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Chapter 1249: Thief

"You don't need to take care of this matter, I naturally know what to do."

Kerion snorted coldly, ignored Horion and left.

Horion stopped and turned to look at Su Mo, with a more resentful look in his eyes.


However, Su Mo had no interest in taking care of them at this time, he kept staring at Commander Kailas.

At this time Commander Kailas got up and was about to leave the banquet hall.

Seeing this, Su Mo followed.

When Commander Kailas walked to a relatively quiet area, Su Mo walked around in front of him and blocked Commander Kailas.

"Commander Keras."

Su Mo saluted him.

Seeing that it was Su Mo who stopped him, Commander Kailas frowned, and his rough face twitched.

"Su Mo, what are you doing to stop me?"

"Commander Keras, I'm here to repay the money."

Su Mo immediately raised the electronic wristband in his hand, swiped Commander Keras's electronic wristband, and transferred 1 billion star coins in one operation.

This money is actually used to repay the original judgment.

Although ten years have not yet come, Su Mo saw that Commander Kailas was so short of money and decided to pay it off early.

Commander Kailas looked at the account information popped up on the wristband, and his expression was also surprised and wriggling.

Su Mo immediately bowed to Commander Kailas, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, what happened back then caused you so much trouble, but at that time I really had to."


Commander Kailas snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Seeing this, Su Mo was about to leave, and he said to Commander Kailas, "Then I'll leave first."

Just when Su Mo was about to leave, Commander Kailas suddenly said to Su Mo abruptly.

"Any time, there is still time to panic here, if you don't hurry to prepare the mecha, the selection of the royal sect will start soon. The selection is very realistic, your mecha is not good, no matter how strong you are, it is useless. ."

Su Mo was also stunned, he just wanted to say something.

Commander Keras turned and left.

Su Mo looked at the back of Kailas leaving, and couldn't help but ponder.

The deep voice of the Creator Devourer resounded in Su Mo's mind.

"He's leaking secrets to you, and the selection of the Royal Order is about to start."

"I know, the problem is that it's a little troublesome, my mecha hasn't come out yet."

Su Mo also had a headache.

"This time, when you go back and give the old man a task, urge the old man."

The Creator Devourer said to Su Mo in a low voice.

"That's all it can do, do your best."

Su Mo replied helplessly.

"You'd better take the position of the Twelve Knights of the Royal Order. Although I know you don't care much, but with this status, it will be more convenient for you to do a lot of things. The most important point is that the higher the status, the more difficult it is. Being treated as cannon fodder!"

The Creator Devourer said in a low voice.

"I see, let's go back to rest first."

Su Mo took a long breath and replied.


Inside the hangar in Area A1.

A sneaky figure is very dexterous to avoid the surveillance above his head.

Quietly groping in one direction.

At this time, there was not a single figure in the huge hangar, and only occasionally a few patrolling guards walked past.

If you look carefully, you will find that the sneaky figure is a thin young man.

The young man also had a special shield on his body.

Soon he circled to the private hangar area, and he locked onto the target at a glance.

Looking at the towering biological mecha, looking at the mechanical storage box placed next to it, and it is also a common type of mechanical storage box, there is an excited look on his face.

He touched it quickly.

Soon appeared in front of the mechanical storage box.

Without a second thought, he pulled out a portable tool from his pocket and prepared to crack the mechanical key.

At this moment, a huge shadow enveloped him.

He immediately noticed that something was wrong, and the light around him dimmed, so he raised his head subconsciously.

I saw Domac lying on the back of the mechanical box was awakened, staring at the uninvited guest in front of him, opening his **** mouth, and roaring filial piety!



The young man looked at the extremely ferocious Domac, his face was pale in an instant, his courage was broken, his body stiffened, and he fell back hard.



In the room, Su Mo was lying on the bed and was sleeping soundly.


Suddenly there was a crisp knock on the door.


Su Momeng opened his eyes, got up and walked towards the door.

When the door opened, Su Mo was also stunned, only to see five fully armed soldiers standing in front of him. The leader was none other than Sunny who Su Mo met at the interstellar airport.

"Sir Su Mo."

"What happened?"

Su Mo asked suspiciously.

Sunny had a headache and said to Su Mo, "Sir Su Mo, come with us, your pet seems to have killed someone."

"Murdered? Go and see."

Su Mo was also very surprised.

Soon, Su Mo and the others rushed to the hangar, only to see that the hangar was very lively and crowded with many people. At the same time, the people of the Laurel Kingdom also mobilized a lot of fake V-generation mechas to come to sit in town, as if they were afraid of something.

"Why so many people?"

Su Mo frowned.

"Part of it is the family of the deceased, and another part is to watch the fun."

Sonny explained.

"It's really not a big deal."

Su Mo couldn't help but complain.

At this time, when the family members of the deceased saw Su Mo, they rushed over excitedly.

"You murderer."

However, they were all stopped by the people of the Laurel Kingdom.

"Please this way."

Sunny respectfully said to Su Mo.

Su Mo didn't say anything, and he could see that this Sunny was obviously partial to him, but Su Mo was not in a good mood.

If Domac really made a mistake, he didn't intend to shirk.

Soon they came to the scene and saw Domac lying there with the corpse in front of him.

The problem is that no one dares to approach.

Domac watched Su Mo come over, and was very happy wailing.

Su Mo couldn't help but ask the Creator Devourer: "Xiao Ma, what does it say?"

"It said a thief was caught."

The creator, the Devourer, replied coldly.

Hearing Xiao Fang's words, Su Mo's taut brows immediately relaxed. He originally thought that Domac killed people uncontrollably, and he was a thief after a long time, so what is there to say.

So he turned to Sonny.

"There is something wrong with this person. What is he doing sneaking up to my hangar? Nine times out of ten, he is a thief. UU reading is also very good at distinguishing this. You can find out by searching him."

"it is good."

Sunny nodded, then waved her hand.

A soldier resisted his fear and stepped forward to examine the body.

The result really found a lot of tools.

"Lord Sonny, there are really lockpicking tools and shielding devices."

Sunny immediately said to Su Mo, "It seems that the other party's hands and feet are indeed not very clean."

"Then how to deal with this matter?"

Su Mo asked directly.

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