Plug-in Players In Marvel

EP 1991. Namor’s strength

Latest website: T'Challa and Su Rui, brothers and sisters who are very close to Shi Xiaolei, have seen his abilities and know how powerful he is.

The old King T'Chaka and Queen Ramanda had only heard some descriptions from their children. They had not witnessed Shi Xiaolei's power with their own eyes, and could not form a more specific impression in their minds.

As for other Wakandans besides the royal family, it goes without saying.

"Can he handle it?" I only knew that Shi Xiaolei was a close friend that T'Challa valued very much, but I didn't know how strong he was. Still feeling a little uneasy, the black man in charge of driving the ship couldn't help but turn his head, looked at Stark who happened to be standing next to him, and asked with a worried look: "Mr. Stark, Why don't you shout for help and ask him to come back to the boat first..."

"Don't worry." Before the other party could finish speaking, Stark smiled easily: "It's just a little shrimp that appeared out of nowhere, how can it be difficult to catch him? Relax, let's stay here Just watch the fun. It won’t take him long to take care of that guy.”

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. Shh~, be quiet and don't disturb me while I watch the show."

The black man still had some doubts about Stark's judgment.

Subconsciously, I glanced left and right, wanting to see other people's reactions and get some reference from their expressions.

As a result, the black man was very surprised to discover a fact - whether it was the pretty and lovely ship girls, the gentle and virtuous maids, or 2B, Higanbana, Skye, Pepper and others, including Little Morgan, who was held in Pepper's arms, looked as relaxed as Stark, with no trace of worry or anxiety on his face.

'Well, it seems I've worried for nothing. ’ After waking up, the black man breathed a sigh of relief and put away the tension in his heart.

Above the river.

Shi Xiaolei and Namor have been fighting together again.

Like a matador, he again narrowly avoided Namor's thrust. Immediately afterwards, Shi Xiaolei raised his right hand and sprayed a pulsating arc of electricity towards Namor's back.

He never thought about killing the opponent, so Shi Xiaolei deliberately left some leeway when choosing skills and just used the most basic charged bombs.

Friends who have played "Diablo 2" know that the skill of charging bullets does not have a very clear direction like "Lightning". Although they can release a large arc of electricity, whether they can hit the enemy depends on luck.

For example, right now, Shi Xiaolei's luck is not very good.

After the arc dispersed in the air, there was just a gap left, and it slid through Namor's left and right sides.

"That's it?" Namor turned around with a look of disdain on his face: "Can you please stop playing with flowers? Don't use this little trick to amuse children, so it's embarrassing."

"You can't stand it if I use too much strength." Shi Xiaolei shrugged and said with a smile, "Of course, if you insist on giving it a try, I don't mind cooperating."

"Then let me see what you are capable of~!"

"As you wish." Putting away the shield, Shi Xiaolei weighed the hammer in his right hand, raised his left hand and hooked his index finger towards Namor.

The movement was small, but the provocative and sarcastic tone was intense to the extreme.

After being stimulated, Namor's eyes became more fierce, and when he launched another attack, his speed was a little faster than before.

"Ha~." This time, Shi Xiaolei not only did not dodge, but instead shouted softly and took the initiative to meet him.

However, they were more than twenty meters apart, and in an instant, the two of them had collided face to face.

Shi Xiaolei made an extremely dexterous movement that did not match the huge and burly body, and narrowly missed the sharp spear tip. Then, Shi Xiaolei grabbed the long handle behind the spear tip with one hand, and used this momentum to He took Namor around half a circle.

Then, before Namor made his next move, Shi Xiaolei released his left hand holding the long handle and rounded the hammer in his right hand.

"Bang~!" There was a muffled sound, and the hammer hit Namor squarely on the face.

"Hiss..." Looking at this scene, Stark on the ship couldn't help grinning and frowning: "This hammer is really heavy."

To tell how heavy it is, just look at Namor who was sent flying.

After receiving Shi Xiaolei's hit that hit the target, he flew out sideways. First, he hit four or five floats on the water, and then crashed into the woods on the shore, breaking several of them. A small tree as thick as a child's arm.

Even the vibranium spear that he had been holding in his hand fell out of his hand in mid-air, and rushed down to poke it on the river beach on the bank.

"Tsk, I told you not to do it. You insist on trying. Now you are satisfied." Sighing, Shi Xiaolei landed lightly on the shore and pulled out the vibranium spear stuck in the soil.

He took it in his hand and weighed it gently. He felt that the weight was quite good, and Shi Xiaolei became happy again.

While putting the spear into his backpack, Shi Xiaolei raised his head and looked into the forest: "Hey, man, are you okay? You didn't faint, right?"

With Namor's physique, he wouldn't be knocked unconscious by this hammer. After all, when he was still an embryo, he had already absorbed the special ingredients contained in the blue seaweed in his mother's belly. He began to mutate in his mother's womb, and his physical fitness far exceeded that of T'Challa who took the heart-shaped grass as an adult.

From an objective point of view, even if Namor's physical fitness is not up to the level of the Hulk, it is not much worse than Thor from Asgard.

Therefore, Shi Xiaolei's hammer could only make him confused for a short time at most, but it really wasn't going to knock him completely unconscious with just one hammer.

No, after Shi Xiaolei yelled slightly frivolously, Namor, who flew into the forest, quickly woke up and stood up again with the rotten leaves on his head.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the sound, Namor raised his hand and touched his cheek, and his cautious eyes suddenly gained a hint of anger.

He looked around and didn't find his spear. Screaming in his heart, Namor subconsciously stopped and suppressed the urge to kill directly.

‘Having lost the weapon, my attack power has been weakened by most of it. ’

‘And what about the other party? Not only was he in perfect condition, but his momentum was continuing to rise because he had just won a move. ’

‘In this case, how can we regain the disadvantage and gain the upper hand again? ’

After thinking about it, Namor had an idea in mind.

I saw him standing there silently and slowly closing his eyes.

As Namor activated his power, the Armas River outside the forest began to be affected.

The flowing river gradually slowed down, the water surface began to rise, and many bubbles appeared in the middle of the river. Then, just as everyone on the boat noticed these abnormalities, a stream of water suddenly rolled up from the river and rolled towards Shi Xiaolei, who had his back to the center of the river.

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