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Chapter 836, he was at a loss

The threat of Baili Mingchuan is serious, but the lonely cloud is not in the eye.

He still clings to the neck of Lonely Fly, and smiles lightly: "Bali Mingchuan, don't forget that your life is also the deity! Under this day, no one except the deity can help you suppress the **** rebellion! The deity must Look, it’s important to be the life of the deity in your eyes, or the life of this little girl!”



What does it mean? Both Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen were very surprised. The relationship between Baili Mingchuan and Gu Yunyuan is far better than their guess! However, at this time they did not have the extra strength to guess. The move of Baili Mingchuan just won the time for them, they must seize this last moment! They are all focused on the power that is gradually gathering in their hands.

However, there is no mercy in the lonely cloud. With a big hand, I will suddenly tighten the neck of the solitary swallow! Lonely swallow can not concentrate for a while, just feel that breathing will soon be broken! The power that had originally gathered in her hands began to weaken gradually, as if it had been lost.

"Let go!"

The voice of Baili Mingchuan is so fierce. If an unsuspecting person listens, he will think that he is coming to save people, not to compete with the lonely cloud.

Lonely Cloud is still indifferent, continue to add gravity, and raise the whole person of Lonely Fly. The power in the hands of Lonely Flying Swallow suddenly disappeared. She was raised by his head. Her eyes were slightly stunned and she looked at him. The color in her eyes was indescribable.

However, the eyes of the lonely cloud have been calm, and even a little lazy. He doesn't seem to think of this as a serious matter.

Lonely swallow can't stand it anymore, just think it's a little bit worse, and he will soon die. She looked at the familiar and strange eyes of the lonely cloud, and couldn't help but think that such a person might be truly ruthless. Perhaps, that should not have been there for ten years, she should have been killed in the ice sea.

Lonely swallows have been unable to control their own thoughts, and their thoughts began to mess up.


The lonely cloud suddenly leaned forward and spewed out a blood, and at the same time, his hand was released.

In an instant, the lonely cloud fell to the ground, and the solitary swallows also sat down. At this time, Lonely Fly Yan saw the hundred miles of Mingchuan standing behind him. The sword of Baili Mingchuan did not know when it had been put away, and his palm was still hanging in the air. Undoubtedly, he just gave a lonely cloud!

Baili Mingchuan looked at the lonely cloud and looked at the Lonely Flying Yan. He should have continued to hold the Lonely Fly, but looking at the weak look of Lonely Fly, he suddenly stopped, and even said that he was overwhelmed and forgot what he wanted to do?

He stood so slyly and looked at it.

Lonely flying Yan also looked at him, but it was extremely vigilant. As soon as she slowed down, she immediately renewed her efforts and continued to secretly gather the power of Feng.

Lonely Yun suddenly raised his head and continued to live in the Lonely Fly. Bailimingchuan held down his shoulder and suddenly applied **** power. The shoulders of the lonely cloud seemed to be unloaded and unable to fall.

He whispered: "You are looking for death!"

Baili Mingchuan did not speak, did not let go, and did not leave the eyes of Lonely Fly.

The lonely cloud presses the hand on the ice ground and suddenly grips it. A flame virtual shadow stepped on the back of his hand, from the blur to the clear, from the illusion to the real, as if a real fire on his back Burning up. Soon, a flame illusion emerged from the eyebrows of Baili Mingchuan. This illusion of flame is exactly the same as the shadow of the flame in the hands of the lonely cloud. It is also blurred and gradually clear, from the illusion to the real, as if there is a flame burning in his eyebrows.

Baili Mingchuan suddenly frowned, and soon he let go of the shoulders of the lonely cloud, his hands clasped his head, showing a painful expression. And as he frowned, the flame in his eyebrows burned more intensely.


The whole head is as painful as burning with fire. Moreover, this burning sensation is spreading from his head to his limbs and spreading. He only felt that the whole person fell into the sea of ​​fire and burned all over him.

He finally couldn't help it, and he was angry: "Lonely cloud, stop!"

Lonely Cloud still maintains the original position, kneeling in front of the Lonely Flying Swallow, hanging a shoulder and lowering his head. His perfectly contoured side profile exudes an unattainable honour, and the whole person exudes a sense of respect for the high, and no one can see his expression at this moment.

He did not answer Baili Mingchuan and did not look up. However, his hand burning this flame slowly lifted up and went to Lonely Fly.

Lonely flying swallows separated and struggled, but did not struggle with the wings of the phoenix shadow, she immediately gave up the struggle. Her approaching hand, and the approaching flame, almost did their best.

Feng Zhili has re-aggregated, she needs a little time, can not succeed, will be successful!

Suddenly, the lonely hand held her neck again. She subconsciously tightened her teeth and insisted on her last effort. Lonely cloud far again! And just in the midst of this millennium, Baili Mingchuan suddenly used his own body and slammed into it, and it was hard to break away from the lonely cloud!

The lonely cloud fell to the side, and Baili Mingchuan fell in front of the Lonely Flying Swallow. At this moment, the flames in his eyebrows have disappeared, and his whole person has been wrapped in a huge flame. God knows how much pain he suffers. He closes his eyes, and the enchanting version of the beautiful facial features are all entangled and his face is distorted. However, at this moment, he still stubbornly muttered: "Nobody except the Emperor can touch her! No!"

He really wants to hijack her.

Or... save her?

Lonely flying Yan’s heart is awkward, but she has no idea. She simply closed her eyes, she was a little bit worse, just a little bit!

Lonely Cloud soon climbed up. He kneeled on the ground. He said to Baili Mingchuan: "No one can stop the deity, including you!"

He said, picking up the sharp arrow on the side, and smashing toward the solitary swallows. However, at this time, Jun Jiu Chen broke through the invisible **** and broke out the power of dryness, and then, the solitary swallow broke through the imprisonment and broke the power of the ten phoenix!

They were stronger before each other's strengths, and everything around them was shaken out, including Gu Yunyuan and Baili Mingchuan, as well as the sharp arrow that the lonely cloud shot.

The two forces quickly slammed into each other. The phoenix virtual shadow that originally protected the solitary swallows rushed into the sky at the same time. At the same time, a golden mang appeared out of the air, overflowing and overflowing into a golden dragon virtual shadow, dragon and phoenix For a moment, he rushed to the other side, and he merged into one. He separated the power of the meditation and the power of the phoenix.

Just under the confluence of the wind, the power of dryness and the power of the phoenix run counter to each other, like a dragon and a phoenix, rushing to their masters at a very fast speed.

Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen were simultaneously shaken out and landed in the distance.

Finally, everything has returned to calm...

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