Plug-in Player

Chapter 403: rule

"That's right!"

Many people are also gradually regaining their senses.

Time flies by little by little, seven hours is not too long, not too short.

Of course, almost no one can sleep.

As time approaches, the Booster has gotten closer and closer to Starlink City, and can clearly see the appearance of the entire Mechanical City. In fact, it is a city of machinery, more like a mechanical planet.

Nick was madly praising the magnificence of Star Ring City with all the words of praise he could think of at this time.

"My God, look at this, this scale, this sense of technology, it's just amazing work..."

At this moment, suddenly the spacecraft radar system issued a warning.

"Warning, unidentified spacecraft was scanned..."

"Lord Zhang Wei, these spaceships seem to be flying to Starlink City."

The operator was a little nervous to report to Zhang Weihui.

Zhang Wei turned his head to report to Long Ming and the others: "It's a spaceship from another civilization."

"Don't worry about them, just drive as normal. Without strength, any small move is an unwise move."

Long Ming gave the order very rationally.


Zhang Wei nodded in response.

At this time, a special prompt popped up on the illusory screen.

"Please follow the instructions and go to the T01 interstellar port."

Immediately the next second, illusory light and shadow gathered in front of the propeller, forming a guiding track.

"Slow down, follow the directions, everyone is ready to land."

Zhang Wei immediately gave the order......

Nick excitedly reported to everyone: "Brothers and sisters, we are about to arrive at the Star Ring City, and it's time to witness the historical miracle."

At this moment, a non-commissioned officer walked beside Nick and whispered a few words in his ear.

Nick quickly nodded to show his understanding, and then Nick solemnly said to the many people watching: "Dear people, because you don't know what it is like to arrive at the Starlink City, the next live broadcast will not be explained. Only video distribution is carried out, and the smoothness of the video is not guaranteed, but we try our best to ensure the smooth progress of the live broadcast."

Su Mo in front of the TV became more and more fascinated, her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and she was a little excited.

At this time, the live viewing rate has reached 99%.

In the live video, an operator reported in a loud voice: "In 1 minute, enter the expected orbit."

"Show the Star Ring City and the flight orbit, as well as detect the rotation rate and parameters of the Star Ring City, and show them all."

Zhang Wei gave an order in a deep voice. It is not so easy to operate a ship.


Then a row of complicated parameters emerged.

Although there are guidelines, the city around the stars is not stationary, its body in the form of a gyro is constantly rotating, forming gravity.

This Thruster does not have an artificial intelligence system, and all operations need to be done manually. If there is a mistake, the ship will drive face to face and smash into the interstellar port.

Even the most elite doctors in the Federation are now in charge of the operation.

They were also very nervous at this time, after all, they didn't have much experience.

"The output of the power system is adjusted, and it is reduced by another percentage point, and the positive parameter of the bow is corrected by 0.03."

Zhang Wei looked at the floating value and kept giving orders.

"It's being adjusted."


Through the optical imaging system, everyone can clearly see that the city around the stars is getting closer and bigger.

The Thruster became smaller and smaller, like a grain of sand.


"Distance: 172 kilometers!"

"Entering the port of Starcraft 1!"

"Data correction in progress."


"Turn off APU No. 3."

"Reduce power output and further decelerate."

"Start the rest aid system, turn on the anti-gravity system, and prepare to land."


From the air, the Thruster is constantly slowing down, and the anti-gravity device is turned on, and it is a little bit landing in the interstellar port.

There are countless battleships in the entire interstellar port, but even so, there are still too many vacant positions.

After a while, with the vibration of the propeller, it finally landed at the designated position smoothly.

"Successful landing."

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and reported.

"well done."

Long Ming took the lead in applauding.


Zhang Wei and the others also showed a smile.


After a while, the gate of the Propulsion opened, and Long Ming and others walked down, looking at the endless and endless interstellar port, and the countless ships staying here.

Long Ming and others were completely shocked. At this moment, they were like frogs at the bottom of the well, the first time they saw the magnificent sea.

At this moment, a sweet voice sounded.

"Welcome to Star Ring City."

Long Ming and the others slowed down, not knowing when, Ge Li had appeared in front of them.

"Hello, Miss Golly."

Long Ming greeted politely, politeness is always right, of course, Long Ming is also looking at Geli, but unfortunately, he can't tell whether Geli is a human or a robot at all.

"Long Ming Council President, don't be so polite. By the way, I would like to ask you to wait for a while. The others will arrive soon, and we will go together when that time comes."

Gary said with a smile.


Long Ming just wanted to see what people from other civilizations looked like.

At this moment, a group of figures in the distance came over and looked at them carefully. They were not much different from people, except that their skin was pale, their ears were pointed, and their whole body was wearing silver high-necked and corseted clothes, and their eyes were extremely arrogant. The leading man is holding a scepter in his hand and a crown on his head, which can be seen as an imperial system.

"I am the King of Yanas, Memikas, I am here upon invitation."

The leader of the country said.

Golly said with a smile: "Lord Yanas, please wait a moment."

Immediately afterwards, two groups of people came over, both of which were humanoid civilizations, but the styles of their clothes were different.

The group on the left has scales on its skin, gill-like organs on both sides of its lower jaw, and frog-like claws on its hands.

The team on the right is thin and short, with large pupils, dark and rough skin, and gray all over.

The two teams introduced themselves separately. Those with gill organs belonged to the Heike Free Country, a civilization that lived on the seabed.

Another group of people claimed to be from the Falaise tribe, whose civilization was born underground.

Long Ming frowned. He looked at the participating civilizations, and his expression kept changing.

At this moment, towering figures appeared one after another, one named after another with a burly body, a face full of flesh, and his body was embedded in metal outer armor. cut.

Its leader, with eyes like beasts, is daunting.

Nick and others couldn't close their mouths when they saw that there was such a tall person.

"What are you looking at, little dwarf!"

A passing big man said to Nick, his eyes full of disdain,

It's amazing that Nick can understand it. He is very sure that the other party's language must not be theirs, and his tone is so loud that he almost smoked himself.

And this is the overlord from the Gomotos civilization.

Immediately after the landing, the remaining civilizations also appeared, all of which were human-type creatures. Some civilizations had abnormally strong body hair, a bit like savages, and there were also very beautiful human beings with extremely tender skin and eyes like sapphire.

There are also very gloomy, wearing cloaks, with bone jewelry on both hands, and black beam guns on their waists, to see the presence of the enemy.

Long Ming took a deep breath, he had some clues in his heart, and it should be a humanoid civilization to participate. It's just that there is a problem in a certain part of the progress of civilization. For example, the sea of ​​some planets submerges the land, so human beings have evolved to marine creatures.

Or the climate changes, in order to adapt to the environment, new evolution occurs.

In layman's terms, it is more like the same species, going to different evolutionary terminals in different environments.

Golly glanced at it a little and snapped her fingers when she saw that the thirteen civilization teams were all in place.

"Okay, let's go!"

The next second, the metal checkered floor tiles under everyone's feet began to float in the air, like a small aircraft, taking everyone to the sky.

Along the way, everyone can see a magnificent steel building,

You can also vaguely see some figures, but no one can confirm whether these are people or other creatures.

At the same time, from time to time in the air, a miniature aircraft swept past them at a very high speed.

It looks like it's about to hit, but it never hits.


After a while, everyone was amazed and landed in a giant circular square.

In the center of the square, a metal stele was erected, with a dazzling throne on top of the stele.

A girl with long silver hair, wearing a long blue dress, a cold expression, arrogant and elegant demeanor, wearing crystal high-heeled shoes, leaning on Miaoman's body and supporting her chin with one hand, a queen-like girl sitting on it.

Everyone recognized the girl in front of them at a glance, and it was the NPC Irovis who opened the star ring.

Irovis stood up slowly, looking down at the crowd with arrogant eyes.

"Welcome to Negative Universe. I'm honored to tell you that your thirteen civilizations from different dimensions have successfully stood out from the hundreds of contestants and obtained the qualifications for the Cup of Heaven."

Hearing Irovis' words, everyone took a deep breath.

Her words subconsciously mean that hundreds of civilizations are disqualified, have no chance to stand here, and are doomed to perish.

At this time, the lord of Yanas, Memikas also lowered his arrogant head and asked: "Respect Lord Illovis, may I ask what we need to do to win the Cup of Heaven and obtain the continuation of civilization."

Representatives of other civilizations also asked in awe.

Irovis replied indifferently.

"The so-called Cup of Heaven to win is very simple, it is to live.

As soon as this statement came out, the representatives of civilization all looked at the representatives of other civilizations around them vigilantly.

Long Ming's heart sank, could it be cannibalism?

"You don't have to speculate. When I say surviving, I don't mean to let you kill each other."

Irovis explained expressionlessly.

Hearing this, all civilization points breathed a sigh of relief. But what Ilovis said next made everyone feel cold.

"What I said about surviving is more cruel than letting you kill each other."

When Irovis said this, a special virtual image spread out with a wave of his hand,

The vast galaxy map emerges, and you can see that Star Ring City is at the center point, and I see thirteen flickering light spots, flashing on the orbit of Star Ring City, representing thirteen different civilizations that have been selected. planet.

However, looking outside, the galaxy map is all bright red, the standard occupied area.

"Outside the orbit you are in, all are monster-occupied areas. There are Titans, Zerg, Qijuzi, etc., more than tens of thousands of races. They will tear you apart at all costs, what you need to do Just live."

Hearing this, there was infinite panic in the eyes of everyone present. Isn't this a fire pit?

Long Ming and others also looked very ugly. They knew that it would be very difficult to win the Cup of Heaven, but no one thought it would be like this.

However, Long Ming was patient and didn't say anything. Normally, he shouldn't give him a dead end.

But some grumpy people may not be able to hold back.

For example, the big man from the Gomotos civilization accused with red eyes.

"What kind of cup of heaven is this, it is clearly a dead end."

Irovis sneered like an idiot.

"It's up to you whether you live or die. In the galaxy occupied by monsters outside, there are countless ruins of fallen civilizations. You can plunder from them indefinitely to achieve new civilizations. When you win, your civilization will bathe. The fire is reborn and becomes the new master of the world."

"Of course, as the inviter, I also prepare a gift for all of you to get the minimum qualifications for fighting monsters. All of you will get gold points and silver points from the star ring, and it will be 1 to 1 and 1 to 0.1 Unconditionally converted into star coins. At that time, you can enter the city around the stars and exchange everything you want, materials, weapons, technical blueprints, etc.... It is worth noting that you can exchange star coins. It's the gold and silver points, not the gold and silver metals in your hands, after all, those metals are not worth mentioning in the vast universe."

"In addition, it is worth noting that you are strictly prohibited from attacking each other within the sheltered range of Starlink City. Of course, you can fight as you like when you leave the area covered by Starlink City. Of course, you can also ignore my words and arbitrarily choose your future and Make all the choices you want, including attacking each other between civilizations, or even attacking the city of Starlink, as long as you have the strength and bear the corresponding consequences."

Hearing Irovis' words, everyone fell silent.

At this time, Long Ming's old face kept changing, and he finally asked.

"Respect Lord Irovis, what about the civilization that participated in the Cup of Heaven before?"

"They have all sunk into the endless sea of ​​stars! The Cup of Heaven will always select contestants until the real winner is decided. Your presence will prove their demise."

Ilovis makes no secret of revealing the harsh reality.

"Isn't this the same or a dead end, let us die in disguise?"

Some representatives of civilization responded somewhat unacceptably.

Irovis' eyes became colder and colder, she flicked her sleeves and replied in a very cold voice.

"It can be used as a bet in the future. What is the matter of human life? Fate may be unfair, but death will be treated equally!"

In the next second, everyone present fell silent.

Including Su Mo and others who were watching the live broadcast, they were also shocked from the beginning to silence.

No matter what, this is the reality. If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, there may be a chance.

"Goli gave them the redemption card, and you explain the rest to them."


Gary replied respectfully.

Afterwards, Irovis' figure turned into a spot of light and disappeared. No one knew whether Irovis, the owner of the Star Ring City, was a human or an illusory image.

At this time, Ge Li took out some metal signs and handed them to the representatives of the civilization one by one with a smile.

"This is a symbol of your civilization."

Long Ming took over the sign and glanced at it. It had a number of five written on it, which should represent their number.

Ge Li smiled and said: "Okay, now you can exchange the gold points and silver points on your body into star coins. Star coins are the common currency of Star Ring City, and the main material is made of star stones. , and star stone is a kind of ore that contains energy, and it is also the cornerstone of the structure of this world. You can exchange star coins for weapons, all technologies, and even materials you want. Of course, these are just your starting capital, which means nothing. Follow-up You still have to watch your own development."

"Give us 700 million gold points and 1.6 billion silver points."

The Lord of Yanas, Memikas, was the first to speak.

Hearing the words of the King of Yanas, Memikas, the expressions of some civilizations were a little moved. Long Ming accurately captured the changes in their expressions. 700 million gold points and silver points should be considered a lot.

Ge Li directly took out a special striped metal card and handed it to Memikas. At the same time, she operated the bracelet directly in her hand, and directly deducted its corresponding gold and silver points.


In fact, Long Ming's guess was right, 700 million was indeed a lot.

The next exchange of many civilizations is only 300 million, 400 million, and of course there are more.

But what surprised Long Ming the most was the unremarkable Falaise civilization. They exchanged one billion gold points and three billion silver points in one breath.

In the end, it was Long Ming's turn, but he was not in a hurry to exchange, but waited for the exchanged civilization representative to leave.

Golly said to the good people who had already exchanged: "You can go to the city of Starlink and exchange it on the intelligent mechanical pillars erected everywhere. You can also exchange in various stores, in short, everything is here. Only you can't think of it, you can't exchange it without you. arrived."

Many representatives of civilization left after hearing Goli's words.

At this time, Long Ming stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Exchange for 2 billion gold points and 8 billion silver points for me."

Ge Li took a meaningful look at Long Ming, and then replied.

"Okay! A total of 2.8 billion star coins, you have received it."

In fact, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the Federation to have so many gold points and silver points, but the Federation is different from other civilizations in that they participated in the Cup of Earth twice.

Accumulation is naturally thicker than others, this is a big gamble!

Luckily they won, after giving up the first cup of heaven. All the kingdoms gritted their teeth to reach unity, overcame difficulties together, and abruptly held on until the Cup of Earth was opened for the second time.

Not killing each other and crashing.

Ge Li picked up a card and handed it to Long Ming.

"Wish you guys good luck."


Long Ming took the card.

After Gary finished everything, she turned around and left.

At this time, Augustus and other members looked at Long Ming with very ugly expressions.

"How do I feel, Star Ring calls us over, like using us as shield consumables to resist external monsters."

"Yes, like cannon fodder."

"I also have this feeling."


Long Ming raised his hand to interrupt everyone's words and said in a deep voice.

"Destiny is won by oneself, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Don't say such things in the future. This is also our opportunity, our opportunity to rise."

"Makes sense."

Augustus nodded in response.

At this time, Long Ming suddenly turned his head to look into the distance, and several figures left in a panic.

"What's up?"

Augustus asked.

"Someone is staring at us, but it's not clear whether it's a person or what. Let's leave them alone. Let's go and see what resources and weapons can be exchanged for, so that we can discuss and maximize the use of the limited funds in our hands."

Long Ming replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, but are we looking for a store to exchange, or are we looking for a mechanical column to exchange?"

"Looking for the mechanical column, I have a feeling that the mechanical column should be opened by the owner of Xinghuan. But the store is not necessarily. Although the price of the store is likely to be cheaper, it is not guaranteed. After all, their knowledge is much richer than us."

"Makes sense."

The crowd responded.

So Long Ming led the people towards a distant mechanical column without people.

At the same time, Nick whispered to the broadcast equipment in his hand: "Dear people, the next step is to involve federal secrets, so the live broadcast will no longer be public, goodbye!"

Saying that, Nick cut off the live signal.

Suddenly, the TV in front of Su Mo's eyes was covered in snow.

Su Mo's face was speechless, he was fascinated by what he saw. He was extremely curious as to what the Star Ring City could exchange for.

Curiosity is a pain in the **** once it comes up.

Su Mo was walking around the room, and he felt a little pain in the ass. Although the Federation does not restrict the public from contacting the truth, even if the public knew the usefulness of gold points and silver points, it was unlikely that they would be able to play a role.

Because the premise of using these two things is that you must go to the city of Star Ring.

And going to Star Ring City must be a ship, and ships are only owned by the Federation now, which means that the exchange channel is controlled by the Federation.

I have so much money, and it is difficult to exchange it. Maybe there will be a way in the future, but at least this is the case for now.

On the other side, Long Ming and others stood in front of the mechanical column, checked the exchange interface, and looked at the dazzling exchange list, everyone was stunned.

A type I gene drug that can strengthen a person in an all-round way, and can extend a person's lifespan by a hundred years, actually only costs 100 star coins.

It's cheap to die, but this is limited to the lowest-level genetic medicine, and the higher the level, the more expensive it is. For example, the V-type genetic medicine will cost one billion stars, and the price is different according to different varieties.

The variety of ships is drool-worthy.

They even saw a Star Destroyer that sold for 100 billion star coins.

Its remark parameters clearly stated that the main gun is equipped with a meteor cannon, which is fully charged and can easily destroy a standard planet.

Destroying planetary ships, this is an existence they usually don't dare to think Now it's just a bunch of exchange numbers, how can it not be exciting.

"Look at this planetary fortress! It's super cheap, and the price is only 200 billion star coins."

Spade said with red eyes.

Long Ming also frowned and reminded: "Calm down, we only have 2 billion star stones, and it is impossible to exchange only a single variety of things. We need to exchange production lines, drawings, and reserve materials, as well as various urgently needed items."

When Spade and the others heard Longming's words, they gradually calmed down, and instead were extremely disappointed.

Just like the treasure is right in front of you, you can get it right away, but unfortunately, the balance is not enough.

Auguras said in a deep voice: "Long Ming, you are the calmest here, you will allocate and buy it, and we will support you unconditionally."

Augustus doesn't dare to let other people give advice now, including himself, he has the urge to directly spend all the money to buy a large ship.

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