Plug-in Player

Chapter 404: Reality

Long Ming nodded slightly, he took out a notebook and pen, and began to transcribe the list of purchases.

After a long time, he copied page after page of the list.

Glancing a little, it is clear that there are some directory listings written in the notebook.

Mass production technology of synthetic nutrition bars.

High-energy sewage purification technology.

The second-generation mecha·Tiewei mass production line.....

The production line of the interstellar mining ship Plunder ......

I-generation all-round gene injection synthesis formula.

The synthetic formula of the second-generation almighty gene injection.

A complete collection of negative universe monsters.

An encyclopedia of negative cosmic creatures and minerals.


Long Ming has made a list of more than a thousand items, all of which are the technologies and needs they most urgently need.

It is no exaggeration to use an analogy, if all the technologies and equipment on this list can be exchanged. The civilization of the Federation will officially enter the interstellar era and squeeze into the category of interstellar powers.

Of course there are so many good things in the world.

After writing all the lists, Long Ming started to cross out the items written on them.

Such as space transition technology, advanced life support technology, three-generation mecha production line...

Auguras watched Longming's heart bleed every time he crossed out a technique. But there is nothing to do, after all, with limited funds, there is no perfect thing.

But watching Long Ming cross out faster and faster, more than 1,000 lists have been crossed out over 700.

Augustus and the others were also a little anxious.

"Long Ming is almost done, don't stop, we should be able to afford the rest."

"Not enough compression."

Long Ming insisted abnormally, and he continued to cross it out.

Augustus wanted to open his mouth to say something, but finally closed his mouth. In the end, there were only more than 80 strokes left by Long Ming.

He raised his pen and was still scribbling, and Spade directly stretched out his hand to hold Long Ming's hand and kept shaking his head.


Long Ming sighed, instead of continuing to cross out, he picked up the pen and filled in a new item.

Starship Black Yao.

The ship is about 120 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide.

The maximum number of inhabitants is 30 million.

Equipped with five nuclear fission CSW-02 power units.

TOU04 large-scale life support system and circulation system, CEW-12 anti-gravity device, and Exploration 4 radar scanning device.

CIDS sub-light flight device.

High micro-energy ship shield, high-strength alloy armor plate.

VDS-02 Concentrated Beam Cannon (Main Cannon)*1, BCE01 Destruction Light Cannon*2 Secondary Cannons, Shipborne Missile Launch Port*5000, Guards Artillery*3000.....


The price of this ship alone will be 1.5 billion star coins.

Occupy nearly half of the funds in hand.

"You are this?"

Augustus and the others looked at Long Ming in confusion.

Long Ming took a deep breath and said: "The cunning rabbit must be prepared with both hands. On the one hand, buying this mothership can be used for in-depth exploration, allowing us to find more wealth and resources. On the other hand, if one day We really can't take it anymore, at least there is a place to escape and continue civilization, of course I hope it doesn't really get to that point."

After listening to Long Ming's words, many fell into silence, and after a long time Spade broke the silence and said.

"You've thought it through, so just do it."

Augustus and the others also agreed.

"Just do it."

Long Ming nodded and began to exchange according to the written list. Of course, the so-called exchange was just placing an order on the mechanical column.

Specific goods still need to be picked up in a specially designated area, and it also requires a certain amount of preparation time.


Half a month later, in the magic capital, Su Mo was lying on the sofa and browsing the forum. Now the forum is extremely lively, and countless posts are posted every day.

They were all talking about the city around the stars and the returning fleet.

According to internal information, the Federation exchanged a reorganized fleet to return, and it also brought a lot of technology, and it is said that there are technologies that are immortal.

Anyway, the more exaggerated it is, the more exaggerated it is, and the specific and real information has not been released to the public at all. Including the returning fleet, most of them landed at the hidden interstellar military airport in the dark.

Of course, Su Mo wouldn't believe this. Although he didn't know how much chips the Federation had in his hands, he definitely couldn't afford the technology of immortality. And Star Ring City doesn't necessarily have this technology.

But he didn't look at these posts every day, he also found it very interesting.

His yearning for Starlink City is a little more, and the only trouble he has now is how to go to Starlink City without a sound.

It's also a bit disgusting to have money and not be able to buy things.

All ships leading to Star Ring City are controlled by the Federation, and the Federation has no plans to open civilian channels. Instead, it is taking measures to recycle gold points and silver points at high prices, and is vigorously repurchasing from everyone.

So far, the purchase price of gold points has reached 10,000 federal coins for 1 point, and silver points have also reached 1,000 federal coins.

Of course, this is because the official has not opened the channel for private people to the Star Ring City, and the price is so stable. If it were opened, it is estimated that it would have gone crazy.

Thinking of this, Su Mo sighed helplessly. I could only ask for help from others, so I picked up the phone and dialed Chen Shan's number.


Not long after, the phone was connected.

"Brother, why do you have time to call me?"

Chen Shan replied in a low voice.

"Are you inconvenient?"

Su Mo immediately noticed something was wrong and asked in a low voice.

"We are in class. I will call you later. If you are found, you will be punished."


Su Mo quickly hung up the phone.

At this time, in a trapezoidal classroom in the Imperial Capital Building, there were neat rows of non-commissioned officers, and everyone was listening intently.

A white-haired lecturer on the stage is teaching all the non-commissioned officers.

"This is the conventional interface console for interstellar ships, which usually consists of five locations and more than 500 command buttons. Of course, more advanced ships are divided into two forms. Those with artificial intelligence assistance will tend to simplify the console. Words tend to be more complicated..."

Having said that, the non-commissioned officers below were all dizzy, but everyone listened carefully.

Xiao Wen poked Chen Shan.

"listen carefully."


Chen Shan responded quickly.

It's not that Xiao Wen is harsh on Chen Shan, but that this study is too important. After the study, they will take a mock test. The non-commissioned officers with the best scores will be assigned to the first batch of purchased ships.

Now, the typical monks have more porridge and less porridge, and there is simply not enough distribution.

Even so, the non-commissioned officers who can sit here are all elites among the elites of the Federation. Most of the people here have won the Federal Medal of Honor, otherwise they have a good father or a good boss.

As for the mothership that was purchased, it was the lifeblood of the Federation, and without knowing the outside world, it would not go out at all.

In addition, the purchased mothership has to be remodeled, the material production line has to be added, and the messy things have not been installed on it, so it is not suitable for going out to perform tasks.

It's not expected to actually go live until at least a year at the earliest.

Soon the class was over, and the old man on the podium said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said, and it's useless to say more. The first batch of people who eat crabs always have to figure it out on their own. We actually figured it out by ourselves, and maybe what we teach may be wrong. Yes, so there will be no more teaching. At that time, the operation manual and space navigation manual of the corresponding ship will also be issued to you, so the test begins. "

Hearing the old man's words, the non-commissioned officers at the scene froze.

It took them less than seven days to learn all the calculations, and everyone was beating drums in their hearts, and it made no difference to catch a duck on the shelves.

Unfortunately, now I can only bite the bullet.

Soon the test papers were handed out, and everyone was assigned ten test papers, which were densely packed with questions.

At the same time, the door of the trapezoidal classroom was opened, and a soldier wearing a special style of clothing walked in. They stood behind each non-commissioned officer who was about to start the test to prevent them from cheating.


The white-haired lecturer said, "The exam time is 12 hours, and you can only go to the toilet and eat in the middle. Of course, the premise is that you have to eat, and now it is officially started!"

As soon as these words came out, all the non-commissioned officers immediately started to write.


On the other side, Su Mo waited and waited at home, but did not wait for Chen Shan's call back.

He was also a little puzzled, what class would he take as an officer? And it's taking so long to go to class?

However, Su Mo continued to wait patiently. Apart from Chen Shan, he really couldn't find any other way.

At night, when Su Mo was about to wash up and go to bed, the phone rang, and the caller ID was Chen Shan.

Su Mo picked it up immediately, and Chen Shan's hearty laughter sounded on the phone.

"Brother, I'm sorry, we just finished the exam."

"Exam, what are you taking?"

Su Mo was also interested for a while.

"This is not a large number of ships brought back by the federation, so it needs to be allocated. So we compete in this form, hey, we are really tired."

Chen Shan kept complaining.

Su Mo listened quietly without interrupting.

After a while, after Chen Shan complained, he asked cheerfully, "Brother, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I want to trouble you with something."

"It's okay if we had any trouble before, as long as it doesn't violate the principles, I can do it, absolutely no problem."

Chen Shan patted his chest and assured.

"I want to go to Starlink City, do you have a solution?"

Su Mo was not polite to Chen Shan, and asked simply and clearly.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Chen Shan's expression froze, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Su Mo didn't urge him either.

After a while, Chen Shan said; "This matter is a bit troublesome, you don't know one thing very well, in order to repurchase gold points and silver points, the Federation does not allow any unofficial personnel to go to Starlink. However, this order was not issued, it was just a tacit understanding. However, I personally heard that there are also some chaebols who can reach the sky and go to the city of Starlink. After all, you also understand, like the M District. Local, their chaebol influence can even shake the status of Augustus. So it is not surprising, so, I can't give you an answer on this matter for a while, I will discuss it with Xiao Wen, you come to the imperial capital tomorrow. , let's talk face to face."

"Okay, thank you."

Su Mo replied gratefully.

"Thank you, I'll see you if you say that. Okay, I won't tell you any more, see you tomorrow night."



-------------------------------------------------- ----------------

The next day, Su Mo bought a ticket and took the high-speed train to the imperial capital.

Su Mo leaned against the window, looking at the fast passing scenery outside the window. It didn't take long for the high-speed train to leave the magic capital.

When he arrived in the suburbs, Su Mo's eyes suddenly narrowed.

He saw that a lot of suburban land was dug up outside Modu.

These suburban lands are all heavily polluted areas. They used to be wasteland, and now there is only one possibility for them to be reactivated, which requires the construction of large-scale polluting heavy industries.

That is, the military industry does not care about the nature of the land at all.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo also sighed more and more. It is estimated that in a very short time in the future, every day will be an epoch-making leap.

If it is not good, it may really not keep up with the times.


In an unremarkable restaurant in the center of the imperial capital at night, Su Mo sat quietly in the corner.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Chen Shan and Xiao Wen walked in.

"Mr. Su Mo, long time no see."

Xiao Wen was in a good mood and reached out to Su Mo.

"Lord Xiaowen."

Su Mo smiled and stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Whatever is polite, it's all my own."

Chen Shan said boldly.

"What do you want to eat?"

Su Mo asked with a smile.

"Let's have some meat and beer, my mouth is about to fade in the past few days."

Chen Shan complained.

"Uh, your food is not always good."

Su Mo also asked in surprise.

Xiao Wen smiled bitterly: "There are the latest orders on it, in order to test the effect of the new product synthetic nutrition bar, and to train us to adapt to the new product. We have been eating synthetic nutrition bars for three meals recently, and that stuff is just like chasing the west."

"How's the effect?"

Su Mo was also very curious.

"The effect is great. After eating, I'm not hungry at all. But I feel bad, and my mouth always feels like something is missing. Would you like to try it? I brought a few here, and it also tastes like strawberry."

Chen Shan said, took out three synthetic nutrition bars from his pocket and handed them to Su Mo.

Su Mo was also very curious, so he accepted it.

"Then I'm welcome."

"Eat less. This nutritional bar basically makes you not hungry for a long time. If you eat too much, people will gain weight. In theory, two bars a day are enough. Professional soldiers who eat a lot of food can eat three bars."

Chen Shan explained to Su Mo how to use it.

"Okay, let's go back and try it out. Let's order food first."

Su Mo also felt very strange.


Chen Shan replied in a good mood.

After a while, plates of meat and food were brought up, and the three of Su Mo poured a glass of beer each.

The three touched and drank it all!


Chen Shan sighed happily.

After a brief chat, Xiao Wen asked Su Mo, "Su Mo, I heard from Chen Shan that you are going to the City of Rings?"

"Well, is there anything you can do?"

Su Moxin immediately mentioned that if Xiao Wen can't get through here, then it will be troublesome.

Xiao Wen smiled and said to Su Mo, "If you told me about this a few days ago, I really couldn't help it, but now there is still a way."

"Hey, don't you know, yesterday Xiao Wen successfully defeated everyone. With the quota of designated looting ships, our entire army also has the existence of interstellar ships."

Chen Shan said excitedly.

"That's great."

Su Mo didn't breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's still a bit of a hassle though."

Xiao Wen suddenly changed his tone.

"What's the trouble?"

Su Mo was also slightly taken aback.

"After all, you are not a federal officer. When you take off, there will be inspectors, and you may be stopped by then. I also know that you don't like to be restrained, so my suggestion is, I will find a way to apply for a semi-legal one for you. identity of."

Xiao Wen said thoughtfully.

"What identity?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

"The external chief of staff, also known as the consultant."

"Is this possible?"

"It should be no problem, and then I will apply to my superiors to go to Starlink City, and the whole thing will take ten days as soon as possible."

Xiao Wen did some calculations and said to Su Mo.

"Ten days is fine."

Su Mo was already satisfied with the result.

"That Mr. Su Mo, I have another request."

Xiao Wen said to Su Mo a little embarrassedly.

"you say."

"I actually don't want to ask you why you went to Starlink City, but you always give us too many surprises. If possible, you must not make too much noise in Starlink City, otherwise you will be caught by the Federation. People noticed that it is not easy for us to explain. The current federation is not the same as before. Let me explain it to you briefly. I used to be a regiment commander and my rank was also a general, but since the federation was merged, I was only a colonel. , and this colonel position is standard because he stood out in the assessment and obtained a ship. It was tentatively appointed as a lieutenant colonel before. In addition, after the establishment of the Federation, many new administrative departments were newly established. The situation is a bit complicated and I will tell you for a while Not sure."

Xiao Wen explained to Su Mo.

"So strict."

Su Mo was also surprised.

Chen Shan said with a wry smile: "What Xiao Wen said is true. Brother, let me tell you, I'm still only a major."

"Okay, I'll try not to make any noise."

Su Mo didn't have any confidence in what he said. He thought about going to buy something. This is not a big move, right?

"Don't worry, Su Mo is still very reliable in doing things."

Chen Shan replied with a smile.

"Well, can I ask you one thing?"

Su Mo thought of something, and suddenly asked.

"You ask."

Chen Shan readily replied.

"Have you seen Qianchengxue recently?"

Su Mo hesitated or tried to ask.

"You said Qianchengxue, I haven't seen her for a long time, and I can't contact her now."

Chen Shan was also taken aback and then replied.

Su Mo didn't say anything after listening, just sighed. In fact, Su Mo is also a little worried about her. She has had such a big change, and the situation should be very bad.

At this time, Xiao Wen suddenly said, "I have some news about her."

"what news."

Su Mo's eyes lit up.

"After the award, Qian Chengxue's merits were not topped by her eldest brother, so I asked someone to ask. Qian Chengxue seems to have participated in the federal government's conscription plan after leaving the Breaking Dawn Group. But the specifics of her It is not clear which formation corps is assigned to, and you also know that after the establishment of the Federation, many corps establishments have been added and adapted, and many permissions are kept secret.”

Xiao Wen roughly talked to Su Mo.

After Su Mo heard it, he sighed and said, "That's good too."

"What a shit, the stubborn old gang of the Breaking Dawn Group actually deprived Qianchengxue of the credit. If I didn't want to cause trouble to Qianchengxue, I would definitely sue them."

Chen Shan drank a glass of beer and cursed angrily.

"Forget about Chen Shan, every family has a hard-to-read scripture. Just like what Su Mo said, this is not bad. Qian Chengxue is at least free now, and has joined the Federal Army."

Xiao Wen is relatively open.

"I'm just unhappy. If it weren't for those idiots, Qianchengxue would have a chance to win a first-class merit. When I join the military, the starting point will be completely different."

When Chen Shan said this, he felt very aggrieved.

"Stop talking about that, drink a bar."

Su Mo raised his glass.


In the middle of the night after the three of them shouted, Su Mo walked down the street alone after sending Chen Shan and Xiao Wen away.

Looking at the conscription advertisements that are constantly playing on the bustling streets, I am also a little touched.

At this time, a young couple took a child and walked by, and the child shouted excitedly while pointing to the advertisement.

"Dad, when I grow up, I want to join the conscription."

The young couple showed a wry smile, then touched the child's head and said.

"Wait until you grow up, you still don't understand it now."

Su Mo inadvertently saw this scene, and was also slightly taken aback. It seems that the federal government's recruitment may not be ideal.

But it's normal. It's not a game now. Going out is to really face monsters. At that time, it will be a real baptism of blood, and everyone will be afraid.

After all, people are always afraid of death.

At this time, on the open-air virtual billboard, a piece of news was inserted, and a calm male host said.

"Dear dear people, the second meeting of the Federal Assembly ended half an hour ago. The meeting adopted the latest policy to mass-produce Type I all-purpose gene injection. This type I all-round gene injection can comprehensively enhance the body's various indicators. It is safe and reliable without any side effects. In theory, it can prolong the lifespan of human beings for a hundred years. The whole people will be expected to usher in an era of longevity. However, due to the limited production capacity, the federal government has decided that the production of type I all-purpose gene injection will temporarily only be used for front-line combatants. Open to family..."

After reading the news, Su Mo couldn't help shaking his head, this was adding chips to the conscription.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that there will be large-scale turmoil in the original military establishment. There should be many people who refuse to participate in front-line work, want to retire to the second-line or even retire from the army.


The Imperial Capital Administrative Center Tang Qin handed a report to Long Ming.

"This is the result of the latest internal survey of the Federal Legion. The situation is not very optimistic. Except for the ace legion, a large number of second- and third-line troops have strong resistance. Recently, the application form for discharge is more than 100 times higher than in previous years, and it is still increasing. The new policy has just been announced, which has provoked a strong backlash online, and many people have strongly demanded that type I genetic medicine should be opened to them..."

Long Ming took a look at the report and said silently: "Hey, after all, it's been too long. Let them retreat if they want to retreat. We are about to usher in an extremely cruel war, rather than let them retreat on the battlefield. , kill your teammates, it is better to let them retire now. As for welfare, I will still say that, without making any changes, I cannot let the soldiers who are ready to die coldly. "

"However, if we do that, we'll face a shortage of personnel when the ace corps is damaged."

"Let's think of a way, this can't be rushed. People are afraid of death. Only after the tempering of blood and gradually adapting, the situation may get better. And you don't have to worry too much. We currently have limited ships and manpower. It's still enough."

Long Ming replied calmly.

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