Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow

Chapter 887: It turned out to be her

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Chapter 887 was originally her

Baili Mingchuan personally wiped off all the makeup on Li Qin's face.

However, it is unexpected that Li Qin is not as old as the owner of the cloud, her face is no different from the young woman in her early twenties, and her appearance is particularly standard, with some exotic beauty.


Baili Mingchuan did not believe his eyes, and he wiped it again. However, Li Qin’s face has no makeup. Her true appearance is like this!

Looking at the wrong expression of Baili Mingchuan, Li Qin smiled coldly and said: "Want to know the reason? I can tell you the old man! I can tell you how to resolve the **** back and keep your life!"

Baili Mingchuan blinked and didn't make a sound.

Li Qin still smiled. "Well, I don't force you to be loyal to me. You and I cooperate, and seek common cause, how?"

Baili Mingchuan looked at Li Qin for a while, sitting cross-legged next to her, said: "Daye? What other careers can you find?"

Li Qin asked: "You are interested, aren't you?"

If you are not interested, will Baili Mingchuan sit down? Although Li Qin stared at a young face, he became a fine person. Every move of Baili Mingchuan, she is transparent.

Baili Mingchuan is not happy: "Do not talk nonsense!"

Li Qin said one word: "Rebuild Jiuli! Take control of Jiuli!"

Baili Mingchuan was a glimpse first, then he laughed hahaha. "Old sorrow, are you so deceived as a prince? Are you for a lonely cloud? Hey, love can't, this taste is really bad!" ”

Li Qin's calm face finally fell. She is patient and waits until the hundred miles of Mingchuan does not smile. She said: "You are in the palm of Jiuli, and the humiliation of the Yi people are washed. I see the lonely cloud, round my thousand years of wish. Every gain, why not? ”

The eyes of Baili Mingchuan flashed a touch of complexity and asked: "Why are you so sure to lead the lonely cloud?"

Li Qin smiled. "He said that he had been killed in the past, and he was dead, and he kept the secret of the power of Feng and the secret of love. The world can be peaceful! I want to rebuild Jiuli, but I want to make these secrets for generations. Pass on!"

Hearing here, Baili Mingchuan was shocked. "Well, more than 20 years ago, the three families of He Hesu co-conspired to the ice sea, forcing Xiaoyan and her mother to make the power of the phoenix, which is the secret of your venting!"

Li Qin gave a slight glimpse, and then admitted it generously. She said: "Bali Mingchuan, you are very smart. You should know that you can't cope with them by your own strength. Working with me is your only way!"

Baili Mingchuan looked at Li Qin and suddenly realized that "you use the three families of He Hesu to provoke the battle of the ice sea, just to inspire the lonely cloud!"

Li Qin is still laughing, no doubt the default.

Baili Mingchuan hurriedly asked: "Why did Xiaoyan children become the daughter of a lonely family? Lonely Yunyuan is not only a secret to the world, but why should they be an enemy?"

This question is also what Li Qin does not understand. Li Qin’s unsettled sigh of relief, muttered: "After the change of the ice sea, he has already begun to seek a plan. I should have seen him long ago, I should have guessed it is him, but unfortunately..."

She is hiding her identity as a money-stricken person. At that time, she had plans to rebuild Jiuli. She was looking for the Yi people, and through the slave traders of the year, she was able to steal the Junshi scorpion Jun Jiuchen, and robbed the black forest Lingjia scorpion Ling Ge, the twin sisters who turned the jade family, and the prostitutes of the southern Shangguan family. child. She had wanted to hide behind the scenes to control these forces and work for themselves. I know that Le Zheng betrayed her, and after they robbed these children, they disappeared without a trace. It was not until more than ten years ago that Shangguan Yuer returned to the Shangguan family, she knew that Le Zheng had made the sale to the Yunkong continent on the south bank of the ice sea, and sold all the children.

Later, the three major families of He Hesu secretly traced the secrets of the ice sea and wanted to seek the power of eternal life. She ignited a wave in the back, and vented the secret of the mysterious power of the ice sea. The three families of He Husu did not live up to her expectations, which led to the change of ice and sea. What she did not expect was that the cellars that had been provoked would be suppressed, and the entire sea of ​​ice and sea would be poisoned, completely separating the two continents.

On the day of the ice-sea change, she waited for the disaster caused by the cellar in the lonely home, waiting for the emergence of the lonely cloud. Who knows, she is waiting for the disappearance of infuriating, and the phoenix shadow she never imagined!

Not long after the lonely niece swallowed the water, the phoenix illusion appeared in the lonely home. The phoenix illusion is the symbol of the power of the phoenix. When she was puzzled, she discovered that the lone swallow who was rescued from the lotus pond was not a real niece. The lonely niece wore a red dress before falling into the water, and the purple dress was worn after being rescued. She hid the clothes and concealed the secret. On that day, the Lonely Fly Swallow was diagnosed with the loss of infuriating power and became a waste material. Later, the solitary family went up and down, and even the entire Jinyang City. The entire Qiukong mainland's repairers lost their infuriating.

She did not know what happened, only to be sure that the niece who was rescued from the lotus pond must have a secret. She has been unable to figure out why it is so big to lose the lonely cloud and why can she stand by. Finally, two years ago, Lonely Fly Yan returned to the lonely home from the palace, and there was a small medicine tripod on his body. The pharmacy was very good, and she knew that Gu Yunyuan had already shot it.

She used the flesh and blood to deceive the trust of Lonely Fly, even with her into the Jing Wangfu. She originally thought that Jun Jiuchen was just a substitute for the Jun family to replace the missing nephew. It was only after entering the Jingwang Palace that Jun Jiuchen was the child she had been abducted by, and Jun’s nephew, with nine The blood of the Li nationality.

Since then, she has been quiet and waiting for the benefits of the fishermen. Even, Lonely Flying Yan took the portrait of the lonely family, she did not move. Lonely flying swallows help her find a lonely cloud, she can't ask for it!

Later, Lonely Fly Yan and Jun Jiuchen flew for the rescue, and found the hidden doctor Gu Yunyuan. When she learned the name, she had no doubts. Gu Yunyuan is a pharmacist rather than a physician, and he does not understand acupuncture. Now I want to come, she really regrets, to know that he lived in the Jingwang House, she also gave him clothes. However, she did not see her, let go of the clothes and left.

Until her spit sent back news from the North Sea, it was confirmed that Gu Yunyuan was a lonely cloud. She suddenly realized that he has been there all the time!

After listening to Li Qin’s memories, Baili Mingchuan had to re-examine her. Baili Mingchuan found that he completely underestimated the old witch and underestimated the lonely cloud. However, in addition to the accident, he is more angry. He asked: "Do you want to blame him for destroying the mysterious space? Are you crazy?"

Li Qindao: "Only the Scorpio and the Mantle are stirred up at the same time, and the two forces from the North and the South gather together to destroy the Xuankong. Isn't it? Again, hehe, the Xuankong Mountain is not as good as him!"

Baili Mingchuan feels that this old witch is a madman, even more crazy than the owner of the cloud! He asked: "Ji Jianglan, you hijacked Ji Jianglan, what is it for?"

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