"I'm sorry kid, it's daddy who forgot to care about your preferences."

Han Fei couldn't help but redden his eyes, and his voice was stained with choking. Thanks to Jing Xuan's reminder, otherwise he would have made a big mistake. Even if he reluctantly became an official, he would never be happy in the future. I am afraid that there will be a knot between father and son for no reason, that is what he does not want to see anyway.


The tears couldn't be held anymore, Tie Wazi buried his head in his father's neck and cried out, seeing this, Ling Jingxuan got up and took the small dumpling from Zhao Dalong: "Brother Zhao, Brother Han, Xiaoqi and the others are here, wait a while. Remember to come over for dinner later."

With that said, Ling Jingxuan took the little dumpling and prepared to leave. Next was the time for their family to talk to each other, so there was no need for him and the little dumpling to get involved.


Han Fei choked up and nodded, but Zhao Dalong didn't care to keep him. When he turned around, the six-foot man embraced his wife and children with open arms. The corner of Ling Jingxuan's mouth was slightly curved when he left. , otherwise, let him speak rude words, they will not be able to agree.

"Dad, what are you laughing at?" Out of their house, the little dumpling raised his head and asked curiously, they were crying when their brother just gave birth, why did Daddy still laugh?

"Of course we laugh when we're happy. Our little dumpling is still young and we don't understand it. We'll know when you grow up."

Ling Jingxuan stretched out his finger and touched the tip of his nose, and led him back to their house. Only Concubine Yun and Wang Ling's mother and daughter were left in the hall. Everyone else was probably busy with their own work. Ling Jingxuan thought about it. I still took my son there.

"Our little dumpling is back, come to my aunt."

When the three people who were chatting saw them, Wang Jinyu happily stretched out his hands, and the little dumpling was not polite, he broke free of Ling Jingxuan's hand and ran over: "Auntie, when are you going to have dinner? I'm hungry. ."

Although he ate a lot at the palace banquet, but because he didn't like watching those adults talk, he went to play with Brother Jiu and the others after he was full. When he recovered, his father told him to go home again. Well, he was already hungry by now.

"Really? Let your aunt touch your belly to see if you're really hungry."

"Haha, it's so itchy, auntie, don't worry, it's so itchy"

Wang Jinyu stretched out his hand to touch his bulging belly as he spoke, and the little dumpling suddenly laughed so hard that the little hand kept pushing him away, and Wang Jinyu withdrew his hand after a while: "Looks like I'm really hungry, little dumpling. My belly is starving."

Obviously they are full of flesh, and only they will open their eyes and talk nonsense. Ling Jingxuan next to him has no desire to complain. The little dumpling who returned to this house is the biggest, and he can't even provoke him.

"Hee hee, people don't lie."

The itch finally stopped, and the little dumpling grinned, revealing his white teeth, and his small appearance suddenly turned into a few elders.

"Okay, since I'm hungry, go pick up my sister and the others for dinner. I'll let Shui Linger serve."

Unable to stand the eyes of the concubine and the others, Ling Jingxuan urged the little dumpling to leave.

"it is good."

As soon as they heard that they were going to pick up their sister, the little dumpling slid to the ground decisively and quickly, and ran out in a hurry. The three of Concubine Yun hurriedly shouted to slow down, Ling Jingxuan shook his head helplessly: "Ling Yun, let the kitchen start to go up. Let's cook, Daddy Láng and the others don't need to give away, I think they should go to the mountains at night."

It's rare that they all came back. They must be going for a walk. By the way, I also brought Brother Hu to familiarize myself with the terrain.


Ling Yun led the order to retreat, Ling Jingxuan watched his back with a smile on his face: "Father, I asked you to write a letter asking Lao Song and the others to come to the capital, did you write?"

Three years ago, most of the people came to the capital, but Lao Song and the others stayed in Lingjia Village to help them manage their family business, but now it is basically unnecessary. He has already asked Long Hanqing to send someone to take over Lingjia Village. Industry, they can all come to the capital.

"I wrote it, I guess it's coming soon. Jinghan received a letter from them two days ago, saying that he would come after packing up."

Although the son never said why he suddenly wanted Lao Song and the others to go to Beijing, as long as it was his order, they would try their best to do it. As early as the day he received the letter, he had someone send it back.

"That's good."

Ling Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction. Originally, he wanted his mother and aunt to help design the wedding dress. Later, he thought about it and gave up. He wanted to design the dresses of the two couples himself. This was their first semi-wedding in Jingyun Villa. To make it lively, he would marry off his two girls in a graceful manner.

Chapter 638 Human nature is irreversible, teasing the little tiger

"Are you in such a hurry to let Lao Song and the others come to the capital? It won't be good, will it?"

Taking advantage of Song Shuiling and the others, Ling Wangshi asked decisively and interestedly. In a blink of an eye, Shuisheng was already twenty, and Shui Linger was eighteen or nineteen. It was time to get married and settle down. Just like Peng Qingzi, she has been traveling all the year round. They can’t even urge them to replace the old Song couple. Now that Shui Linger finally came back, she thought about whether to tell her a marriage earlier, after all, they also followed them like this. for many years.

"Hehe, of course there are good things, mother, you don't know it yet, Shui Linger and Thunder Team's An Shaonong, Lingyun and Yan Si, they see each other, I want to give them to them while everyone is here at the end of the year. The wedding is done, what do you think?"

Looking at Ling Yun, they probably won't come out for the time being, Ling Jingxuan leaned over and said mysteriously, there is only one month left before the Chinese New Year.

It's time for them, and they are almost ready to prepare. The complicated and trivial matters of getting married still have to be done by their parents. He is responsible for preparing the entire wedding.


Hearing this, Mrs. Ling Wang screamed in surprise, and then realized that she was too loud, and quickly said in a low voice: "That's good, Yan Si and An Shaonong are both good men, although they are a little older, they are a bit older. This man knows how to hurt people, I can see it, Jingxuan, this matter will be left to your mother and your aunt, and your own mother, will you join in?"

The marriage of the two girls was settled together, and Mrs. Ling Wang was so happy, even if she didn't take care of things very much, other people seldom talked about her in front of her, but she still knew a little in her heart that the two girls had really helped over the years. Jingxuan is quite busy, and Xiao Sui, that girl is also worried about the Ling family's industry. Over the past few years, she has almost devoted herself to the factory, but people are more and more able to gān, and it is her lifelong event. Completely delayed.

"Of course, I also like Ling Yun and Shui Ling'er. They are married, so I will definitely do my part."

Concubine Yun smiled slightly, and was already thinking about adding makeup to them. She has seen it with her own eyes over the years, how much the two girls have paid for this family.

"Then the three of us"

"Mother, don't worry, just listen to me first, okay?"

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Ling wanted to settle down, but Ling Jingxuan said helplessly and hilariously to stop her: "Concubine Mother, Mother, Aunt, the wedding process must be for you to come, I, a big man, don't understand those trivial things at all. Things, but don't be in a hurry to be happy, everything has to wait for the old Song couple to come before they can make a decision? Yan Si and An Shaonong have not proposed to the two girls in person. In the early morning, the reward will be given as usual. Even a sixth-rank school captain can't escape. I want the old Song couple to recognize Lingyun as their daughter. In the future, she and Shui Linger will be regarded as the daughter of the official family, even if we accompany the heavy dowry , and no one will make irresponsible remarks."

Moreover, in this wedding, in addition to the necessary programs of this era, he also wants to add some modern programs, and must be perfect, there is only one wedding in a lifetime, and he wants to make his two girls happier than anyone else." On the contrary, in terms of our status, we can completely ignore the criticisms of others, but Lingyun and the others are different. After getting married, they will inevitably enter the circle of noble ladies in the capital as house ladies. Your girl is married, and she is also married to Yan Si, a figure named Yingwei, who is actually more powerful than a general, and will inevitably be excluded by others in the future, which will be disadvantageous to them."

Concubine Yun nodded in agreement. The richer the person, the more serious the pink eye disease. It is impossible to see that others are better than them, especially those from a lower background. Rao is Jingxuan, and there are still people talking behind their backs, but Due to his great ability and unassailable status, they didn't dare to talk about it on the stage, let alone mock him in person. If it were Ling Yun and the others, it would be different. The taunting inside and outside will stand out and vent their anger for them, and it will inevitably be wronged in the future. The dowry is also. If you marry a maid, you will be criticized for too much dowry. In a word, the water in the capital is very deep, and they can arrange for them. Yes, it's best to arrange it all.

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