Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 837: The eighth nine Xuan needle

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Chapter 837 Eighth Nine Xuan Needles

The dark clouds that gathered together dispersed. The sky in the North Sea is still a piece of gray. On the endless ice, everyone scattered around, falling to the ground, motionless.

If it is not the cold wind whistling, the waves are rising, the world is almost a world that is still at rest. As if there was a fierce battle in the field, there was no such thing as a curtain of alarm.

The wind of Ling Xiao blew the white hair of the lonely cloud. However, not long after, the white hair of the ink hair was still, became transparent and became illusory. His whole body has gradually become illusory, like a transparent shadow.

In the illusion, there is a burning flame in his heart. The flame gradually burned and grew, and gradually drowned the whole body.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be in a coma, but at this moment, his mouth was gently curved, like a lazy chuckle, and like a madman, it was unpredictable. Suddenly, when the flame was extinguished, his figure disappeared from the air.

And just after he disappeared, the flames around the Baili Mingchuan suddenly disappeared. The pain of the burns dissipated, and Baili Mingchuan slowly opened his eyes.

His first sentence is, "Little Yan..."

He got up and looked around. He looked at it, looked at it, and suddenly saw the distance. In the direction of the dream palace, a group of people hurried on the sled.

this is……

He was a glimpse first, then he slowed down and the whole person was awake!

This is a rescuer! Lonely swallows their rescuers are coming!

Damn, he just got it...

He stopped his thoughts and didn't continue to think. He quickly got up, but he stood still and almost fell. He took some effort to get himself to stand still. He looked around again and found that Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen both fell in the distance, but Lone Yunyuan did not see the figure.

He just felt that both the power of the dry and the power of the phoenix appeared at the same time, but what happened in the end, he is not clear. Lonely cloud far guy? Could you escape first?

The crowd in front is getting closer and closer, and the solitary swallows fall in their direction. Baili Mingchuan looked at the Lonely Flying Swallow and hesitated. He turned around and dragged the injured and tired body to escape to the North Sea.

It was Qian Duodu and Tang Jing who came to the rescue, and Mrs. Su. After a lot of money was sent to the Xue people by the Snow Palace, the husband did not dare to stay. She did not feel at ease, and they brought some archers and were about to fold back. They met Tang Jing and Cheng Yifei, and Mrs. Su came together.

Mrs. Su first discovered Baili Mingchuan, and she immediately ordered: "Archer, fast!"

The archer immediately took the lead and chased it away while he was aiming at the Baili Mingchuan. It is a pity that the distance is far away. Although Baili Mingchuan was injured, he still escaped the bow and arrow and jumped into the water.

It’s so good to chase people into the water?

Mrs. Su glanced at her, did not force, continued straight ahead, and soon saw the lone swallow falling on the ground. When they were out of the underground palace, they heard the great movement of the North Sea and knew that something went wrong. Unfortunately, they are still late.

Mrs. Su was in front, and Qian Duodu and Tang Jing, Cheng Yifei were behind.

Seeing that Lonely Flying Swallow was stunned on the ground, Mrs. Su, who had always been a mean-faced expression, showed a rare anxious expression. She hurriedly jumped off the sled and fell to the side of the solitary swallow. She couldn't take care of her pain. When she got up, she immediately told her to fly.

"Yan Princess, what happened to you?"

"Yan Princess, you wake up. Don't scare the slaves!"

She warmed up for the solitary swallows and shouted solitary swallows. However, Lonely Fly is still in a coma. Mrs. Su helped the solitary swallows to take the pulse, but found that the pulse of the lone swallow is normal and there is no serious problem.

Cheng Yifei ran to Jun Jiuchen on the other side. Jun Jiuchen, like Gu Feiyan, also fell into a coma. Cheng Yifei took Jun Jiuchen back to Mrs. Su, and Mrs. Su took the pulse and said suspiciously: "The pulse is stable and there is no internal injury! What is going on?"

Although they didn't know what had just happened, but the money told them a lot, Jun Jiuchen and Baili Mingchuan decided to fight, both of them were seriously injured! It’s impossible for the three of them to hear the mistakes of the three ears. Is it a lot of money to make a mistake?

Mrs. Su asked, "What about money?"

Money has just found a serious injury and heavy snow, so that the guards helped. Mrs. Su quickly walked over, and a pulse confirmed that she had suffered a serious internal injury. As for the heavy snow, although Mrs. Su can't diagnose it, it can be judged that the injury is extremely serious when she looks at it with her eyes closed.

More money is anxious: "How come even the snow... What happened?"

At this time, Tang Jing waved at them in the distance and shouted: "You are coming soon!"

More money, they rushed over, and I saw that the Zhuyungongzhu and the squadrons, who were **** by the five flowers, all fell to the ground. The squadrons were all unconscious, and only the lord of the cloud was awake.

I saw the face of the owner of the cloud-going palace, and everyone took a sigh of relief. Mrs. Su and Tang Jing did not recognize the owner of the cloud, but if the money was not recognized from the dress and hair of the Zhuyungong master, she could not believe that the old woman with the yin and yang face in front of her eyes was the high-definition palace. the Lord.

Everyone is looking at each other, but the Lord of the Clouds seems to be immersed in their own world, and they have no reaction to them. Although she is awake, she is as sorrowful as she has lost her soul, and she has words in her mouth.

More money came forward and angered and asked: "What happened? Your face... What is your face?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace did not answer, but did not lift his eyes. She still muttered to herself, as if she had been hit hard.

More and more money is more suspicious, and one step closer. She only heard what the Lord of the Clouds is saying. She said: "Lonely cloud far away... lonely cloud far away... lonely cloud far..."

A lot of money is not unexpected, and quickly asked: "Lone cloud far? Gu Yunyuan? He has been here?"

However, the owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace is still ignorant, still immersed in his own world, muttering.

A lot of money has to be asked, and Mrs. Su interrupted. She said: "This place should not be left for a long time, first bring people back. Waiting for Princess Yan, they wake up, not to be late."

In this way, everyone actually flies away, Yan Junyan, Jun Jiuchen and Sheran, together with the Princess of Yunyun and the soldiers. The snow is too big, and everyone doesn't know how to be good. A lot of money inadvertently touched it a few times, it instantly turned into an ice lemming. The money quickly told him to pick it up and take it in his pocket.

Mrs. Su did not go with everyone, but searched on the north coast. She found several enchantments, but unfortunately, she did not find anything in the enchantment. In order to prevent accidents, she simply dismissed all of these enchantments before leaving.

When everyone’s back disappeared and the hustle and bustle of the north coast returned to calm, the snow suddenly floated in the air.

A flame gradually became clear on the coast, and as the flame burned, a figure gradually became clear.

The lonely cloud has appeared again.

He dropped to one knee on the coast, one hand on the ground, one hand over his heart. There is a gold needle in his fingertips. This gold needle is nothing else. It is the nine mysterious needle. He has two left, one for the lone swallow, and this one is reserved for himself.

He bit by bit the nine Xuan needle into the heart, and chuckled: "The millennium has never been so big, but today it is defeated, huh, huh, it is fun! Happy!"

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