Plug-in Player

Chapter 391: schedule

At night, Su Mo and Lin Zinuo returned home.

Lin Zinuo lay down on the sofa, she was almost exhausted, especially her feet were numb.

"I'm too tired. I won't participate in this kind of banquet next time I'm killed."

"It's good to take a rest, but if it doesn't work, you can ask for a leave."

Seeing that Lin Zinuo was really tired, Su Mo suggested.

At this moment, Lin Zinuo's cell phone buzzed, she subconsciously picked up the cell phone and glanced at it, then ran towards the room.

"What happened?"

Su Mo asked suspiciously.

"The joint force has arrived at the Forgotten Continent. I have to go online and prepare to land. I won't tell you."

After Lin Zinuo entered the room, he quickly found the helmet he brought and used it first.

Su Mo looked at the startled Lin Zinuo, and shook his head helplessly. He walked towards the washroom, ready to wash up and go back to the room to rest.

After a while, Su Mo washed up and lay on the bed, picked up his mobile phone and browsed the forum a little to see the latest progress of the Cup of the Underworld.

The result was unbearable, and I was startled when I saw it. The existing scattered players took advantage of the landing of the joint troops, and all rushed forward to carry out the landing operation.

The entire Star Ring world is playing super fiercely, and the mortality rate has skyrocketed.

In addition, there are many players of the combined forces who died in action. The leaked images and videos of the main battlefield showed that on the main battlefield, there were two Type IV alien monsters in the center of the enemy monster group, each of which was as high as fifty or sixty meters in size. Its own special ET force field is immune to all long-range attacks, like a god, and wherever it passes, the blocked players are instantly disintegrated and smashed.

Su Mo looked at these images and sighed slightly. To be honest, it was indeed a pity that he did not participate in this grand battle.

But life is not like this, and there is nothing perfect.

Su Mo immediately browsed other information, because before the total login, a large number of players had already entered.

So the lost continent is no longer mysterious.

Judging from the first-line information obtained by the player's exploration, the entire lost continent is a mechanical continent, and it should be a piece of mechanical wreckage to be correct.

Some experts even put forward an amazing idea, and it has been recognized by many people.

The expert believes that this lost continent is a part of the wreckage of a mechanical space fortress of a certain civilization. After the fall of the mechanical fortress, some of its remaining fragments fall into this world. In addition, if there is no accident, this mechanical fortress should be defeated by alien aliens, so when it is torn apart, it carries a lot of alien aliens, so there are so many alien aliens here.

Therefore, many players think that the lost continent center must contain the technological existence of civilization class jumping.

Thinking of this, countless institutions and capital are completely crazy. Not to mention getting the most advanced technology, just pick up some technology left by high civilization, and you can eat and drink without worry in the future.

After browsing the information on the progress of Star Ring's wasteland reclamation, Su Mo opened the trading section again to check the transaction records of gold points and silver points to see if the price had dropped.

The result was not unexpected to Su Mo, the price not only did not come back, but it became stronger and soared!

Some private capital institutions, seeing the price so high, some are afraid of bloodshed. He threw away the stock in his hand, but it was swallowed up immediately.

In the entire gold point and silver point trading market, almost nothing can be eaten.

Seeing this, Su Mo became more and more certain that the biggest behind-the-scenes boss in the acquisition of Gold Point and Silver Point should be the Federal Parliament. Only it has such great confidence and strength, and dare to soar soaring acquisitions.

Su Mo's expression became more and more changeable, he decided to wait and see more, and then decide what to do next after the effects of the gold and silver points were announced.

Anyway, he is the only one left in life, and material things are dispensable to him. What if you lose the bet? Anyway, when you finally leave this world, you can't take it with you, it will only add to your troubles.



The next morning, after Su Mo got up and took a shower, she saw that Lin Zinuo's door was still closed. She didn't have to think about it, she must have played late last night, and she might have stayed up all night.

So Su Mo sat on the sofa and waited for a while. At about eleven o'clock, Su Mo saw that Lin Zinuo hadn't come out yet, so he went to the door and knocked on the door.

bang bang~

"What's the matter, let me sleep for a while."

Lin Zinuo wore pajamas, opened the door in a sullen mood, and said in a daze.

"It's not an appointment, you invited your parents to dinner?"

Su Mo reminded with a smile.

After Lin Zi heard it, the whole person suddenly became energetic.

"what time is it now?"

"It's eleven o'clock!"

"It's too late, please wait for me."

Lin Zinuo suddenly panicked.

Su Mo helplessly shook his head...

Soon after, Su Mo and Lin Zinuo, who had changed their clothes, took a car and came to a well-reputed Chinese restaurant in the center of the magic city.

Su Mo has already reserved a seat in advance.

Lin Zinuo hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car, and urged Su Mo.

"Come on, come on, be late."

"Don't worry, it's already late."

Su Mo showed a helpless smile. He saw the door of the restaurant at a glance, and Lin Wei and Lin He were standing there.

Lin Wei is a typical old-fashioned intellectual. He is very principled and organized in everything he does, so he agreed to have dinner at 12 o'clock, and he arrived early at 11:30.

"It's over, you didn't call me earlier."

Lin Zinuo looked at Su Mo resentfully.

Su Mo also smiled dumbly. He just wanted to let her sleep more. It should be too late to calculate the time, but he didn't expect the other party to arrive earlier.

"next time."

"And next time."

Lin Zinuo glared at Su Mo fiercely, once was enough of a shame.

Of course, complaining was complaining, but Lin Zinuo and Su Mo still walked over.

"Mom and Dad, that I overslept..."

Lin Zinuo explained awkwardly.

Lin Wei also said more, he said dullly: "Go in."


Su Mo nodded.

Soon the four of them entered a quiet private Su Mo ordered some special dishes here. Of course, he didn't order too many, and he couldn't finish it.

On the dining table, the four of them were eating, and no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed strange.

Su Mo was not very good at chatting, and Lin Wei felt awkward because of the previous incident.

Seeing this, Lin Zinuo took the lead in breaking the silence and asked with a smile, "Mom and dad, why did you all come to the magic capital all of a sudden."

Lin He smiled cooperatively and said, "This is not the construction of an interstellar airport in the magic capital. Your dad is also one of the technical leaders. I just wanted to take the opportunity to come here to see a doctor, so I took this consulting job."

Su Mo was also surprised: "Although the medical level of the magic capital is not bad, isn't the medical level of the imperial capital better?"

"You are right, but there are exceptions. The First Central Hospital of Modu has a very advanced instrument, which is not even in the hospital in the imperial capital. And this is not the most important, the most important point, Xiao of the Central Hospital. Dr. Fang is a top expert in the field of brains in the world."

Lin He explained.

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