Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 866: Chunshe Yan returning to Japan

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Chapter 866, Chunshe Yan returning to Japan

The portrait of Gu Yunyuan has been kept by Qin Mo, and Lonely Fly has never been urged, but Qin Mo still regards this as a top priority. Even in the two days of keeping the Lord of the Clouds, he took time out at night and unfolded the portrait in the moonlight.

No one thought that the secret of the portrait would appear on this section!

Lonely Feiyan hurriedly asked: "What clue?"

Almost at the same time, the owner of the cloud-driven palace asked with excitement: "What did you find, but related to him?"

Qin Mo did not look at the owner of the cloud palace, answering the lonely flying Yandao: "The master, you still enter the house to see it."

As far as Qin Mo is concerned, their plans should be changed.

Lonely swallow did not delay, and quickly entered the house, everyone also kept up. Although the owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace was left out, he was still very anxious behind the Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen.

Returning to the house, Qin Mo immediately took the portrait and unfolded it on the long table. I saw a large piece of ancient characters on the left side of the portrait. Just below these ancient characters, there are dense dates, all of which are Spring Festival Days in February each year.

Some people in the place recognize the ancient characters, and the first to understand the paragraph is the cloud-governing palace master. After she finished reading, she subconsciously stepped back two steps and the whole person was paralyzed. She said to herself: "He, he really has a sweetheart, and sure enough... sure enough!"

At this point, everyone also understood it and was very surprised. However, the point of concern is completely different from that of the owner of the cloud. This is a piece of infatuation, and it is a nearly crazy confession. Undoubtedly, this is Li Qin’s confession to the lonely cloud. What I want to say is that every year, Li Qin will go to bury his tomb of the sweetheart and wait for him. She took possession of the tomb and brought his most disgusting yin and yang makeup into the tomb. She waited for him to show up, waiting for him to hate her. If you can't love, hate can last forever.

Lonely Swallow’s line of sight fell on the date below the text, and she murmured: “Spring Society Day...”

She remembered very clearly that when she woke up in the ice sea, it was Spring Society Day. Master said that Chunshe Day is the day when Chun returned to Yan. She was like a solitary swallow, and she was named after her, and her birth was set in Chunshe Day. The Spring Festival Day is the fifth day after the Spring Festival. It needs to be calculated through the heavens and the earth, not a fixed day. Therefore, she has been unhappy for a fixed birthday, and she has been to the Spring Society.

She pondered this day, the name. It’s only now that I realized that this day has another meaning for the lonely cloud! This day is actually the birthday of his sweetheart!

At this time, Tang Jing murmured: "Is it true that the heart of the lonely soul is a Yi people? So, he dislikes the yin and yang makeup, Li Qin deliberately yells at him with yin and yang makeup?"

After Tang Jinggang finished, the money was followed by a lot: "It must be like this! Li Qin has only created a makeup woman, keeping the yin and yang makeup..."

When he talked about it, he suddenly stopped and showed a shocked expression, and everyone was shocked. Undoubtedly, everyone thought of a piece to go: the ancient tomb of the makeup is the tomb of the lonely cloud!

Lonely Feiyan hurriedly asked: "When is today?"

Jun Jiuchen has already considered this issue. He replied: "This year is the beginning of the spring, the spring club is February 16, and there are more than half a month!"

Lonely Fly Yan said seriously: "Then it is time to go to the ancient tomb of makeup, the time is still abundant!"

Although the number of dates recorded on the portraits is large, it is less than a thousand. In other words, Li Qin did not go every year for the past millennium. She should have been going for hundreds of years in a row and finally gave up waiting. However, the makeup woman is still inherited, and the disciples of later generations do not know these secrets.

This year, Gu Yunyuan appeared in the northern Xinjiang, and Min Yu also mentioned the lonely cloud with Li Qin. Lonely Flying Yan had to suspect that this year's Spring Society Day Liqin will go back to the ancient tomb of makeup! Perhaps, Aze and Ji Jianglan were also hidden in the tomb.

Listening to Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen said that everyone is looking at them. Mrs. Su seriously asked: "Yan Princess, do you mean to change to the ancient tomb of makeup?"

Lonely swallows the road: "Let's split the east and hit the west, go to the ancient tomb of the makeup woman to attack it, go to Fenghuo Island and smash its nest!"

Mrs. Su nodded again and again, Tang Jing was overjoyed and said: "Yan, you and Jing Wang, Qin Mo went to make up the tomb, you are most familiar with it! Let's go to Fenghuo Island, let's see who will succeed! ”

Lonely swallow is also the intention, she confessed: "Cognac will bring tears to meet, you can wait for him at the beach, do not rush!"

In fact, Lonely Fly Yan wants to find her emperor. However, Azer is ill, Min Min is willing to go back, Daqin can no longer let the doctor worry, distracted. The country can't be without a monarch in a day, and her emperor still has to stay in Daqin to preside over the overall situation!

Tang Jing smiled, "know know!"

Tang Jing, a few of them are mythical stunts, and there are people who are really savvy by Mrs. Su, and with the help of the owner of the cloud-governing palace, Lonely Fly Yan is relieved, not to mention her cognac that does not follow the routine.

Lonely flying swallow sees everyone's confident fullness, both happy, and the heart does not consciously come up with some sorrow. She was supposed to be the leader in this group of people. Unfortunately, after Feng Zhili was trapped in the medicine space, she was almost exhausted. She wanted to go back to Jinyang City and start the red spirit stone she brought back. She advanced to the medicine Wang Ding to see what Gu Yunyuan wanted to do. However, now that Aze is in the hands of Li Qin, she has to postpone the matter. She is not absolutely sure, and she does not want to add chaos to this festival.

She thought that Li Qin knew the existence of the lonely cloud, and the lonely cloud also knew the existence of Li Qin. Perhaps they were caught in the conspiracy and struggle between the two of them. I have already dug up the old bottom of Li Qin. Perhaps, even if I don’t want to bet on it, I will be desperate.

"Just set it, the soldiers are divided into two ways. Let's go first, everyone is careful, take care!"

The words of Jun Jiuchen interrupted the thoughts of Lonely Fly. Lonely Flying Yan is also seriously: "Everybody, take care!"

After bidding farewell, Mrs. Su took everyone to leave, but the owner of the cloud palace was still squatting.

Mrs. Su did not have a good air: "Can't you go?"

The owner of the cloud-by-cloud palace returned to God. She did not answer, but walked out quickly. She can't wait to go to the ancient tomb, but she knows she can't. The only thing she can do is to help the solitary swallows as soon as possible.

Mrs. Su snorted and strode out. Tang Jing, they face each other and go out. Everyone guessed that with the temper of Mrs. Su and the owner of the cloud-going palace, the dispute between them was quite a lot on this road. The money and the shepherd walked in the end, both of them bowed their heads, and the money was in front and the past was behind. More money clearly deliberately slowed down, and she was clearly in a bad mood.

The money went to the door, suddenly turned around without warning, and she was behind her, almost hitting the face, but fortunately he stopped in time. In this way, the two face to face, no more than one step. There was no death in the past, and there was no focal length. The sight of a lot of money swept over his face and he did not dare to stay for a while. She concealed her guilty conscience and slammed one step at one side, avoiding the shepherd, and then waved to the lone swallows again, loudly: "Yan, Jing Wang take care!"

After a short pause, she added: "Qin Mo, take care! Although you grew up there, you can't care!"

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