"Why is it so important to be a parent?"

Mrs. Ling Wang couldn't help but feel a little depressed. She had been in the capital for three years, and she still knew some of the great relationships among them. If nothing else, take herself as an example. As the old lady of the Ling family, many people want it. To please her, but she is not stupid. Basically, you can tell at a glance that the other party doesn't really want to marry her, but to get benefits from her, so she would rather concentrate on designing with her sister, and I don't want to go out to entertain.

"This is all normal. In the past, in the countryside, which peasant girl married into the city or the landlord's house, didn't she pay too much attention? The maiden's family couldn't even say anything, but the capital was more serious in comparison. After all, the status and status are not It's the same, just get used to it."

Seeing this, Ling Jingxuan looked at his old lady reassuringly. She knew that she was unwilling, but he couldn't change this kind of thing, let alone ancient times. In the 21st century, women from poor families are married Rich people, will they face the same treatment differently? This is human nature, irreversible!

"My mother, don't worry too much, Jing Xuan and Lao Jiu will make arrangements."

Concubine Yun reached out and held her hand. She was born in a famous family, so she didn't quite understand their depression, but he knew other people and knew that they were not easy in the capital. It seems that she can no longer just guard the palace in the future. It's enough to accompany your mother to several big family banquets. Some people forget their identities if they don't beat and beat, and distinguish people by their identities. Are they worthy? She can ignore everything else, her relatives must not be looked down upon.

Although they said they were going, no one noticed that Lingyun Shui Ling'er, who was carrying the dishes at the corner of the hall connected to the kitchen, all had red eyes. When they first heard them talk about their marriage, how much were they Still shy, I didn't expect that the masters were helping them plan, but the more they heard the back, the more uncomfortable they became. For them, the masters were really heartbroken.

Ling Yun quietly gave Song Shuiling a wink, and the two turned back to the kitchen again. After putting down the plate in his hand, Ling Yun took a deep breath and turned around: "Shui Ling'er, we must not embarrass the master."

Song Shuiling nodded firmly with tears in her eyes, Ling Yun embraced her with open arms, they would not let their masters' hearts go to waste, and in the future they would definitely make those who claim to be of noble birth look good.

Not long after, Yan Xiaohua, Sikong Jue, Zhao Dalong, Han Fei, Zeng Shaoqing, Chu Yunhan came one after another. There were three tables in the living room, and the whole family didn't bother to go to the dining room, so they just ate in the living room. The three brothers and sisters of the Yang family who arrived here are still a little cautious, but there are small dumplings who pull their sister to show off from time to time, and everyone didn't show any surprise or dislike for their sudden arrival. The sensitive children gradually relaxed. quickly into them.

"The people of Nanjiang are actually very friendly. When we left, they also said goodbye. Brother Yan, you must visit in the future when you have a chance. I built all the official roads and the Sicheng Avenue in Nanjiang. It was said that the roads would be connected to every village in the future, but unfortunately we are back, otherwise I will build roads for them.”

At the dinner table, the little bun sat next to his brother Yan, showing off his great achievements incessantly. Looking at his small appearance, it was as if all roads were built by one person. Ling Jingxuan and others didn't bother to complain about him. Now, save him howling with them again.

"Haha, that's really hard work for our little Wu. This time you have made a great contribution? What kind of reward do you want?"

Yan Xiaoming took advantage of the situation and put a leg in his bowl, looking at his eyes full of pampering, a little bit of distress mixed in, seeing how easy they said, but anyone with a little brain knows that a It's definitely not going to be easy in the beginning.

"I don't need it anymore, a manly man. If you build a road, you will be rewarded. If you say it out, you must not embarrass my father, and I will make great contributions on the battlefield in the future."

But the little bun's eyebrows raised, and many people couldn't help laughing. The ten-year-old boy looked like an adult. What a man and a man, now he can only be regarded as a boy, even a teenager. not on.

"One yard is one yard, and there are still rewards. I won't give you the official position. Another day, you can go to the treasury to pick it up and take whatever you choose to take home directly."

I have to say that Yan Xiaoming's doting on him really has no bottom line, and the national treasury can let him pick at will.

"Okay, thank you Brother Yan."

This time, Xiao Baozi did not refuse, Yan Xiaoming rubbed his head dotingly, then turned to Ling Wen and the others and said, "Xiao Wen, Tie Wazi, and our little dumplings, the same goes for you, what do you want? The treasury picks, don’t be polite to me, as for the official position, it will not be given to you for the time being.”

They still have to take the exams. Now that they are given official positions, they will be able to take the scientific exam in the future. He knows that, Xiaowen - he is thinking about Sanyuan and Di.

"Thank you, Brother Yan."

Ling Wen was not polite to him, let alone the little dumpling, nibbling on his legs and smiling stupidly, but Tie Wazi scratched his head embarrassedly: "I don't need it, I didn't help me at all, all day long. Stay in the study with Xiaoshu and the others to read and practice calligraphy, you can't ask for a reward from Brother Yan."

Knowing that Brother Yan loves them, he still understands the reason why no merit is not rewarded.

"Come on, don't be polite to me, I've heard about the one who killed the Jiang family, and you didn't go out with Xiaowen Xiaowu and the others to help the people of the southern border, but you brought a few younger brothers at home and let Uncle Ling and the others go out. No worries, no? This is also a credit."

He finally had an honest and fair reason to reward his younger brothers, how could he easily let it go? "Then I'm welcome?"

Make him feel embarrassed, Tie Wazi blushing is not very sure, compared to the cheeky little bag when he was young

Son, he is still a little tender after all.

"Haha, what are you polite about, my brother?"

Yan Xiaoming couldn't help laughing. From beginning to end, only they could make him laugh without hesitation.

"Dashan, Changsheng, do you want to enter the dynasty directly, or do you want to enter the dynasty after you have been admitted to the imperial court?"

As if thinking of something, Yan Xiaoming raised his head and looked at the two Long Dashan people on the other table.

The two who were named looked at each other, and Long Dashan stood up and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, we still want to be honored by our own abilities."

In this way, others will not criticize them, and they will not embarrass their masters.

"Alright, I'll give you a reward tomorrow to send you to Jingyun Villa, Little Huzi, will you be named a sixth-grade captain this time?"

Yan Xiaoming's tone was obviously ridiculed. Song Xiaohu was also the person he taught himself back then, and he was a little more indulgent towards him. Knowing that he wanted to be a general, he naturally wanted to create opportunities for him. .

"I don't need that, right? I want to hang out with the prince and the prince for a few more years."

Xiao Huzi scratched his head and stood up. His thoughts were the same as Xiao Baozi. A man should fight for meritorious deeds on the battlefield with one shot at a time, and if he built a road, he would be banned from office. That would be too shameful.

"you sure?"

Yan Xiaoming raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ling Jingxuan calmly, the latter understood and pretended to be leisurely: "My lord, I heard that if the army goes on an expedition, only officers and soldiers above the captaincy level are qualified to lead the army to fight and be the vanguard. ?"

While speaking, Ling Jingxuan glanced meaningfully at Xiaohuzi who was stunned for a while, with a smile implicit in his eyes, and the others instantly understood what he meant and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, without an official position, even if you go to the battlefield, you can only be an ordinary infantry soldier at most. You don't know where you are assigned. The gang is also a soldier."

Yan Shengrui nodded in cooperation, Ling Jingxuan immediately turned to Song Xiaohu: "I think, Xiaohuzi, go and carry a big iron pot for the soldiers."

"Don't, my lord, don't take this kind of prankster, Brother Yan, I want that school captain, Brother Yan can definitely give me this little tiger, but I don't think it would be embarrassing for me to be sealed off after building a road. I still think of being a general, how can I carry the cauldron?"

"Ha ha?"

Seeing this, everyone in the room couldn't help laughing, no matter how much they grew up, a child is a child!

Chapter 639 The matter of Yunhan, remind Xiaoqi

The return of Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan's family undoubtedly injected vitality into Jingyun Villa. The dinner was full of laughter, and it was almost finished after an hour. After the end, Concubine Yun, Ling Wang and other elders excused their old age and went out for a walk together. After eating and exercising, I was ready to rest. Zhao Hanfu, who knew they should have something to talk about, also left early. Tie Wazi stayed here because he lived in Ling Jingxuan all the year round. Zeng Shaoqing had just returned home and had to make arrangements again. The three young ones went back early, but Sikong Jue wanted to stay and let Yan Xiaohua pull him away. Needless to say, Xiao Shangqing must have let the big buns stay.

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