Plug-in Player

Chapter 1286: Battle Thirteen

Hearing what the Creator Devourer said, Su Mo felt a little envious of this Star Splitter.

"Good thing, you said that if I can collect a few more weapons of this kind, it is not impossible to leapfrog the challenge."

"Dream, every Tier VI weapon is extremely precious, either lost in a certain starry sky, or controlled by the strong."

"Dreams are still there."

While watching, Su Mo chatted nonsense with the Creator Devourer.

Soon they saw that on the eve of Kelixia's fury, Su Mo paused the video here, and he said to the Creator Devourer.

"In the previous battles, although Crysia's performance was very amazing, it was still within the acceptable range. This is when the subversive turning point really occurred."

"Well, look at the changes that happened to the mecha when it exploded. I remember very clearly that its biological fitness soared by at least 300% at that time! The built-in creatures of the entire mecha seemed to be fully activated and entered a state of critical detachment .”

The Creator Devourer explained.

"The fit is 300%? You're not mistaken, are you?"

Su Mo was also stunned.

"That's right, I also specially scanned the wind wingers in the starry sky from a long distance. This data can't be wrong."

The Creator Devourer replied sternly.

"Crysia's compatibility is very high, and it has soared by 300%. No wonder Grilos will be defeated!"

"Also, I did some calculations. From the time when Crysia went into a special state and went berserk until the end of the battle, it lasted for nearly seventeen minutes and thirty-one seconds. And this is not necessarily her limit, that is to say, she The burst state lasted for a long time."

"Well, it makes sense."

"In addition, look at this picture. After Crysia erupted, her nerve reaction speed was extremely fast. She even managed to dodge sub-light speed missiles. For each attack, make the most accurate response, and even be able to predict its attack..."


Just when Su Mo and Xiao Che were studying Ke Lixia.

Suddenly Su Mo's bracelet vibrated non-stop.

Su Mo was taken aback for a moment, then opened the mailbox.

I saw that Mo Baoke kept sending him private messages through the Xinghuan forum.

"Brother, come on, you must not lose, you are the strongest in the world."

"Brother, I believe you must be invincible."


Su Mo's face was full of black lines, Mo Baoke was so hot, he sent him endless messages.

He immediately ignored it and continued to study with the Creator Devourer.

Unfortunately, things often backfired. At this time, there was an urgent knock on the door.


At the same time, Sun Duoxiang's voice came from the door.



Su Mo walked to the door suspiciously, opened the door, looked at Sun Duoxiang who was panting in front of him, and asked with a strange expression.

"Why did you come here, still out of breath?"

Sun Duoxiang said anxiously: "Boss, you must win the competition tomorrow. I am very optimistic about you. You must beat those **** on the ground!"

"How can it be so easy, and you came all the way here just for this?"

Su Mo said helplessly.

"Oh~ what is it for this matter, if you lose, boss, I will die."

Sun Duoxiang was like an ant on a hot pot, almost going crazy.

"What did you say?"

Su Mo looked up and down Sun Duoxiang in doubt.

"Um, no, no, what I mean is, if you lose, Boss, I feel as if I'm dying. I absolutely believe in your strength. Those who don't know about the Immortal Empire are definitely not your opponents."

Sun Duoxiang came to his senses and quickly licked Su Mo.

Su Mo kicked Sun Duoxiang directly, and said angrily, "I believe in your ghosts, so be honest."

Sun Duoxiang scratched his head and said in a very low voice.

"Actually, in fact, I put all my wealth on the boss and you won the championship."

When Su Mo heard Sun Duoxiang's words, he was also angry and funny. He couldn't help but operate on the electronic bracelet for a while, and opened the closed championship betting market.

"I really convinced you."

"Boss, don't I have absolute confidence in you?"

"Stop it."

Su Mo scolded Sun Duoxiang while looking at the gambling table.

As a result, his eyes were straightened, and he couldn't help taking a breath. The total funds actually reached 63 trillion star coins.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that 8.1 trillion star coins have been pressed on him.

He clearly remembered that when he watched it at the beginning, he had hundreds of billions of star coins on him, but he didn't expect it to soar so much.

"Who pressed me so much?"

After speaking, Su Mo looked at Sun Duoxiang in surprise.

Sun Duoxiang shook his head like a rattle in an instant, and said hastily.

"Boss, don't look at me. If I have so much money, I still need to bet? My entire net worth is 300 billion star coins."

Su Mo frowned even more when he heard this.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on Su Mo's electronic bracelet.

"Respect Colonel Su Mo, your request for an ultra-long-distance cross-star field communication."

Su Mo was also taken aback when he saw this message, then clicked and chose to connect.

In the next second, the virtual image of Commander Nan Qi appeared directly.

Su Mo was also stunned when he saw Nan Qi appearing, and said incredulously.


It's no wonder Su Mo was so surprised. Ceres is so far away from the first birthplace, and this guy's communication can be connected. How much transit equipment was used!

"Brother, you must strive for success in this competition, and you must win the championship."

Nan Qi came up and said directly to Su Mo without saying a word.

Su Mo came to his senses immediately, and said to Nan Qi, "Damn, you shouldn't force me to win too, right?"

"As a big brother, how can I not believe in your strength? I have suppressed my wealth, and I have suppressed your five trillion star Nan Qi didn't hide it directly Showdown.

"Good guy, I'll just say that whoever pressured me so much money, the relationship is all created by you."

Su Mo also couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother, don't talk about that, you must win. If you lose, I will go bankrupt. Don't look at me as a commander. I seem to have a lot of money. But I have a lot of people and I really don't have much spare money. , this money is my lifeline. If you can win, then brother, I am really developed, and then you will be my real father. "

Nan Qi was so excited that he spat and said.

The more Su Mo listened, the more he had a headache. He didn't expect such a thing to happen again, he said with a headache.

"Don't say that, I dare not give you a guarantee. It's not that you haven't seen how strong the Immortal Empire gang is. I really can't beat it. If I use a biological mecha, say Maybe I can still fight it out, the problem is that I use pure machinery, although my technology may be a little better than theirs, but I can't stand up to the opponent."

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