Jiang Yuyang's eyes widened in shock, his lips moved, but he didn't say a word, but Jiang Feng reacted, his face was full of surprise, and he clasped his fists at Ling Jingxuan and Yan Chengrui: "Thank you, Princess, for your kindness, Jiang Feng will always be remembered in my heart."

He really could not have dreamed of it. He originally thought that he would live in nine deaths, but suddenly he turned around again. Not only Yan Shengrui and the others let the young master go, but also the feelings of the young master.

"Thank you, you don't have to, you can do it yourself in the future!"

Raising his hand to reject his excitement, Ling Jingxuan took Yan Shengrui and passed them directly. When passing by Jiang Yuyang, Ling Jingxuan stopped again, glanced at Jiang Feng instructively, and said, "Young Master Jiang, don't expect forever. People who don't belong to you, why don't you cherish the people in front of you?"

At first glance, Jiang Feng was in love with him, but he himself did not seem to be indifferent. If he didn't grasp it well, he would definitely regret it later.


Jiang Yuyang frowned suspiciously, and responded a little silly, but Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly: "This is what this concubine said, Young Master Jiang, don't wait until you lose it before regretting it."

He believed that he loved him, but at the same time he also believed that he didn't have no feelings for Jiang Feng, maybe not as strong as he did to him, but definitely yes, that's how people are, they are often used to pursuing excitement, and it's easiest to ignore those around them. People who don't know how, no matter how exciting it is, there is a time to calm down, and only a long flow of water is eternal.

"At this point in time, all your family members should be beheaded. Don't think about avenging them. This time, for the sake of Jingxuan, this king can spare your life. If there is another time, this king will not. I will be merciful again, so I can do it for myself!"

It was rare that Yan Shengrui also left a piece of advice, perhaps because he could see Jiang Feng's feelings like Ling Jingxuan, and knew that he would never have undeserved feelings for his daughter-in-law in the future, so he could be so calm. face him.

"I will return the original words to you, Yan Shengrui. I don't care whether you are a prince or a general. If one day you let me know that you are not good to him, I will definitely appear again."

Jiang Yuyang turned around abruptly, looked at their backs and shouted loudly.

"You won't have that chance!"

The husband and wife paused as they left, and Yan Shengrui said without turning his head, with unmistakable firmness in his tone.

"Little Lord"

Jiang Feng walked up to him and watched their figures disappear into the woods. Jiang Yuyang silently engraved Ling Jingxuan's figure in his heart. Finally? Firmly lock it in the deepest part of my heart, no accident, they will never see each other again in this life.

"I didn't expect you to let them go."

After the husband and wife who walked out of the deep forest with ten fingers clasped step by step could not feel the gaze from behind, Yan Shengrui turned to look at the profile of his daughter-in-law, and let Jiang Shanglian think about it, otherwise he would not bring him with him, but he He really didn't expect that his daughter-in-law would even let Jiang Yuyang go, although he understood why he let him go.

"I didn't expect it to end so peacefully in the end, and no plan can keep up with the changes."

Ling Jingxuan turned his head and threw him a smile. He took his hand and walked gently. Jiang Yuyang was not guilty of death. The most important thing was that he was better alive than dead.

"The teacher told me Jing Xuan, you won't be moved by his love for you, right?"

Knowing that it was impossible, Yan Shengrui took a step forward to block him. Ling Jingxuan's eyes sank, and a silver light flashed on his hand. Even Yan Shengrui didn't have time to react, and his body was instantly frozen in place.

"This set again, let me go!"

Yan Shengrui's forehead was immediately full of black lines, but no matter how lucky they were, they couldn't easily get out the silver needle. Ling Jingxuan raised his head and smiled coldly: "You just stay here for Ye Shòu to stand guard, fuck!" , Ling Jingxuan directly crossed him and walked out of the woods.

"Don't make trouble with your daughter-in-law, it will kill people. Can't I be wrong? Why are you like this every time you get angry? Jing Xuan?"

Feeling that he was really going further and further, Yan Shengrui was in a hurry, and his loud voice spread throughout the forest.


Outside Lin Zi, seeing Ling Jingxuan coming out, Yan Si immediately led a group of shadow guards to greet them, Ling Jingxuan glanced at them lightly, and walked out: "Go back!"

"Isn't it, princess, why didn't you see the prince?"

After realizing it was wrong, Yan Si chased Yiyi and asked, judging from his appearance, the prince should be fine, right? Why then

"He was standing guard for Ye Shòu in the woods, what did he do?"

After he finished speaking, Ling Jingxuan also climbed into the carriage and got in. Yan Si's forehead went black, and then he couldn't help the urge to laugh. He dared to bet on the head of the item, and it was their prince who was stupid again. Of course, he didn't forget to ask the shadow guards to rescue the prince. Their husbands could quarrel and fight, but those of them who were subordinates didn't dare to make a fool of themselves.

Chapter 632 The princess is ruthless and cleans up the prince

Back home, Ling Jingxuan still ignored Yan Shengrui who always wanted to talk to him along the way. The husband and wife basically entered the hall one after the other, and the atmosphere between them was also very subtle, except for the ignorant Xiao Tuanzi and Liu Er, Even the Yang Shu brothers noticed that something was wrong, not to mention the Yan Xiaobei brothers, but they didn't have any intention of going forward to make peace, because they all knew that at most one night, their father's Wang can handle Daddy.

"Daddy, are you back?"

The little dumpling, who didn't feel anything, left Yang Liu who was playing together and happily greeted him, Ling Jingxuan reached out to catch him, led him over and sat down: "Today

Are you listening at home? "

Liushui Town is about 100 miles away from the southern city of Hubei, and Broken Soul Valley is at least 80 miles away, and the round trip is 160 miles. With the delay, they set off in the morning and came back almost at dinner time. There is no way, the speed of the carriage Still unable to compare with horseback riding, Ling Jingxuan, who had been riding in a carriage all day, felt his buttocks were about to be split apart by the jolts, and his spirit was not very good.

"Yes, people have always been obedient!"

Leaning between his legs, the little dumpling raised his head and smiled with crooked eyes. He didn't mean to be humble or ashamed when he praised himself.

"Really? Then our good little dumplings, do you want to sleep with Daddy tonight?"

Holding his son's face and kissing, Ling Jingxuan asked with a smile, but Yan Shengrui immediately turned black, Yan Xiaobei and the others quickly lowered their heads, don't ask them what they are gān, father is really cruel, even let the father Even if he didn't give him a chance to admit his mistakes, where did the king provoke him?

"If I want, I want to sleep with my father and father."

Although he slept by himself since he was a child, the little dumpling nodded happily when he heard his question, Ling Jingxuan stretched out his finger and shook it: "I don't sleep with my father and father, I just sleep with my father, you Father is sleeping in the study tonight."


"Why should I sleep in the study?"

It seemed that he didn't understand, the little dumpling opened his mouth slightly, but Yan Shengrui roared, his handsome face was so black that it couldn't be darker, Ling Jingxuan turned around and gave him a cold look: "Why do you say? ?"


Yan Shengrui choked and was speechless. After a while, he mumbled weakly, "Then you can't let me sleep in the study, I won't go."

What a joke, he had a beautiful daughter-in-law sleeping in his arms, and he went to the study for Mao's grievances?

"I didn't mean to ask you, I ordered you to go!"

This time, he was a little annoyed. He told him hundreds of times not to eat vinegar indiscriminately, to stop eating vinegar indiscriminately, but he was fine, but he was already suspicious, really thought he wouldn't dare to treat him?

"I won't go anyway, and I won't quarrel with you if you're in a bad mood."

The tiger's eyes stared, Yan Shengrui was full of anger, but he was reluctant to attack his daughter-in-law, so he could only mumble and sit back, Ling Jingxuan's expression was still cold, seeing that the situation seemed to be a bit beyond what they thought, Yan Xiaobei He exchanged glances with Lingwen Tiewazi, and said twice to the guest: "By the way, father, father, you just went out today, and Patriarch Tuoba and Uncle Yuan came back. It seems that they didn't suffer from any torture, they were just gods. It's not good, Uncle Yuan sent me a letter and sent Patriarch Tuoba back, he said he would be back tomorrow at the latest."

Having said that, Yan Xiaobei decisively took out the letter and handed it to him, just asking him not to stab and tease their father, the father was also very pitiful. He was obviously eaten to death, but he always liked to provoke him. This time, I'm afraid it's enough for him to drink a pot. "Everyone in the Jiang family has been beheaded?"

After taking the envelope and opening it, Ling Jingxuan asked casually.

"Well, they were all pulled out and chopped at noon, and the people onlookers all applauded."

Yan Xiaobei nodded. Today he was the one who oversaw the beheading himself. Jiang Suiyun yelled at her husband not to come out, to avenge her or something. In contrast, Jiang Qingshan and others, who seemed to have guessed something, were very honest. In addition to Jiang Suiyun's frantic screams, the entire execution ground was the sound of swearing and accusations from the people, because they quietly let people spread the tragic situation after the occupation of Tianhong City to E'nan City.

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