Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 838: You like him very much.

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Chapter 838, you like him very much.

Three days later.

In the igloo of the Xue people, Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen woke up at the same time.

Lonely swallow's consciousness still stayed on the north coast. She opened her eyes and immediately sat up and shouted: "Jun Jiuchen!"

Jun Jiuchen was lying beside her, and she heard her call him in a blink of an eye. He grabbed her wrist and whispered: "I am."

Lonely swallow eagerly turned around and looked at the smile of Jun Jiuchen and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Tang Jing, who was on the sidelines, also breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Jing joked and said: "Hey, I still remember when I was in a coma!"

Lonely swallows looked back and saw Tang Jing and they stood aside. Although she is awake, she is still somewhat confused. As she sat up, she asked, "I, are we saved?"

Tang Jingdao: "We are late, and we don't know what happened. Just wait for you to wake up and tell us! You are in a coma for three days and three nights. If you don't wake up, we don't know what to do!"

The solitary swallows gathered their brows and thought about it. Jun Jiuchen also got up, and he soon found that his internal injuries had all recovered, and there was even a feeling of being reborn.

How could this be?

At this point, Lonely Fly Yan also felt the same in his body. She can't say what's wrong, it feels different from before. Jun Jiuchen said: "Is it the power of the dry and the phoenix to protect us?"

Lonely Flying Yan is not sure, she looked at Tang Jing and asked: "Lone Yunyuan and Baili Mingchuan? There are also Zhuyungongzhu, don't let them escape?"

Tang Jing shook his head helplessly. "We didn't see the lonely cloud, and we saw that Baili Mingchuan escaped. What happened in the end, you have to talk about it!"

Lonely swallows have recalled a little, and he will say everything that will happen. Tang Jing was very surprised. I didn't expect that Gu Yunyuan would be such a person. I didn't even think that Gu Yunyan and Jun Jiuchen were seriously injured. They were able to save themselves, but now they have no injuries.

Mrs. Su couldn’t help but open her mouth. "Is it really the power of the meditation and the power of the phoenix to protect you?"

"There is a saying that martial arts has a place to die."

Jun Jiuchen said, while reaching out, summoned the power of dryness. Sure enough, although he did not participate in the third esoteric of dry swordsmanship, his control of the power of dryness was more skillful than before.

Upon seeing it, Lonely Fly Yan also quickly summoned the power of Feng. Sure enough, she also has a similar feeling, she is already free to control the power of the ten phoenix, there is no possibility of promotion, but her control of the power of the phoenix has become more arbitrary, not as exhaustive as before.

Mrs. Su said: "There is no good fortune, but as long as the two masters are fine!"

Jun Jiuchen and Lonely Flying Yan did not speak, both of them were frowning, and their faces were thoughtful, and they all thought about the lonely cloud. Jun Jiuchen ponders the process of his own and the lonely cloud, and the solitary fly swallows the mind is all the evil expression of the lonely cloud, lingering.

At this time, the money interrupted their thoughts. Money is more than a lot: "Sister Yan, if you are all right, then go to the trial and judge the main palace of the cloud! She is going crazy, and then can't judge anything without trial!"


Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen were very surprised. Lonely swallow quickly asked: "What happened?"

Money is more and more: "You will know if you go and see it yourself."

Lonely swallow and Jun Jiuchen rushed to stay, and went out, and Lonely Flying Yan discovered that she was not in the same position as she was, and she asked: "Money, are you okay? And there is sheer?"

More money replied: "I am frostbitten, the doctor said that it is not good to cure it for half a year. It is cold and the medicine is scarce. I have already escorted him back to the Black Forest and let my mother take care of it."

Lonely swallowed a sigh of relief and said: "If you manage it, you will not know how to explain it to your mother."

A lot of money added: "It’s okay, it’s just a few days of bed maintenance."

Lonely Flying Yan nodded, and this time with Jun Jiuchen, he went to the igloo of the Cloud Palace.

As soon as the door of the igloo cell was opened, it was only seen that the owner of the cloud house was suspended from the torture frame. She lowered her head and shed her head, and she had words in her mouth. For the Lonely Flying Swallows, they came in, she was indifferent, and she continued to read words.

Lonely flying swallows and Jun Jiuchen face each other, approaching and listening carefully, and actually listened to the words of "Yun Yunyuan". Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen remembered very clearly. When the Lonely Clouds appeared, it was the shouts of the Zhuyungong Lord that reminded everyone.

Obviously, the owner of the cloud-going palace knows the lonely cloud! Moreover, she seems to have a long-term obsession with the lonely cloud!

Can recognize the lonely cloud, and have a yin and yang face, who is this cloud master? Why is Baili Mingchuan going to be her embarrassment, why is it colluding with Gu Yun?

Lonely swallow has too many doubts, she deliberately found a chair, intends to have a good review.

She said: "Who are you?"

She said: "What is the relationship between Baili Mingchuan and you? What is the relationship with the lonely cloud? What is bloody?"

She said: "What happened in the millennium? How was the dream family destroyed?"

She said: "Do you raise Ji Jianglan?"


Lonely swallowing a problem and then asking, the cloud-governing palace master did not seem to hear the same. Unmovingly, I continued to mutter the words "Lone Clouds".

The eyes of Lonely Fly swallowed a touch of complexity, and asked: "What is your relationship with Lonely Cloud? You...had you lived for thousands of years? Are you the slave of the nine Li people?"

Finally, the mutter of the cloud-governing palace stopped.

Lonely Flying Yan is quite sure that she said that the owner of the Yuyun Palace is a pain point. She continued: "What is your face? Is it true that the nine Li people allowed the slaves to become yin and yang makeup, related to you?"

As soon as this was said, the owner of the Cloud Palace suddenly raised his head and looked at the Lonely Flying Swallow. She is older than she was three days ago, her face is covered with wrinkles, and the faces of half-male and half-woman are picked up like old monsters. The most terrible thing is her angry eyes, filled with killings.

For the eyes of the Lord of the Clouds, the solitary swallows are not timid, but continue to stimulate her. Lonely swallow again said: "You... like the lonely cloud?"

In an instant, the anger in the main battle of the Yuyun Temple was suddenly extinguished. Instead, it was an indescribable mourning, faintly like the March rain, lingering, lingering.

How much I like him, whenever and wherever I mention the word "like", she will unconsciously throw away all emotions and mourn in her heart.

Lonely swallow is only guessing, seeing the reaction of the owner of the cloud, she has a lot of thoughts.

She flashed a glimpse of her eyes and immediately threatened: "The lonely cloud is in the hands of the king, and the king asks you what you want. You should answer it truthfully. Otherwise, Wang Hao promises that you will not see him in this life!"

The dawn of the cloud-governing palace master suddenly changed, she finally opened her mouth, "You dare!"

Lonely swallow sneer, this old woman is really crazy. After she was shaken by the power of the dry and the phoenix on the north coast, she was not in a coma. She should know that the lonely cloud has escaped. She will not know! This is also good, caught this handle, not afraid she does not tell the truth! People who have loved know that love makes people stupid.

Lonely swallow smiled softly. "Then I will first break his hands and let you see and see!"

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