Plug-in Player

Chapter 390: donate

At this time, the three of Zhou Cheng also came together.

"Sister Zinuo, don't tell me when you come to the banquet, we are good friends."

Although Zhou Qian seemed to be talking to Lin Zinuo, her eyes kept looking at Su Mo, even though Su Mo was not well-dressed. But Lin Zinuo was well dressed. With Lin Zinuo's financial resources, he definitely couldn't afford it. There was only one possibility, that is, Su Mo bought it for her, which is really a good life.

"Sister Zhou Qian, I just happened to accompany Su Mo here."

Lin Zinuo responded coldly.

At this time, Lin Yu said with a smile on his face: "Aiya, Zi Nuo, I haven't seen you look more and more beautiful for a long time. This person next to you is your friend, he is very handsome."


"We and your father just came to work in Modu, responsible for the planning and review of the interstellar airport, so we brought your sister Zhou Qian here. You also know that your child Zhou Qian doesn't have many friends, or let her come with you during this time. How about playing? It's good to have a company with a lot of people."

Lin Zinuo was speechless when she heard it. She didn't say that Su Mo was a hooligan before, but now that Zhou Qian was pushed over, she didn't plan to get used to it.

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to take my cousin. It's not that Su Mo's reputation is not very good. Is it a sloppy, standard ruffian? If the cousin is broken, I can't take the responsibility."

Su Mo's expression became more and more exciting. He looked at Lin Zinuo in disbelief. This guy scolded himself really smoothly, without stagnation.

Lin Yu and the others looked dumbfounded.

"Zinuo, you are joking with your aunt again, Mr. Su Mo is a talented person, how could he be a hooligan."

"That's not necessarily true. I know the person and the face but not the heart. How dare I let my cousin take a risk. Let me tell you, don't look at Su Mo's good looks, in fact, his character is not very good, and he is still stubborn. , super poor, need culture without culture, experience without experience. …”

The more Lin Zinuo spoke, the happier he became.

On the contrary, the more Zhou Cheng and the others listened, the darker their faces became. This was not a disguised slap in the face, but the problem was that they were not ready to attack.

Suddenly, there was a warm applause from the scene, interrupting their conversation, and Lin Zinuo and the others turned their heads to look over.

It seems that Cao Wen's speech has ended, and since Cao Wen's conversation with Su Mo took too long, he directly advanced the charitable donation.

Now Cao Yun has stepped onto the stage and gracefully began to preside over the donation ceremony.

"Dear guests, all of you are elites bred by the Magic City. You must have heard that the construction of the Magic City Interstellar Airport is about to begin. However, due to various reasons, the budget is seriously insufficient. For the future of the Magic City, I represent the Magic City again. All the people, I appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand.”

At this time, an old man leaning on a cane reached out his hand calmly and said loudly.

"I donate one billion on behalf of the Lei family!"

When everyone at the scene heard this number, they all took a breath, they were so rich!

At this time, the other two old men sitting next to them also raised their hands.

"I donated 500 million on behalf of the Zhao family!"

"I donated 500 million on behalf of the Hai family!"


"The three major chaebols of the magic capital have taken action."

"So rich."

"Of course, you don't even look at them. Their size is there. That can compete with the existence of the five dragon heads. The donation is just a trivial matter. The real big deal is the later construction and construction quotations..."

As the lead group donated, other guests present also began to make generous donations.

"I personally donate 100W"

"I donated 800W to the group on behalf of Keke"


The atmosphere on the field became more and more lively, and at this moment, Su Mo also raised his hand.

Lin Zinuo and others looked at him in surprise.

"I personally donate 2 billion."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately boiled.

"Who is that guy, two billion!"

"So rich..."

Cao Yun on the stage said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Su Mo for your strong support, the next one..."

Lin Zinuo swallowed hard and looked at Su Mo in disbelief.

"Su Mo, are you really donating 2 billion?"

"Well, I live in Modu all the year round. For such a big project, I have to do my part. Who doesn't want to build a better hometown."

Su Mo didn't feel anything, and he didn't care about the money. The wealth in his hands was too much to spend.

Lin Wei really appreciated Su Mo's behavior.

"The donation is very good. Although I don't like Cao Wen's planning style, it's a bit aggressive. But one thing is right. The beauty of this society requires everyone to work hard to build it. The rich contribute money, and the strong contribution."

"Thank you uncle for the compliment."

Zhou Qian and the others saw Su Mo's eyes getting hotter and hotter, he was really the son-in-law of the golden turtle.

2 billion donated at a glance.

"Mr. Su Mo, what do you do?"

Lin Yu couldn't care so much, and asked Su Mo directly.

"The webmaster of my internet cafe."

Su Mo replied lightly.

After Lin Yu listened to it, her expression became more and more embarrassed. The ghost would believe this statement and obviously did not want to tell her.

"You're really joking."

Su Mo also looked helpless, and he was too lazy to explain. These days, few people believe the truth, and a lot of people believe the lies.

At this time, Cao Yuan came over and saluted Su Mo respectfully, then took out a super thick demolition agreement and said to Su Mo.

"Excuse me, Mr. Su Mo, this is the demolition agreement that has been drawn up. You can take a look. All the compensation rules are on it."

Hearing Cao Yuan's words, Zhou Cheng and Lin Wei's expressions changed slightly, and they reacted immediately.

"Is the largest land for demolition of the interstellar airport yours?"

"Yeah, it just happened to be an agreement."

Su Mo took it over, flipped through it quickly, and signed the contract directly.

Cao Yuan said with a smile: "It is also thanks to Mr. Su Mo's willingness to make concessions, otherwise it would be so easy to demolish it. Moreover, Mr. Su Mo did not ask for excessive compensation for the future of the city, otherwise, with the current financial expenditure, it is indeed Enough."

"This is what I should do, nothing, is there anything else?"

Su Mo didn't want to stay here anymore, because it was too conspicuous.

"There's nothing left."

"Then can you arrange a I still have something to do. As for the donation, you can deduct it directly from the compensation."

Su Mo asked.

"No problem, this is arranged for you."

Cao Yuanxin understood the answer, the official business of the banquet was about to be finished, and the only thing left was to communicate. It was obvious that Mr. Su Mo was unwilling to participate.

Su Mo turned his head and said politely to Lin Wei and Lin He.

"Uncle, aunt, I still have something to do."

Lin Zinuo also said quickly, "Mom and Dad, I'm leaving too, I'll have to play games later."

"Go, be safe on the road."

Lin Wei nodded and said nothing.

Su Mo and Lin Zinuo looked at each other and left together.


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