Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan

Chapter 424: Ling Yun figured it out, seriously

  Chapter 424 Ling Yun figured it out, seriously

  Hu Zhibei and Shao Anheng looked at each other, and instead of beating around the bush, they simply asked, "Then what's wrong with you?"

  A daze flashed in Ling Yun's eyes.

What's up with him?

  …he didn't know it himself.

  Hu Zhibei tentatively opened his mouth: "Is it because Lao Wu and I took you to...cough...that kind of place last time, you are not happy?"

  Then I remember this hatred for too long.

  Ling Yun's immature face quickly passed a touch of tangle, as if something was wrong with him since then.

  Hu Zhibei saw it, and immediately felt that he was the truth.

  I imagined a scene in which an innocent little boy was kidnapped by two wretched, foot-picking men into a nightclub, watched a live performance, and left a psychological shadow.

   sin sin...

  Ling Yun is not yet eighteen years old, it seems a bit too much for him to abuse minors like the fifth child.

   But having said that, this child is too simple.

   This hasn’t been done with real guns. I only watched the battlefield a few times and heard the sound of cannons.

  Lucky people like Lao Liu are in the minority after all.

   When the time comes, where will he find Shen Yu for Ling Yun?

  Third Master is worried.

  After thinking about it, since I found the problem, I can't let it go, I have to correct this thought.

   "Xiaoyun, you don't have to feel awkward, because this is the only way for a mature man." Hu Zhibei showed a serious attitude, his serious expression seemed to be discussing a matter of life and death.

   "Mature man?"

   "That's right. You are now in a transitional period, and you have only a half-knowledge about gender. The purpose of me and Lao Wu taking you to a nightclub is to give you an intuitive and comprehensive understanding."

  Shao Anheng was slightly taken aback, did they do it for this purpose?

   Isn't it mostly teasing and laughing?

  Hu Zhibei gave him a veiled wink: I said yes, don't make trouble.


  Shao Anheng understood in seconds.

  Ling Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he was no longer as resistant as before, "Do I still need to know this?"

   "Of course! There's a lot of knowledge in it!"

  The young man's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes showed a bit of curiosity and inquiry.

  Hu Zhibei immediately began to popularize science: "This boy, when he grows up to a certain age, he will think about spring..."

The third master is a rough man, he doesn't know the words in the books, and he lacks professional terminology. He can only use vulgar and simple but easy-to-understand language combined with his own actual combat experience to tell Ling Yun about the things between men and women .

   Sure enough, that little chick Ling Yun listened with gusto, and the gloomy look on his face dissipated a lot.

   "...Is it normal to have that kind of dream?" Under Hu Zhibei's encouraging eyes, Ling Yun finally had the courage to speak.

  If the atmosphere wasn't too serious, Hu Zhibei was afraid that his achievements would fall short, so he really wanted to ask with a smile: So what kind of dream did you kid have?

   After all, he couldn’t make fun of it, and if this kid was scared and shrank back into his shell, it would be really bad!

   "Of course it's normal. Which half-grown guy doesn't have a spring? Unless he is born without X ability."

   "But the person who appeared in the dream..."

  Hu Zhibei's heart of gossip was burning, even Shao Anheng couldn't help but look sideways and **** up his ears.

   "Xiao Yun, who did you dream about?"

  Ling Yun's eyes flashed: "I didn't see clearly..."


  The young man expressed his position in silence, and it was difficult for Hu Zhibei to pursue him further.

  Suddenly, Ling Yun: "Third Master had this kind of dream?"

   "Hey - I have eaten meat long ago at your age, who would rely on things in dreams to get rid of it?" Complacent, showing off, as if he was awesome.

  Ling Yun was a little puzzled. Shouldn’t such things be embarrassing and ashamed to speak up?

  Why is the third master so confident?

Shao Anheng saw his doubts, chuckled, and said bluntly: "Of course novices will be more cautious when driving, and some will be afraid. When you become a veteran driver, oh, just like the third master, you will enjoy racing cars. The more exciting, the more excited."

  Ling Yun seems to understand a little bit.

  But he still couldn't let go of the fact that the person in his dream was Shen Wei.

   After thinking about it, he asked Hu Zhibei who was the woman in the dream for the first time.

  Third Master thought about it for a while, and said honestly: "...I can't remember."

   "Can you remember?"

"Haha, that's a lot," he began to count everything, "the proprietress of the flower shop, the hired female killer, the waiter at the reception, the lady at the table, the beautiful driver, and the little love of the brothers, even the class teacher in middle school. dreamed about."

   "There are also people from brothers?" Ling Yun's heart was shocked, but his expression was still unrevealed, "Is this all right?"

"Why not?" Hu Zhibei asked back, "everyone has the love of beauty. Besides, dreams are beyond my control. I can dream whatever I want. Who knows what strange things will happen?" Weird people? I also dreamed of a little white rabbit, that kind of real animal, not a goblin that can transform into a human form..."

  The corner of Shao Anheng's mouth twitched.

  This is a bit heavy mouthed.

  Ling Yun realized that from now on he might not be able to look directly at the third master, but he was greatly relieved.

  The things that were suppressed on him these days suddenly disappeared.

  After a long discussion, of course it was mainly Hu Zhibei who was imparting his experience earnestly.

If those previous discs opened a door for Ling Yun, and what he saw in the nightclub brought him into a new and unknown world, then what Hu Zhibei said tonight taught him how to face it calmly. new world.

  After seeing the two of them off, Ling Yun lay back on the bed, having his first sound sleep in so long.

   Opening his eyes again, the sun was already high.

  He looked out the window in a daze. The sky was bright, and he had slept for ten hours before he knew it.


   "Yo ho, is the sun coming out from the west?" Lu Shen sat on the sofa, glanced at Ling Yun who came down from the second floor, and then at the wall clock on the wall.

  At this point in the past, Ling Yun was either practicing guns on the shooting range or hitting sandbags in the training room. In short, he would not just wake up.

   "Hey, Xiao Jiangjiang, did you see that?"

  Chu Yujiang withdrew his gaze, with a puzzled expression on his face: "I see."

   "Are you saying that Little Mushroom is over-exercising, which is why he stays in bed?"

   "Exercising...excessively?! Xiao Qiye, are you sure?"

   Lu Shen let out a wretched laugh.

   "Ling Yun is not yet an adult, nor does he have a girlfriend." Chu Yujiang reminded him.

   "What's the matter? Not being an adult doesn't mean he's incapable. As for a girlfriend, he doesn't seem to have one, but he has a five-finger girl, which is very convenient!"

  Chu Yujiang: "..." A little motion sickness.

  When Shen Yu came out of the dining room holding a glass of water, he happened to bump into Ling Yun head-on.

   "Morning." He smiled shyly and said hello.

  Shen Yu was surprised, and at that moment, the same thought as Lu Shen had in his mind——

  The sun came out from the west?

  The young man still had a hellish expression when he met her a few days ago. Occasionally, his eyes met, but it was so fast, so fast, why didn't he hide today, but also took the initiative to say hello?

  Shen Yu was puzzled in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He nodded slightly and replied, "Ten o'clock in the morning, it's getting late."

  Ling Yun's ears turned red, and he murmured: "...Oh."

  Puff Chi—

   "You are too funny." After finishing speaking, the woman smiled and walked away.

  Suddenly his feet stopped, and he reminded him: "It's still a while before lunch, there are sandwiches left in the refrigerator, you can let Lolita heat it up and eat it."

   "Oh." After thinking about it, he might feel a bit stiff, so he added, "Thank you."

  Shen Yu didn't take it to heart, and went upstairs with a water glass in one hand and documents in the other.

Quan Hanting is in charge of a huge group, and it is a group that has an absolute monopoly in the transportation industry. Although he has hired a professional manager and does not have to go to the company in person, some important documents and major decisions still have to go through his hands before they can be formally finalized. .

  So, when he is busy, he is really busy.

  Last night, he and Shen Wei had a video conference in the study, and the other checked documents in the master bedroom. They didn't rest until almost two o'clock.

  No matter how tired a man who has eaten meat is, he still thinks about that matter.

  But Shen Yu was really overwhelmed, Jiao Didi said a few soft words and added a few sweet kisses, and she calmed down a certain wolf.

   The two of them didn't do anything, they hugged each other and slept soundly.

  Woke up in the morning, Shen Wei continued to read the documents.

   They were all brought back from the Mingda project department yesterday. With a deeper understanding of the Shiquanwan project, she also gradually understood why Mingda failed to complete it after so long.

  First of all, the start-up capital is not a small sum, and subsequent additions will only increase.

   It doesn't mean that Da has no money, but that he needs to be more cautious, which is why Shen Ru didn't dare to act rashly when he was still in the project department.

  Secondly, the financing objects mentioned in the plan include three financial institutions, two cooperative companies, and a total of five partners, but three of them failed to negotiate.

   It doesn't matter, it's nothing more than a question of how much profit Mingda will share.

  Finally, the piece of land that has to be mentioned—0019!

  Shen Wei checked the owner behind it, and on the records of the Land and Resources Bureau, it says a little-known company—Zhengyu Real Estate!

  She searched on the Internet and asked Miao Miao to do the research. The legal person is Liu Yu.

   But the real estate industry has not heard of this person's name.

  It is a kind of abnormality to have the ability to win tens of billions of land, but act like a transparent person.

  Therefore, Shen Wei has reason to suspect that this is a "shell company".

  This kind of company has the qualifications of a listed company, but its operating conditions are very poor. It was born to be acquired by other companies, and then inject assets and go public to cash out.

  There must be another company behind it, which is the real owner of this land.

   "...Mr. Shen, I tried my best, but I still couldn't find it."

   Miao Miao's voice was a little frustrated.

  Shen Wei was not surprised, and comforted her by saying, "If we can easily find out, then the other party does not deserve to own such a piece of land."

0019 is located in a prime location in the center of Ningcheng City. It is reported on the Internet that a certain company even invited a Fengshui master from Hong Kong Island to look at it and found that this land is born with the advantages of storing wind and gathering energy and attracting wealth and treasures. Not only Mingda is using his brain , Others are also secretly watching, waiting for an opportunity.

   Such a sweet pastry, if you don't have any strength, can you hold it?

  Having strength means that it is difficult to spy on and unfathomable.

  Then Miao Miao failed, which is also expected.

   It can even be said that it is reasonable.

  Shen Wei: "Don't worry, we still have time."

  Miao Miao responded, "...then I'll think of a way."

  Ending the call, Shen Wei continued to look through the files, most of which were only for browsing, not perusing.

  As for those that need to be examined and further researched, she assigned them to another pile, and they were all done as early as last night.

   When Quan Hanting opened the door and came in, he saw a woman sitting on the bay window with documents scattered in her hands, a mobile phone on top of the documents, and a glass next to the mobile phone, half of the water in it was left to drink.

  The woman was wearing pajamas, leaning on the vertical pillow, lowering her head slightly, her eyes focused on the A4 paper in her hand.

  Drooping eyelids, small nose, smooth chin...

  The bright light outside the window envelops her, forming a stark contrast with the dark indoors.

  The inadvertently leaked beauty made the man's heart beat and he was dizzy.

  Quan Hanting subconsciously stepped lightly, but he didn't expect to startle her.

  The woman raised her head and looked at him with a pair of watery eyes.

  The man said slowly, "Did I bother you?"

   "No." She shook her head.

   Quan Hanting walked over, Shen Yu took his hand, the intimacy and dependence revealed invisibly made him feel good.

   "It's just in time, I have a question I want to ask."

   "What's the problem?" Quan Hanting sat down on the edge of the bay window.

  Shen Wei moved in, leaving a bigger space for him, then leaned her head on the man's shoulder, and handed over the A4 paper, which contained all the information she had collected so far about the land.

  Quan Hanting took a glance: "0019?"

   "What? Problems?"

   "Why are you suddenly interested in this land?"

  Shen Yu didn't hide from him, and directly told about the Quanshuiwan project, school assessment, and Shen Chunjiang's requirements.

   "Oh, what is he?!" Quan Hanting couldn't help sneering.

  The woman he holds in the palm of his hand is a tool that can be used in the eyes of that old man?

  Shen Wei squeezed his tiger's mouth with a smile, and then changed into a gesture of clasping his fingers: "I'm not angry, what are you doing with such a big reaction?"

   "Wait..." The calmer she is, the more distressed the man is.

"I didn't expect him from the beginning, and I won't feel disappointed now." The woman's Qingling eyes were covered with a layer of indifference, without warmth or hatred, as calm as the deep sea, without waves, "Since he I handed over the ladder, if I don't take the opportunity to climb up, it would be too shameful, right?"

   "Yeah." Quan Hanting tightened the strength in his hand and held her tighter, "It's just as long as you like it."

  Shen Wei smiled: "Tell me about this piece of land."

   "I don't know who the person behind it is, but one thing is certain, he has some friendship with the second child."

   "Second Master? How should I say it?" Shen Yu didn't expect the world to be so small, and people who go around are acquaintances.

  Last time, she seemed to offend Song Jing to death...

   "The location of this land is so good that after it was photographed, there were flies staring at it, but soon the second brother let out the word, saying that this land and the owner of this land belong to him..."

  (end of this chapter)

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