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Chapter 1248: donation two

I saw Euler walking up to the fundraising table.

"Who is that?

"That's Dr. Euler from the Starlink City Research Institute."


Soon the amount of donation came out, and Euler donated 5 billion stars.

"Wow, I donated a lot."



Su Mo waited quietly, looking at a person who personally went to donate, and was also a little emotional, there are a lot of people who donate.

At this time, the total donation amount has reached 523.9 billion stars.

Su Mo took a look at this moment, and most of the people had already gone up, so he walked onto the stage calmly.

Immediately, everyone at the scene focused on Su Mo.

"Who is that person on stage now?"

"That person seems to be called Su Mo, the colonel of Star Ring City."

"The position is not low, it is estimated that there will be a lot of donations."

"I think it's difficult. You don't understand that. He is famous for his nickname."

"What nickname?"

"The world's first loss."

"The richest man? So rich?"

"Haha, you got it wrong, it's the debt, and he still owes the City of Starlink 10 trillion star coins."

"That's no drama."


Su Mo hurriedly walked to the fundraising table, raised his wristband and swiped over.

Soon a fundraising message was refreshed on the screen.

"City of Star Rings Colonel Su Mo donated 50W Star Coins!"


At this time, it is far away in the second ring of the city of stars and the morning sun company building.

Qian Chengxue, Sun Li and others are watching the latest charity fundraising banquet.

At this time, Sun Li excitedly pointed at the screen and shouted, "Sister Xue, look, that's not Su Mo. Look, he ran to the scene to join in the fun."

"It's normal to combine work and rest."

Qianchengxue looked at Su Mo who was on stage, and showed a soft smile. It was the best to be able to confirm that Su Mo was okay.

"It's strange, why did Su Mo donate 50W of star coins? He won't be really poor, right?"

Zhao Han asked in confusion.

"Why donate so much, we are still poor to death."

Sun Li stretched out.

"The problem is this is a live broadcast. It's not very good to see if there is less donation."

Tang Yao said helplessly.

"Uh, it seems that too."


At the charity banquet, Su Mo suddenly couldn't help sneezing when he stepped in and walked down after the donation.

He rubbed his nose, wondering a little, did he catch a cold?

Suddenly, a strange sound of yin and yang rang out.

"Oh, a colonel donated 50W of star coins, which is less than the ferry ticket. I'm really sorry."

Su Mo turned his head and glanced at it, and it was Horion who didn't accidentally ridicule him.

But he didn't care and went straight on.

At this time, Horion stepped forward to donate, and he swept it with his electronic bracelet.

There were also small-scale exclamations at the scene.

A new message is refreshed on the screen.

"Mr. Horion of the Wreck Empire donated one billion star coins."


Ora came over after seeing Su Mo's donation. She asked in a low voice, "Mr. Su Mo, have you not had enough money recently, or if I still have some money here, you can use it first."

"It's okay, it's not that I don't have money, I just intend to donate so much."

Su Mo waved his hand and replied with a smile.

Ora was also slightly taken aback, and Su Mo didn't explain too much. In fact, he really admired Miraya's original intention.

But in terms of donations, he does not plan to donate to Mirayato. Because Su Mo is more willing to rescue the people of the Federation first than to rescue the whole people.

In any case, he also came out of the Federation, and it is impossible for him to forget his roots because he has grown up now.

Seeing that Su Mo said that, Euler didn't say much.

At this time, there was another commotion on the scene, and Commander Keras stepped onto the fundraising platform.

"Commander Keras has come to power."

"How much do you say Commander Keras will donate?"

"That's probably more."


Su Mo was also very curious to watch.

However, at the moment when the fundraising information was updated, the scene was dead silent.

"Commander Keras, the city of the star ring, donated 100 million star coins."


After a brief dead silence, the scene suddenly whispered.

"Why did Commander Keras donate so little?"

"That's too little."


Commander Keras stepped down with a stern face. Of course, he knew that this was a live broadcast and wanted to donate more. But Naihe cyst is shy, I really can't get it out!


Su Mo rubbed his chin in astonishment and kept thinking, the donation from Commander Kailas was indeed a bit small.

"Do you think Commander Keras has donated a little less?"

Looking at Su Mo's strange expression, Euler asked.

"It's quite a few."

"That's because he really has no money. Commander Kailas has been collecting materials at Ceres at a low price recently, but it is said that the collection is not ideal."

Euler explained to Su Mo.

Su Mo fell into deep thought after listening to Euler's words.

I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Half an hour later, the last person to raise money also finished donating, and this time a total of 782.2 billion star coins were raised, which is considered a complete success.

Miss Miraya saluted everyone.

"Thank you very much for your donations. On behalf of all the recipients, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone. Now everyone can enjoy your meal."


With a burst of warm applause, everyone began to eat.

Time passed little by little.

Soon the banquet came to an end, and many people began to leave.

Ora said goodbye to Su Mo and left first, but Su Mo never left.

He kept staring at Commander Keras, who was sitting in front of him.

It can be seen that Commander Kailas seems to be in a very bad mood. He has been holding a glass of wine, drinking down his stomach one cup after another.

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded.

"Uncle Corlene is him, and he shot me so arrogantly."

Su Mo subconsciously turned his head to look at the past, only to see Horion with a sharp-eyed, eagle nose, full of fleshy face, exuding a terrifying killing breath, wearing a major general's uniform.


Su Mo narrowed his eyes, bowed to the strong man in front of him, and said sternly.

"Now you know what to do."

Seeing Su Mo's reaction, Horion couldn't help sneering.

However, before the words were finished, Corion suddenly slapped Horion's face heavily.

Horion was blinded, his teeth fell off, and his mouth was full of blood.

He was just about to ask.

Corlene scolded directly.

"To shut up!"

Su Mo watched this scene, her brows furrowed.

Immediately, Keleen said to Su Mo: "Colonel Su Mo is really young. It seems that Starlink City has really produced many talents in recent years."

"Thank you for your praise. UU reading"

"try hard."

Corlene then turned to leave.

Horion followed in a panic, and he asked Corion tremblingly.

"Uncle, what did I do wrong?"

"It's extremely stupid. When you can't kill the other party, don't show your fangs."

Keleen reprimanded in a low voice, even though he was a major general, it would not be so easy to take care of a colonel without a formal reason. Not to mention that he knew very well that Su Mo was still a candidate for the Royal Order, so he could only look for opportunities.

"Then what?"

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