Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 868: He heard the sound

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Chapter 868, he heard the sound

There are many organs in the tomb of the makeup, and the center of the tomb is a huge maze. At the center of the labyrinth is the dome stone chamber of the Qianlong. There is a cold pool in the center of the stone room, and a mysterious ice stands in the cold. Xuan Bing is like a painting, but also a person, at first glance is a frozen statue of makeup.

When Baili Mingchuan and Lonely Fly Yan were trapped by the makeup woman, everyone split up. The exit of the road selected by Bai Limingchuan was sealed by Lonely Flying Yan and Jun Jiuchen. He walked the waterway and found the center of the ancient tomb. He has been deeply impressed so far, and the water in the cold pool is particularly cool. At that time, he had not entered the North Sea, and the water in the cold pool was the coldest water he had ever entered. And into the North Sea, the cold of the cold pool is really nothing.

Already there has been an escape, and Baili Mingchuan should have been able to sneak in easily. However, the last time I didn't know why, just when they were fighting, the water in the cold pool gradually accumulated ice, and then the ice spread out of the cold pool, spreading throughout the maze, and even the tomb. At that time, if you didn't escape fast, you must be blocked by ice.

After escaping, Baili Mingchuan also pondered the reason. However, he did not understand that he had no interest in the ancient tomb and the makeup woman, and he did not fold back. Nowadays, I saw the yin and yang face of the owner of the Yunzhu Palace and knew the humiliation and crimes of the Yi people thousands of years ago. He realized that there is a secret in this ancient tomb! The secret of Qian Qian is more than the owner of the cloud.

He sneaked into the stream in front of the tomb of the makeup, and found the underwater entrance and swam into the tomb.

There were many passages in the ancient tombs, and there were many traps. There were almost all paintings on the stone walls, which were vivid and false. After the collapse and freezing, the entire tomb was changed, and even the underground waterways were changed.

In the darkness of the water, Baili Mingchuan was careful and quietly moving forward. He also had a sense of familiarity at first, but he felt strange after turning a few corners. Fortunately, there are many bends in this waterway, but there are no forks. Even if he wants to choose an opportunity that he has no choice, he can only follow the waterway.

After turning the seventh corner, Baili Mingchuan stopped. He waited for a long time, after confirming that there was no movement around, take out the compass and illuminate it with the night pearl. He found that although he had been turning, he did not actually deviate from the original direction. He entered the east and went west. In other words, this waterway is actually east-west, but it is very tortuous. In his impression, this direction is the direction to the maze, wrong!

Baili Mingchuan collected the compass and the night pearl, speeded up and continued to move forward. After a while, he was sensitive to the changes in water temperature, and he became more and more sure that this was the way to the center of the maze. Unexpectedly, he continued to move forward, and an unbearable chill came. At this moment, he almost doubted that **** reflexes appeared again. In fact, this coldness comes from the waters ahead, which is twice as cold as the cold pool in the labyrinth, which is comparable to the cold in the North Sea!

How could this be?

How long is this ancient tomb, how long is it? Why is there deep underground, but there will be mysterious ice?

Baili Mingchuan stopped again and hesitated. He did not put everything in the front position in his eyes, he was afraid of cold. After the **** reflex, he was particularly afraid of cold. Nowadays, the onset of anti-phagic is not regular. He can't guarantee that he will continue to move forward and whether he will attack. You must know that the water is so cold, which means that it is not far from the cold lake. If the front is the dead end of the ice, it is okay, but if the money is smashed, they will be in front, he must be exposed.

Is he adventurous to continue, or is it waiting for them to come? Qin Mo must know the entrance above the ground.

Just as the Baili Mingchuan weighed, there was a sudden "plop" in front. The Yi people's underwater hearing is extremely sensitive, and Baili Mingchuan immediately judges the position of this sound to be at the same distance from himself, and concludes that this is the sound of water falling. Someone in front of the water, in other words, the front of the cold pool has not been sealed, there are exports!

Immediately following the plop, the sound of continuous strokes was heard. After listening to it, I immediately decided that this was not the sound of swimming, but the struggle, and judging by the magnitude, it was a child! The child will either not be water or swim for other reasons.

"Is it... Junzi Ze?"

Baili Mingchuan suspicion, this time, the struggling sound suddenly stopped, and Baili Mingchuan is not unexpected! Even if people who don't have water can struggle for a while, can the child give up?

In addition to the accident, Baili Mingchuan quickly scorned, showing disdainful eyes. He thought that Jun Jichen’s younger brother is just like this. Is this child also a king of a country?

Soon, the sound of the water came again. The child was saved ashore.

Baili Mingchuan hesitated, still holding back the cold and slowly moving forward. The closer to the cold pool, the cooler the water, however, the sound on the shore is gradually clear. Baili Mingchuan couldn’t go any further. He lurked in the water and listened quietly.

In front, it is indeed the cold pool in the center of the labyrinth of the ancient woman. This cold pool, including the next section of the cold pool, was originally frozen. However, Li Qin broke the ice with her limited red spirit stone and barely opened a road. Li Qin’s last visit to this ancient tomb was a long time ago, and she could not remember the specific time.

At that time, she was a retired man for nine months as a sword girl. In fact, she did not cultivate the realm of "one person and one sword", nor did she want to cultivate the realm of "one person and one sword". She was so full of indulgence that she was too old to die. . After she left the customs, she found that Gu Yunyuan had left the Jiuli. She had a big fight with her brother, the swordsman of Jiuli, before asking about the whereabouts of Gu Yunyuan. My brother didn't know where the lonely cloud was, but told her a secret. My brother said that the heart of Gu Yunyuan has died with the death of his sweetheart. The tomb of the Shennong Valley is buried with his sweetheart. Every spring, he will enter the tomb for a few days. As long as he is going to the Spring Festival, he will be able to find him. She was hit hard and questioned who the woman was, but her brother knew nothing about it. My brother advised her to give up, but she insisted. She took her father and took everyone away from the Jiuli and rushed to Shennong Valley.

She couldn't forget that night, she met him in the valley behind the Shennong Valley. She called him, he did not hear, she wanted to chase him, but he suddenly ignited a raging fire around him, swallowed him all at once, swallowed the whole forest. She rushed into the fire like crazy, and then she was not awake. When she woke up, it was a few days later and the fire was gone. The valley turned into an ashes.

When she thought that he had no bones, he learned in the Shennong Valley that the fire was caused by a thief who had stolen the medicine. Until then, she discovered the embarrassment, only to remember the legend of Shennong Ding, only to realize that he was in the process of refining the tripod.

She went back to the valley to find God Ding, but she couldn't find anywhere. She was desperate and helpless. When she wanted to go back to the Jiuli to find her brother to help, she once again saw him in the valley...

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