Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 886: Jun Jiuchen’s refusal

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Chapter 886, Jun Jiuchen's refusal

After Xia Xiaoman had not finished, Mang Zhong smashed his mouth and said: "Nothing, no more nonsense! Otherwise I will tell the temple to go down! The little master's illness, His Highness is the clearest, than Wang Hao's mother. Still clear!"

Lonely Fly Yan is very familiar with Xia Xiaoman's temperament, and also knows that Xia Xiaoman has deep feelings with Azer. She whispered quietly and did not reassure the matter. She went to the backyard, but she saw that Jun Jiuchen was not practicing swords, but was sitting in a daze. She went to the front of Jun Jiuchen, Jun Jichen discovered her, looked up.

Lonely swallow quickly found Jun Jiuchen's eyes full of bloodshot eyes, she was very distressed, pulled up his hand and said: "Go, you have to rest!"

Jun Jiuchen pushed away the hands of Lonely Flying Yan without a trace, faintly said: "You go to sleep first. I will sit down again."

Lonely swallow's hand hung in the air and froze slightly. However, she soon let go. Every time she took his hand, he used to take her back. This is the first time that he pushed her hand away.

Lonely swallow did not go, squatting down next to Jun Jiuchen and persuaded: "The saga of the swordsmanship is not a temporary one. Go to rest, don't get tired."

Jun Jiuchen did not say much, still let the solitary fly back to the house first.

Lonely swallow does not leave, said: "Do you want to listen to me? I will accompany you to ponder?"

In the past few months, if he didn't practice the sword every night, he would sit in a daze and ponder the wisdom of the sword. She bumped into it several times and also talked with him several times. She knew that if he didn't figure out what was going on, he would probably sit in the morning.

Lonely swallow waited for Jun Jiuchen to open, who knows, Jun Jiuchen is faint: "I want Azer. Yan, you go back to the house first, I want to sit down."

Lonely flying Yan’s heart is slightly stunned. She quickly took the arm of Jun Jiuchen and said, "I will accompany you."

However, Jun Jiuchen pushed her hand again. He looked at her and said seriously: "You go to sleep first. I want to be alone."

Lonely flying swallows, and for a time they were somewhat overwhelmed. When she was a child, she grew up and she heard him say this for the first time. You know, he often said "Yan, you accompany me"; "Swallow, you sit"; "Swallow, don't talk, let me hug"...

Lonely swallow did not consciously think of the conversation he had just overheard, and the feeling of a touch of uneasiness came to his mind. However, reason tells her that Xia Xiaoman’s words are not worth her much, and it’s not worth her doubts! As the manuscript said, the disease of the dust, Jun Jiuchen is the clearest, more clear than her!

She thought that he must be too sad.

Lonely Flying Yan advised: "Don't worry, wait for the news from Fenghuo Island. Let's discuss the countermeasures. Cognac has also gone, will not let us down."

Jun Jiuchen nodded, still urged her, "obey, you go to sleep first."

For a while, Lonely Fly was rushed five times. She didn't know what to say for a moment, only nodded.

Lonely swallow did not really leave, she went to the corner and stopped. She leaned back against the wall, waiting to be with him, and secretly looked at him from time to time. She knew that she shouldn't think about it, but she couldn't control it.

Not long after, Qin Mo came over. As soon as he saw the Lonely Flying Swallow, he made a blasphemy and said: "The Lord!"

Lonely flying swallows want to stop him too late. She rushed to see in the courtyard, but she could not see the figure of Jun Jiuchen. Lonely swallow rushed out and shouted: "Jun Jiuchen!"

No one responded, she shouted again: "Gu Nanchen!"

Still no one responded.

Qin Mo followed and asked: "Master, what happened?"

Lonely swallows this time, and I remembered that Jun Jiuchen had just said that he wanted to be alone. He just wants to be alone, she bothers him. What is her fuss?

Lonely swallow did not know how to answer Qin Mo, only said: "Nothing."

Qin Mo saw that the Lonely Flying Swallow was not right, and he would have more heart for himself. He asked: "His Royal Highness, how can you be sad?"

Lonely swallow shook his head. "No, he is more sad than me."

Qin Mo said again: "Is the master looking for him? Subordinate..."

Lonely swallow interrupted. "No, you should go to rest."

Lonely flying swallows back to the house, Qin Mo has been following, watching the night at the door. How can a lone swallow sleep? She sat by the window and waited. She didn't want to think about it, took a bunch of medicine from the medicine, and pondered the cure of the tattoo. No matter whether it is a tattoo or a tattoo, it is not a disease. There is no answer in the medicine. However, she does not want to give up.

In the dead of night, Baili Mingchuan and his party also settled in the inn. However, Lonely Flying Yan is taking the direction of Jinyang City, and Baili Mingchuan is taking the direction of the ice sea.

At this time, Baili Mingchuan was sitting on the edge of the collapse, guarding the sleeping Azer.

He gave Aze a mask, and he changed Azerg's new clothes and hairstyles. Don't say that people who know Aze, who are very familiar with him, may not recognize him. What I have to say is that the mask is painted with a particularly cute monkey, full of childishness.

He walked in the Shennong Valley for several days and gave up without looking for Ji Jianglan. He is now taking Azer and Li Qin to the ice sea, not for anything else, precisely because of the letter of Shuijima. He didn't want to pay attention to Shui Ji, and he only told his subordinates to check. I know that the people under my hand are really connected to Shui Ji. Both Shui Ji and Han San, Han Haner, all fell in the hands of He Xiaohai and Yan, and they hid in a small town on the iceberg. Shui Ji said that He Xiaohai was planning a game and wanted to lead them to them and count them. However, specifically what the bureau is, she did not know.

Baili Mingchuan pondered this thing by the collapse of the edge. Suddenly Aze smashed the quilt, turned over and turned his back to him.

Baili Mingchuan pulled his mouth and said: "What sleep?"

Although he didn't have a good face, he got up and carefully gave Azega a quilt. He kept it for a while, and saw that Azer did not kick off the quilt before he got up and left.

Li Qin was detained in the next room by Baili Mingchuan, not only the big flowers, but also the mouth. Li Qin curled up in the corner, but still calm, and slept soundly. Seeing that she slept so fragrantly, the face of Baili Mingchuan was pulled down. He walked silently to Liqin in front of him, and he hurriedly slammed his feet and woke up Li Qin. Li Qin's shoulders were unloaded. So far, both hands have no strength. Plus the tie, the whole person is lying on the four feet and it is difficult to move.

Baili Mingchuan is at the top of the house, overlooking Li Qin, sneer: "It looks like the Prince is waiting for you so much that you can sleep well!"

Li Qin’s mouth smirked, didn’t talk, and closed his eyes.

Baili Mingchuan squatted down and said: "This prince has seen the face of the lord of the cloud, and it is really not interested in you like this millennium old demon. However, this prince now wants to see what you look like? It’s not more disgusting than the wife of the cloud-governing palace!”

If you want to change this word to the cloud-governing palace, you will be flustered. However, Li Qin was not shocked and said nothing.

Baili Mingchuan doubled up and said: "Come, come and get water!"

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