"The people are actually very simple, they just want to live a stable life, as for who brought this stability to them, they don't care at all, Xiaobei, Xiaowen, Tiewazi, and Xiaoshu Xiaohuai, you all remember Stay, although you are the royal family of the Yan family, but there is no permanent royal family in this world, if you can’t do things with the people first and from the people’s standpoint, the Yan family will be replaced sooner or later.”

Ling Jingxuan read the letter while talking. There were several maps inside, which marked the information of minerals and mines. There were even gold mines that had been exposed. Jiang Yuyang was a very thoughtful gift, and it was not in vain for him to violate his principles. he.


The children headed by Yan Xiaobei replied in unison, with the word firmness written on their faces, including the brothers and sisters of the Yang family who probably did not fully understand.

"This is the map where the mines and minerals controlled by the Jiang family are located. Yan Xiaobei, Xiaowen, you put them away first, and tomorrow I will ask Father Láng to help me bring a letter to the Wusun Department, and ask them to send a few people to show us the way. , you also pick out a few trustworthy people and lead the team to receive those things."

Nodding and handing the letter to Yan Xiaobei, Ling Jingxuan instructed earnestly that mines and minerals belong to the imperial court. After receiving those things and knowing the specific situation of the mines, they reported to the imperial court and asked the imperial court to send professionals to mine. .

"Yeah." Without asking Yuan Shaoqi why he brought back such a letter, Yan Xiaobei nodded and put away his things. Zhou Changsheng, who was standing beside him, and Long Dashan looked at each other, and they both stepped forward: "Princess, can you let me? Leading the team with Changsheng? It’s enough to have the king and the prince in the yamen, we want to learn more things.”

King Wu Jun and Xiao Huzi have already worked hard towards the road of generals. Although they also have the title of scholar, it is not enough. They still want to become more powerful. Only with continuous efforts can they truly share the worries of the prince and princess in the future. , to repay them for their re-creation.

"Haha, if you are not too tired, and Sister Long is not distressed, of course you can."

Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly and looked at them half-jokingly. These children are all good, and they will definitely become Xiao Qi's indispensable right-hand man in the future.

"Look at what the princess said, the princess is willing to let them do things, but it's too late for the servants to be happy, how dare they feel distressed?"

When Long Zhang heard the words, he hurried forward. He was grateful to the princess from the bottom of his heart. If it wasn't for him, how could Dashan have the opportunity to read and read, and get a title? It is estimated that even out of slavery is impossible.

"Thank you, Princess!"

Long Dashan and Zhou Changsheng also clasped their fists and thanked them, they would not disappoint the princess.

"Okay, there is no need to thank you. Now that the affairs of the four major families and tribes have all been settled, the second-season rice planted by the common people should be harvested. When the new Chief Secretary Hu arrives, we will take over after we have finished. We will go back soon, Mrs. Long Zhang, Lingyun Shui Ling’er, you can go out for a walk if you have nothing to do, and buy some souvenirs from the southern border for everyone, so you don’t have to watch us all day long.”

Glancing at them one by one, Ling Jingxuan said with a smile, since he came to the southern border, although they didn't say anything, he knew it in his heart. They had been tense all the time, for fear that an accident would happen, and now almost everything should be solved. It's solved, the rest is to clean up the mess left by the Jiang family. When the people of the other three cities see the bumper harvest of the people of Shanyang City, the promotion of agriculture and other aspects will definitely not be a problem, they will be completely taken back to the south With the control of Xinjiang, you can leave for the capital to meet Xiaoqi, and also prepare for the border town.

"Speaking of rice, Daddy, I will go to Shanyang City tomorrow. If I can harvest it, I will harvest it with the people and come back."

It is enough for the yamen to have a big brother. He has always been personally responsible for agricultural promotion. In any case, he wants to make a good start and a good end.

"Well, before harvesting the rice, remember to drain the water to clean up the fish. You can sell them to the other three cities in batches. By the way, let the people help us spread the word. If the four cities in the southern border can't eat that many fish, you can also contact Jingpeng. Get him to help sell in Southern State, he's an expert here."

Ling Jingxuan didn't object either. In the end, he couldn't help joking. Isn't Jing Peng an expert in selling fish? He helped sell their fish back then.

"Okay, I know what to do."

Ling Wen also seemed to remember those difficult and happy days, with a bright smile on his face, the little dumpling in Ling Jingxuan's arms looked at them back and forth, and suddenly said, "I want to eat fish too!"

Well, he didn't understand anything, he just understood that there were fish to eat.

"You're a snack foodie, you know how to eat it!" Ling Jingxuan poked his head angrily, and everyone else couldn't help laughing, including Yan Kun's family who couldn't be more beautiful.

"Hee hee, the third brother said, it's better to have something to eat than nothing."

The little dumpling has thick skin and thick skin. He doesn't care about his father's complaints at all. Ling Jingxuan shook his head helplessly when he heard the words. He didn't even have the desire to complain. Ling Wen, who always spoiled him, smiled and said: " Don't worry, little dumpling, the second brother will personally pick out a few big fat fish for you and send it back, and then let sister Shui Ling'er make you delicious boiled fish."

He likes to hear these words, the little head of Xiao Tuanzi is so dazzling, the whole family, regardless of master and servant, all laughed happily. After having dinner in a pleasant atmosphere, Ling Jingxuan really took the lead. The little dumpling went to his room with Yan Shengrui.

"Jingxuan, stop playing, am I wrong?" Yan Shengrui, who was following behind them before he closed the door, hurriedly stepped forward and pressed against the door, his handsome face was full of prayers, and the little dumpling went from Ling Jingxuan's double A small head popped out of his legs and looked at his father strangely, the father did something wrong

what? Is Daddy angry with his father?

"I'll take the small group to sleep in the study room, or you should go to the study room alone, choose one of the two."

Looking up at him coldly, Ling Jingxuan didn't seem to compromise at all this time, Yan Shengrui instantly frowned, and subconsciously blurted out: "I don't choose, there will be countless times after the first time, I don't sleep in the study room. ."

It seems that our prince is still very clear, why do you want to find nüè yourself?

"How many times do you want to doubt me in the future?"

Resisting the urge that almost made him laugh angrily, Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows sternly, deliberately nitpicking.

"Don't dare, my daughter-in-law, I was wrong, I promise not to be an example, so don't be angry, okay?"

He couldn't beat his daughter-in-law and was reluctant to get angry with him. Yan Shengrui had to shamelessly bow his head and admit his mistake. Thanks to him having amnesia for a while, he had done all kinds of shameful things. impossible.

"You haven't chosen yet."

The long and narrow Danfeng eyes still looked at him for a moment, Ling Jingxuan was obviously stubborn to the end, Yan Shengrui's mouth twitched, and after a while, he said, "Well, I'll sleep in the study tonight, but you have to promise me that you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning. If you get angry again, you are not allowed to drive me to the study room to sleep in the future."

There's no way, who made him brainstorm this time and really provoke his daughter-in-law?

"it is good."


Ling Jingxuan also promised to be brittle. After he pulled away a little, he closed the door in front of him with a bang, almost not hitting Yan Shengrui's nose. willing to leave.

"Dad, what did the father do wrong? Why are you angry? Don't be angry with the father, okay?"

Inside the door, the little dumpling holding Ling Jingxuan raised his head and said curiously and innocently, in fact, he didn't understand anything, he just subconsciously didn't like them like this.

"Little fool, do you really think Daddy is so angry?"

Squatting down and scratching his nose in a funny way, facing his doubtful eyes, Ling Jingxuan continued with a smile: "Just your father's temperament, the more you let him get shy, if you don't give him some color, you may not know what to do in the future. Don't worry, you'll be fine tomorrow."

He was not angry for a long time, or it should be said that this is also a way of maintaining the relationship between their husband and wife.


The little dumpling nodded in understanding, Ling Jingxuan rubbed his head and then stood up and pulled him to continue walking inside, the corners of his mouth always filled with a shallow smile.

Chapter 633 Leaving the Southern Border, the people say goodbye

With the destruction of the Jiang family, the four major families in the southern border no longer exist. The remaining Tuoba family and the Yao family fully assisted the court to clean up the mess. The four families who were originally stationed in the southern border were unable to haunt the four cities in the southern border. The garrison was stationed in the four cities respectively, and the officials in the four cities were all reshuffled after Hu Lizhi's arrival. The husband of the prince went to work in various cities under the arrangement of Yan Xiaobei and Hu Lizhi.

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