Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 839: You and me are strangers

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Chapter 839, you and me are strangers

A silly life.

Lonely swallow is only a fake threat, but the cloud-governing palace owner has a look of panic. She screamed, "No! No!"

I don't know if I have always regarded the Zhuyungong as the enemy. I looked at the so-called panic-stricken Miyazaki, and I was a little disappointed. However, she soon ignored it. She deliberately approached, looked up and looked coldly at the owner of the cloud, saying: "That answer Wang Hao, who are you?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace overlooks the lone swallow. For a long time, the tears suddenly became full, but at the same time she made a sigh. The old yin and yang face is really unclear. She is crying or laughing.

She said: "Who am I? Oh, I am a sinner of the Yi!"

Yi people's sinners?

Not only the lonely swallow, but also a few of them behind the nine Jiu Chen.

Lonely swallow quickly asked: "What do you mean?"

The owner of the cloud-free palace did not smile, and the tears continued to fall. She whimpered and said, "My face is not born like this. My face is beautiful, and in the past, it was the leader of the Yi women, even more than nine. The sword of the Li nationality. Because, because I like him, I was known by the woman. She published a public feud, and it has a yin and yang makeup on my face. I also proposed to the patriarch that all the slaves of the Jiu Li people are yin and yang. Makeup to distinguish identity."

The information disclosed in this statement can be quite a lot!

Everyone is looking at each other and it is incredible. Lonely swallow quickly asked: "You lived a thousand years ago! How is it possible? Are you a spirit?"

The whole person of the cloud-governing palace is immersed in sorrow and guilt. She looked down and didn't look at Lonely Fly, but she still answered the Lonely Fly. She said: "I have been repairing the nine-order infuriating spirit thousands of years ago, and I am full of enchantment. I have to be old and not dead."

Lonely flying swallows, they all know that in the Xiukong mainland's gas repair system, there is indeed a realm of perfection, the land of immortality. However, what they did not expect was that someone had reached this level a thousand years ago.

Lonely Flying Yan is about to ask, the owner of the Cloud Palace suddenly became excited and angry. "If it wasn’t for ten years ago, the ice and sea changed, and all the qis were lost. I will not fall to this point today! Will become aging like this ghost! All this is yours! All of you!"

Are they harmful?

The initiators of all this are the three families of He, He, and Su, and the Duanmu Yao who is so devastated! The owner of the cloud-going palace recruited He Xiaohai and Duanmu Yao to his majesty. What qualifications does she have to blame anyone?

At this time, Lonely Flying Swallow did not have the extra mind to argue with the owner of the cloud. It is right or wrong. She just wants to solve the doubts in happiness as soon as possible and figure out the truth before the millennium.

She said: "The ice and sea change, the infuriating disappears, you will not only age, but also fear that life will soon be paralyzed! So, everything you do is going to the ice sea? You want to restore the infuriating, you want to keep you Look, keep your life?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace did not speak, and Lonely Fly Yan asked: "You raise Ji Jianglan, is it related to this matter? Who is Ji Jianglan?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace actually avoided the investigation of Lonely Fly, and did not speak.

Lonely Fly Yan’s heart sighed and said: “Don’t you say yes? Well, I don’t have to break my hands. I’m telling him that he’s coming over and letting him look at what you are now! I think, He must not recognize you!"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace finally looked at Lonely Fly, but she still did not answer.

Lonely swallow suddenly screamed, "Come to people, bring me away from the lonely cloud!"

As soon as I heard this, the guards around me were paralyzed. You know, Gu Yunyuan is not in their hands! However, Tang Jing’s response was extremely fast, and he immediately stood up and said, “I am going! Wait a moment!”

Looking at this situation, the Zhuyungongzhu is clearly unremarkable to the lonely cloud. The woman is pleasing to her own content, and the owner of the cloud is afraid that she is not hoping to see her ghost at this time!

Sure enough, Tang Jingcai just turned around and the owner of the cloud palace opened his mouth. "He can't recognize me! Even if I am still a thousand-year-old, he can't recognize me! He simply... I don't know my existence. ......"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace said that he was sobbing at the end, sobbing and mourning and sad.

At that time, she was a nine-nine slave, but he was the first pharmacist in the world. The Jiuli people sat on the guests, and the patriarch’s heart was fast-paced, and the sword-woman’s dream lover. Don't you know him? Even if he is close to him, he has no qualifications. She can only look at him from a distance and secretly love him.

On that day, he was with her in a peach forest. In April, the peach blossoms were fragrant and colorful, and she was so mournful that she wanted to talk to him. Unfortunately, she has not caught his attention, it first caught the attention of the swordswoman. From then on, she lost her own appearance, and forever eternal life is bearing a yin and yang face.

No one knows so far, the Yin and Yang makeup of the Yi people came from her. No one knows how much she suffered in the swordswoman. It was also from that time that she worked harder to cultivate infuriating, to be free, and to see him again one day, so far away! Knowing that, when she saw him, she was the last side of the North Shore. She hid in the dark, and he came with the swordsman and left.

It is also ridiculous to say that with her strength at the time, she can clearly come out to see him, and also seek revenge for the swordswoman. But he watched as he held the sword and left. After watching him leave, he was crazy and looked around for his traces and everything related to him.

She really can't imagine that he is always alive like her.

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace was immersed in grief and confession. The heart of Lonely Flying Yan was inexplicably blocked. Her heart’s understanding of the Jiuli swordsman was subverted, and she had a little more pity for the Zhuyun Palace.

The saddest thing is not that my heart illuminates the moon and the moon, but I don’t know if I am happy, but my heart is pleasing to you, but you and I are strangers.

Lonely swallow quickly converges and continues to ask: "What is the relationship between the nine Li Lijian women and the makeup woman in the ancient tomb outside Shennong Valley?" The owner of the cloud-going palace looked up and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lonely swallow: "Don't you hear about the existence of makeup?"

The main road of the cloud-going palace: "Make-up is mastered in painting, makeup, and passed down from generation to generation. What does she have with Jiuli Lijian..."

When the owner of the cloud-going palace said it, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. She quickly asked: "Lonely swallow, what do you mean? Did you happen?"

Lonely Flying Yan did not expect that the owner of the cloud will not know about the yin and yang makeup of the makeup woman. However, when you think about it, the legend of makeup is only about makeup. Painting does not mention yin and yang makeup. If they don't get into the tomb of the makeup, they will know Qin Mo and they will not know the existence of yin and yang makeup.

Lonely swallows said: "You tell me first, why did you choose yin and yang makeup when you were a woman?" She personally gave you a face? Who is she from?"

The owner of the cloud-going palace did not go too far, and humiliated and replied: "The sword girl has been painting since childhood, and she has been trained by several famous teachers at that time. Yin Yang makeup is her own, not male or female, non-yin and non-yang, is right My insult!"

After listening to this, Lonely Fly Yan thought about it and turned to look at Jun Jiuchen.

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