Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 1990. Namor: I don’t want to lose face.

Latest website: In the original "Black Panther 2", Namor and the sea tribe he led were set as the villains in the story. From the perspective of the protagonist Su Rui, he can definitely be regarded as an unforgivable mortal enemy.

But if you carefully sort out the plot of the entire movie and understand the whole story, it is not difficult to find a fact - from an objective point of view, Namor and the Sea Tribe led by him are not villains in the absolute sense. Including the disputes between them and the Wakandans, they are just for self-protection and are not completely unreasonable.

In the final analysis, it was the ignorant little girl who first invented a machine that could explore vibranium mines, posing a threat to the Talokans living under the sea, and then she was protected by the Wakandans.

In other words, if the Wakandans had not jumped out to interfere and had to provide shelter for the little girl... Namor, as the leader of the Sea Tribe, would not have turned around and ran away on his own initiative in order to achieve the purpose of protecting his homeland. Trouble with the Wakandans.

Think about it again, why did the Wakandans have to provide shelter to that little girl?

On the surface, it seemed that it was just because she was still a child and couldn't bear to see her killed by the Sea Clan like that. But in fact, the reason why the Wakandans have such a firm stance is just to maintain their dominance and continue to maintain their monopoly on vibranium resources.

After all, T'Challa suddenly passed away from illness at that time, and Wakanda, which had lost its leader, was in its weakest state. Taking this opportunity, other countries were uniting to force Wakanda, asking them to open their arms. , sharing with the whole world the vibranium resources that originally belonged only to the Wakandans themselves.

Whether it could withstand the pressure and maintain its exclusive monopoly on vibranium resources was of extremely important significance to Wakanda at that time. It is no exaggeration to say that if it cannot maintain its monopoly on vibranium resources, Wakanda may even lose its last guarantee and become a delicacy on the plates of other countries.

The initiative must not be lost no matter what, and Wakanda must maintain its name as an independent and sovereign country.

Not to mention just protecting a child, even if it costs more, the Wakandans will not hesitate.

That's a bit far gone.

In short, in Shi Xiaolei's view, Namor and the Sea Tribe led by him are not purely evil people.

Therefore, when dealing with them, there is no need to divide the position so clearly, shouting and killing them as soon as they meet, and have to fight to the death.

"Hi." Shi Xiaolei slowly floated in front of Namor. He raised his hand with a smile and said hello in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "I didn't expect to see you here. It's really surprising. Can you tell me why? Are you coming to Wakanda? Kukulkan...well, should I call you Namor?"

Although Shi Xiaolei's expression had always been kind and he didn't feel like using force at all, his action of flying into the air and his huge size still made Namor feel an indescribable force of intimidation. Don't make him a little uneasy.

Plus these words coming out of his mouth...

With his eyes focused, Namor couldn't help but show a wary expression, and his right hand tightened even more unconsciously, firmly grasping the spear in his hand: "Who are you? Have we met?"

"My friends all call me Locke." Shi Xiaolei pointed back at the cruise ship dozens of meters away behind him, and said with a smile: "As for why I know you... Haha, this is not something that can be explained in one or two sentences. If you don’t mind, why don’t you go and have a chat on the boat? To be honest, it feels a bit uncomfortable to be floating like this all the time.”

He looked past Shi Xiaolei and glanced at the ship.

Seeing the Wakandans on the ship who were still on guard with their guns raised, as well as the ship girls gathered on the side of the ship, Namor immediately felt strong resistance in his heart.

No wonder, after all, the only one who showed a friendly attitude was Shi Xiaolei.

From Namor's point of view, if he agreed to his invitation to stay on the ship at this time, it would basically be the same as throwing himself into a trap.

"When facing strangers, I am more accustomed to keeping a little distance." Without accepting the suggestion, Namor used his momentum to compete with Shi Xiaolei and replied with a straight face: "If you have anything to say, just say it here. Still. Say, do you have something urgent to do and need to rush? "

"I don't care, the key is you." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei raised his finger and pointed at Namor: "I didn't say hello, came uninvited, and deliberately hid my whereabouts. Haha, it would be you, on my own territory. What would you think when you meet such a person? I guess, you will definitely treat him as an enemy, and then send people out immediately, or you may personally come forward. In short, you will definitely choose to drive that person away. Or just clean it up, right?"

"Are you planning to take action?" After hearing this, Namor raised his spear and assumed a vigilant posture: "Come on, I want to see how powerful you are."

"NoNoNo, if I really plan to take action, I won't talk so much nonsense." Shi Xiaolei stretched out his finger and shook it a few times, then smiled again: "Nothing else, I just hope you can stay calm and explain why The reason for coming to Wakanda. After all, today is their big day, and as an invited guest, I don’t want to mess up their arrangements for my own sake.”

Why come to Wakanda?

In fact, it's nothing else. Namor just wants to scare T'Chaka and use the "come and go without a trace" routine to create some pressure on the Wakandans and force them to give up their coveting of the vibranium veins on the seabed.

But he never expected that he would be noticed on the way and then be caught in the act.

For Namor, who was quite proud in his heart, the current situation alone already made him feel very embarrassed and humiliated.

However, Shi Xiaolei was still continuing to cross-examine. No, it should be said that he was interrogating with threats like a policeman interrogating a prisoner...

Feeling that answering Shi Xiaolei's question would make him even more embarrassed, Namor felt a surge of stubbornness and made a choice in his mind: "You want to know why I'm here? Haha, come on, win first and then I'll talk."

As he finished speaking, there was a rapid buzzing sound at Namor's ankle.

With the rapid flapping of two pairs of small wings, Namor turned from stillness in an instant, and like an arrow from a string, he shot towards Shi Xiaolei, who was only seven or eight meters away from him.

In an instant, the blue spear tip made of vibranium had reached in front of Shi Xiaolei.

"Tsk." At the moment when the tip of the spear was about to pierce his chest, Shi Xiaolei let out a light tut and finally made a move.

Without ducking sideways or raising his hand to deflect the spear, Shi Xiaolei suddenly disappeared and instantly appeared at the position where Namor was hovering before.

Thinking in his heart, "The mage's teleportation is so useful." Shi Xiaolei turned over his hand and took out a shield, and there was a heavy hammer in his right hand.

"Hey, I'm here." After getting ready, Shi Xiaolei shouted at the top of his lungs.

Confused by Shi Xiaolei's sudden disappearance, Namor subconsciously stopped sprinting and looked around for him.

Hearing Shi Xiaolei's shout, Namor suddenly turned around and finally determined his position.

"..." Looking at Shi Xiaolei again, Namor's expression became more solemn, and a trace of uneasiness emerged deep in his heart.

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