Plug-in Player

Chapter 1285: Battle one twelve

The Creator Devourer was also speechless after hearing Su Mo's words.


Su Mo sighed melancholy, and walked back.


In the exit passage of the Timakro Starry Sky Arena, when City Lord Yinkaloya walked out expressionlessly, the old face of Emperor Isaacli of the Skeleton Empire who was following behind him changed for a while.

Then he bit the bullet and took a step forward, and said humbly.

"Master Yinkaloya, there is something wrong with the Immortal Empire. Normally, they shouldn't have such a strong power. This is obviously abnormal, and there must be something tricky in it. We have to investigate and investigate."

Yin Kaloya did not stop, but said with a blank expression.

"Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. Instead of worrying about these things, you should think more about how to improve your own strength, and don't focus on those meaningless things."

That is to say, it was Emperor Isaacley who questioned, and Yin Kaloya answered it. If someone else had asked this question, he would probably have responded with a cold look.

After listening to Yin Kaloya's words, Emperor Isaacley was still extremely unwilling.

But he is well aware of Yin Kaloya's temperament, and she made it very clear, so don't be ashamed if your skills are not as good as others.

So he replied in a deep voice: "City Master Yin Kaloya, what you said is true."


Soon after, the wreck of the Empire Empire State Administration Building.

I saw Emperor Isaacli's face was as gloomy as water, and he walked in step by step.

The imperial soldiers guarding on both sides knelt down on one knee in panic. Everyone could see that the emperor was in a state of extreme rage.

A few minutes later, Emperor Isaac took the floating elevator to the top floor of the Empire's administrative building.

Inside the magnificent hall.

Roche, Earl Njita, Bennett, Duke Aleph and others were all present in a fierce dispute.

When they saw the Emperor, they all stopped to greet him.


Emperor Isaacley took a deep breath, calmed down, turned to look at Roche and said.

"Roche, Grillos lost, and now all the hopes of the Skeleton Empire can only rest on you."

A very ugly expression appeared on Roche's face. He couldn't calm down for a long time, and said in a gaffe.

"Emperor, please forgive me. It's not that I don't want to try my best, it's just that I can't even win Lord Grillos. How can I beat Crysia, and the performance of my Sunwing is not as good as that of the future envoy."

Emperor Isaacli naturally knew that what Roche said was true, but now they only had Roche left, and they had no choice at all.

At this time, Earl Njita said: "Master Roche, it is not completely impossible. Judging from the current battle, although Clyssia defeated Lord Grillos, it was very difficult to win, and her biological mech was also very weak. If it is injured, its biological activity will inevitably shrink. Unless it is replaced with a new mech, we only need to hurry up and repair the future messenger, and at the same time move the peripheral devices of the Solar Wing to the future messenger, maybe there will be more Chance."

"It makes sense! Immediately order that people do their best to repair the future envoy."

Emperor Isaacs responded immediately.

"But like this, do we really have a chance of winning? Roche, how sure are you?"

Duke Alef still looked at Roche very worriedly.

Roche really wanted to say that there was no problem, but he couldn't say it.

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded along with steady steps.

"You don't need to worry, I have already analyzed the battle between Crysia and Grillos. In the past few days, I will personally guide Roche and improve his strength as much as possible."

When everyone heard the voice, they quickly turned their heads to look over, and they were overjoyed to see that it was Hebert.

"Master Herbert, you are here."

Roche was also quite excited, and said to Hebert.

"Master Hebert will be guided by you, so I have the bottom line in my heart."

However, Engita hesitated for a while, and said to Herbert, "Master Herbert, if you personally fight Clycia, can you win?"

Hearing what Njita said, everyone was stunned for a moment. If this was the usual question, they would have been sprayed to death by them.

But the power displayed by Ke Lixia is indeed too frightening.

Therefore, their expressions tightened in vain.

Herbert hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "According to the strength shown by Clycia, there should be no problem."

When everyone heard Herbert's answer, they took a deep breath.

Lord Herbert replied that there should be no problem, even with a hint of uncertainty.

"Hey, actually, if you, Mr. Hebert, go up to fight in person, I won't be too worried. But Roche's strength is weaker after all, and there is still a big trouble."

Engita said worriedly.

"What trouble."

Everyone looked at Njita.

"It would be fine if Crysia is the strongest of the Immortal Empire trio. But as far as I know, that Leo Te is known as the number one master of the Immortal Empire. If he is stronger than Crysia, That would be big trouble."

Njita took a deep breath and said what worried him most.

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene became more dignified, and everyone didn't know what to say.

Finally, Herbert broke the silence and spoke.

"Now is not the time to think about that. Instead of worrying about the strength of your opponent, you should try your best to improve your own strength. After all, your own strength is more important than anything else, at least there is still a chance."

"Hebert is right. It is imminent to hurry up to repair and arm the future envoys, as well as to enhance Roche's strength. The position of the Royal Order is too important to our Skeleton Empire. Anyway, we They must be snatched, otherwise the situation we have been operating for so many years will be broken."

Emperor Isaacley replied in a deep voice.


Roche and the others responded one after another.


Not long after, Su Mo returned to his hotel room.

He raised the bracelet, and then operated quickly, and soon a holographic projection was mapped into the room.

Su Mo continued to type in instructions.

I saw the battle video of Crysia VS Grilos being projected Su Mo pulled a chair over, started to slow down, and re-studied the battle between the two. Lycia.

He said to the Creator Devourer: "Help me analyze the battle together."


The Creator Devourer replied in a low voice.

The two began to watch a little bit, and Su Mo looked at Krysia who appeared on the stage, and asked.

"I heard from you yesterday that the weapon that Clycia is holding is called the Spear of the Splinter Star. What kind of weapon is that?"

"It's a specially made standard VI weapon that is on the same level as Thor's Gun. Its main feature is to shatter things. It has a powerful destructive effect on energy shields and armor. It can be said to be indestructible! If you are right When she is at her, it is best not to be attacked by it, and you have also seen that the armor of the future messenger is so strong, it is not enough to look at that weapon."

The Creator Devourer carefully introduced the effect of the Star Splitter to Su Mo.

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