Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 867: Antiphasosis is aggravated

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Chapter 867, anti-phasing is aggravated

When the money was over, he immediately turned around and strode out. Although she knows that Qin Mo’s face is basically not going to care about her, she still does not trust her and does not give Qin Mo a chance.

I don't know if Qin Mo has paid a lot of thoughts on his money. He still has no expression. However, Lonely Fly and Jun Jiuchen are all coming out. Of course, they still pretend to know nothing.

After standing for a moment, she had to step out of the threshold, but did not consciously turn around and look at Qin Mo. Also at a glance, he turned and left.

It took a lot of money for them to leave. The mansions were ready for the new carriage and accompanying guards. Leaving the lonely home, Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen set foot on the road to the ancient tomb of makeup. When I wanted to rescue Azer from the hidden tomb, who would have thought of going to this place now, is it still Aze?

After the drones left their carriages, a purple man walked out from the shade of the alley. This person is not someone else, it is the Baili Mingchuan who fled in the Beihai. The sun is just right today, the weather is getting warmer, but he is wearing a thick purple robes and a big hood, as if he is afraid of the cold.

He walked the waterway, and they arrived at the lonely home earlier than the solitary swallows. He has been lurking for a long time. On that day, Li Qin hijacked Aze from the waterway under the lotus pond of the lonely house, and he was accidentally hit by him. He had thought that there would be no gold in this world except the Zhuyungongzhu. I never imagined that the old lady of the Lonely Fly Yan family was actually a golden dragonfly, and also robbed the young Emperor of Tianyan!

Of course, he did not expose himself.

The Dai people in the Yi people are not only because of the ancient bloodline problem, but also because the ability of the golden dragonfly in the water is better than other Yi ethnic branches. He should have tracked it himself, but he gave it to his men. He stayed in the lonely home, did not hide in the water, and lived next door to the lonely house. One stop at the window of his highest attic is a whole day. If it was before, he would be annoyed and he would not know what he was going to do. However, today, he knows very well that he wants to see her... Lonely swallow! However, what he does not know is what he wants to see her? So many days have passed, but only at the moment, when Lonely Fly Yan went out, he took a long look.

Like a woman, is that the way? For no reason, want to see her?

The handsome eyebrows of Baili Mingchuan got together, and the consistent evils on his face were all gone, and replaced with a serious one. This way, he is really different from the previous one!

He was about to catch up with them, but suddenly stopped, tightened his robes, hugged himself, and curled up.


When it was in the northern Xinjiang, it was exactly the same. A cold chill appeared like a void, and it seemed to emanate from the bones. It surrounded his feet all the time, and spread along his calves. It spreads all over the body. .

On the day of the North Coast war, Lonely Cloud gave him a bonfire to restrain the coldness of his body because of blood. After that day, he had two episodes, and today is the third time. What surprised him was that the first two episodes were not like the previous ones, and the whole body was frozen, but the cold air spread throughout the body, causing him to suffer from the pain of the bones. Although the intensity of the cold is weakening, the frequency of attacks is undoubtedly increasing. It was originally a episode on the 10th, but now it is less than ten days.

Baili Mingchuan did not know that this was because he accepted the help of Lone Yunyuan and improved many times, or because of the suppression of the bonfire. He has been waiting for the lonely cloud to find the door, but the lonely cloud has not appeared yet!

The biting cold, the bitter pain gradually spread all over the body of Baili Mingchuan, he supported the wall and slowly smashed down. He curled up into a ball with himself, and he didn't last long. However, he did not kneel down, he kneeled! He couldn't wait to huddle more tightly and lay down on the ground. However, he is holding, he is not!

The long alley, half under the sun, is warm and warm, half of the big trees are covered, dark and cool. Baili Mingchuan is squatting between this bright and dark, like a very abandoned child, lonely and desolate, but there is a reluctance that no one can despise.

He was quiet and anxious, and the long and narrow eyes of the natural charm were slightly stunned. He bears stubbornly and waits patiently. The chills are aggravated and the pain is aggravated. Not only the whole body is up and down, but the internal organs feel cold. Even the bones and blood feel cold, and the soul feels cold. As soon as he endured it, he closed his eyes. At the moment of closing his eyes, he had the feeling that his soul would be blocked by ice.

How could this be?

It seems that there is no bonfire, is his cold back is aggravated? Lonely Yunyuan said that he will die. How can he still think that this coldness in the body is weakened by the suppression of the bonfire?

Will he eventually die in this way? Is the body frozen, or is it cold to lose the knowledge of God, and if you don’t know how to die, it is like falling asleep? How many days are he still left? What else does he want to do?

Baili Mingchuan was so stunned and thinking, so that it was full of half an hour, and finally, the cold began to disperse. The cold air is faster than the time to come, but unfortunately, Baili Mingchuan seems to have experienced a long period of hardship, which is exhausted.

He squatted for a while before he slowly got up and took off his hood. He still has to chase them, and he just sent out the alley, and he called the soldiers to send a good news.

鲛兵禀道: "Three halls, great news! The whereabouts of the water Ji Jiren, the subordinates found the daggers carried by the water Ji Jiren in the waters near the ice sea, and the two jade cards that did not leave. These must have been deliberately dropped by Shui Ji adults, and Shui Ji adults must be near the ice sea!"

Water Ji?

Baili Mingchuan soon forgot the subordinates who were mysteriously missing in Baichu.

He still didn't feel relieved, only said a word: "Continue to trace, there is news immediately."

The squad nodded and saw that the face of Baili Mingchuan was not good. He carefully persuaded: "Three princes, subordinates and others will help you chase. You can rest for a few days."

Baili Mingchuan turned a deaf ear, and the light was still serious. He circumvented the squadron and strode out of the alley, chasing the direction of the lone swallowing carriage.

He followed this way, maintaining the furthest distance, but he promised not to lose. A few days later, Lonely Fly Yan approached Shennong Valley, and Baili Mingchuan only wanted to go to Shennong Valley. However, before entering the Shennong Valley boundary, Baili Mingchuan received the news of the squadron. It was confirmed that the makeup robbing Emperor Tianze had hid in the tomb of the makeup woman, and it had not come out for several days!

Baili Mingchuan stopped the horse on the cliff, and he looked at the carriage of the Lonely Fly Yan. Soon, he understood that they are not going to Shennong Valley, but to go to the ancient tomb!

He muttered to himself: "Is it wrong, what secrets did they find?"

He recalled what he saw and heard in the tomb of the last trapped makeup, but he couldn't figure out the mystery. He did not hesitate, and went down the mountain to find a waterway. With the memory of the past, they first went to the ancient tomb of makeup.

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