentment, still muttering words.

   "Third brother..." His head drooped, and there were obvious finger prints across the bottom half of his face.

  Hu Zhibei frowned: "Who did it?"

   Lu Shen pursed his mouth, and the young master felt very wronged: "The little mushroom is dead."

   "Lingyun?" Hu Zhibei raised his thick eyebrows.

   "What's wrong with Xiaoyun?" Just in time, Shao Anheng came up from the laboratory, and upon hearing that sentence, he turned around and moved forward.

  Lu Shen: "It's nothing... I just joked about you two taking him to the nightclub, and he covered my mouth in the end..."

  Hu Zhibei: "Yes!"

  Shao Anheng shook his head: "If you commit evil yourself, you can't live."

   Lu Shen is in a bad mood: "You guys haven't seen how angry he is, as if he wanted to swallow me up."

   "Xiaoyun is shy. If you laugh at him about this kind of thing, it's no wonder you don't get angry."

   "I really only said one thing. Who knew that he would turn his face when he said he would turn his face. He was not prepared at all. I was caught off guard."

   "Let's see if you dare next time..."

   "No..." Lu Shen scratched his hair irritably, "I don't think he's in a good state, or he's in a bad mood? Anyway, there's something wrong with him."

  Ling Yun is skilled, but has always been measured, but when Lu Shen was dragged by him and bumped against the wall, his cruelty and murderous intent were obvious.

   Otherwise, Lu Shen wouldn't have given up so quickly.

  Hu Zhibei frowned: "What do you mean by that? Think it over before you say it, don't make it up."

   "I feel that Little Mushroom is very irritable... Although he doesn't show it on his face, a small thing may make him lose control."

   "Xiaoyun seems to be less and less talkative these days..." Shao Anheng stroked his chin, and suddenly said, "Is it because we teased people too much that day, leaving a shadow on the mind of the minor?"

  Hu Zhibei opened his mouth, "...It's possible."

That night.

  Ling Yun was lying on the bed, a pair of dark eyes staring straight at the ceiling, not feeling sleepy.

   Or rather, he repelled sleeping.

   A further step is the fear of dreaming.

  He was afraid that he would dream of that scene again, and the face of the woman in the dream became more and more clear, more and more like Shen Yu.

How could this be? !

   That's Liu Ye's woman!

  He felt ashamed, ashamed, ashamed.

  In order to avoid such a dream from happening again, Ling Yun strictly controlled the sleep time within two hours after returning from Nanshi.

  If you are extremely sleepy, you should not have the energy to dream anymore, right?

   Shorten the time, even if you do it, you will be interrupted in time.

   That's fine.

  He has begun to adjust and calm down, and has gradually forgotten the scene in the dream, but Xiao Qiye just said those words, which made him think of all this uncontrollably.

  Ling Yun felt that all his hard work during this period was in vain, so he became angry from embarrassment, and took the ruthless hand.

  Tonight, maybe not even two hours of sleep...

   Knock knock knock!

  Ling Yun's eyes froze, he turned over from the bed and sat up: "Who?"


"And I."

  Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng.

  Ling Yun frowned, what are they doing here at this time?

   Feeling puzzled, she still opened the door for the two of them: "Third Master, Fifth Master."

   Before he finished greeting, the two quickly squeezed into the room, as flexible as a loach, not like a human.

  Ling Yun: "..."

  He closed the door and turned on the light.

   "Ahem... Xiaoyun, look at the moon today is really good." Hu Zhibei sat down on the chair with a big horse.

  The opening remarks are too awkward.

  Ling Yun: "..."

  Shao Anheng: "..."

  Hu Zhibei himself was stupefied by his own words, but he had to persevere when he started: "Such a beautiful night must be suitable for chatting!"


  Hu Zhibei suddenly turned serious. He found that he was more suitable for this style, and patted the chair in front of him: "Sit down, let's talk for a while."

   "Oh." Ling Yun sat down according to his words.

  Hu Zhibei asked him: "Unhappy recently?"


   Nothing to say is the default.

The third master thought for a while, and coughed twice: "Is it because the target in the shooting range is not solid enough, which makes you unhappy; or is the gun in your hand tired of playing and want to change to a new one? Pond, can't you catch any fish?"

  In Hu Zhibei's eyes, Ling Yun is a simple-minded child who doesn't want much and has only a few hobbies. So I listed everything I could think of.

  After hearing this, Ling Yun shook his head: "Neither of them."

  (end of this chapter)

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