Madam Shizi fell to the ground with a bang, looking at the eldest princess with silly eyes, and kept mumbling, how could this happen, it seems that she is still unwilling to accept this fact.

"Daughter-in-law obeys."

The second daughter-in-law who was named stood up and bowed respectfully. Zeng Shaoqing was still dissatisfied, and just wanted to continue, but Chu Yunhan held him back. Unless they wanted the family to be torn apart and the lord and princess to die, they would , as sons, they can only end here. Zeng Shaoqing is still filial to his parents, but this is undoubtedly wronging his wife and children, just when he secretly evaluates whether he should continue.

"The decree has arrived!"

A slender and tall drink that belonged to the eunuch suddenly sounded, without anyone's notification, Zhao An, the eunuch chief beside the emperor, walked in with a group of people holding the imperial decree without hindrance. When they approached and took a closer look, Zhao An's other With one hand still holding the emperor's royal gold medal, it is no wonder that he can come in without hindrance.

Seeing this, a group of people got up and looked at Zeng Hou and the eldest princess. The couple looked at each other, and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes. The emperor's news was better than they thought, and it was impossible to cover up this matter. Powerless and powerless, the old couple got up and took the family to meet the imperial decree.

"Marquis Weiyuan accepts the decree!"

"The old minister accepts the order!"

Zhao An let out a loud shout with no expression on his face, Wei Yuanhou led the whole family to kneel down, even if he was beaten to pieces, the wife of the prince, who was about to collapse, had to kneel down obediently.

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said: Zeng Shaoqing, the sixth son of the Houfu, has helped me for many years, and has been specially named the king of the town with a different surname. His wife, Chu Yunhan, has been named the king of the town. , inherited the throne hereditary, and the third son is the direct bloodline of the deceased patriarch of the Wusun clan, and he is also in the same vein as me, so the second son was conferred the king of Huai County, and the young girl was born with red eyes, which is the supreme symbol of the Wusun clan. I would like to recognize her as a righteous sister, and bestow the title of Princess Wusun as a first-class princess, and honor this!"

This series of awards is enough to prove how much the emperor favors them. If Chu Yunhan is a little bit hurt in the future, let alone the wife of the prince, even the eldest princess of the first rank will curtsy to him who is the first rank. The little dolls they disliked too much, one became the prince of the prince, the other was directly the king of the county, and the youngest was actually named a princess according to the rank of the first-rank princess. Who would dare to dislike them again, and dare to say a word in front of them. the words said? Not only do they no longer have to kowtow to those aunties, but they have to bow to them in turn, otherwise it will be disrespectful, and they can ask for punishment at any time. Xiaoqi's trick is black enough. All the outstanding people have reached a height that others dare not even be jealous. They not only save the face of Zeng Hou and his wife, but also let out a sigh of relief for his father. In the future, those people will do everything to Yun Han and the children. A ceremony, I am afraid that you will hate to break your teeth, right? And, it will be for a lifetime.

"The old minister accepts the order!"

After being stunned for a short time, Zeng Hou stretched out his hands to catch the imperial decree. Daqing became the first king with a different surname since the late Emperor Taishang vigorously cut his vassals. The emperor's move is really cruel. His son's title is higher than him. This was obviously a warning to him, and Zeng Hou couldn't help feeling bitter and helpless. Even if the emperor didn't say it, he couldn't have wronged Yun Han in the face of the late emperor and Xiao Liu, right?

However, he is also happy that the emperor can do such a thing. He is not afraid of power and only protects his beloved father and the people they identify. In the future, he will also protect the country of Daqing. The little emperor is as old as the uncle said. , is the real hegemon, the Qing Kingdom needs such a monarch!

"Congratulations to the lord, the princess, the emperor said that since the first emperor vigorously abolished the title, this is the first king of Daqing with a different surname, and it will be the only one."

Zhao An swept away the cold face before, and walked towards Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan with a smile. The words were for them, but also for the other people present. To dare to fold the queen mother, it is really against the sky! "Thank you father-in-law, please thank your majesty on behalf of this king."

Zeng Shaoqing raised the corners of his lips wickedly, as expected of Xiao Qi, this move is much more ruthless than him, the identity of the emperor is easy to use, and Chu Yunhan next to him also smiled. Some things are destined to be impossible to do or say too harshly, but Xiaoqi has no such concerns. He is the emperor, he can do whatever he wants, and no one can do anything about him. This is undoubtedly the best. In the future, it will not only be the people from the Hou Mansion, but the people outside will not dare to be disrespectful, at least not on the surface, just like many people still despise Jing Xuan in their hearts, but they have to sharpen their heads and want to come up to him to flatter and flatter. .

"Your Highness is polite."

Zhao An bowed respectfully, and then saluted several children: "The servant has seen the prince, the prince, the princess!"

This Zhao An is also a wonderful person. You must know that he is a popular man next to the emperor. Civil and military officials must give three points to him when they see him. How dare he make him salute? He deliberately salutes the three children, obviously doing it for some people to see, to warn them that these people are covered by the emperor.

Everyone is not stupid, all the masters of Hou Mansion couldn't help laughing, but Yan Qingling and Mrs. 345 were so angry that their chests were heaving and their throats were full of fishy sweetness. Madam, from the beginning to the end, she has never provoked a few children, nor was she jealous or anything. This is thanks to her not being able to give birth to a son for many years. That little arrogance of self-esteem has long been wiped out. People see more openly and more lightly.


Zeng Shaoqing bent down and said a few words in the ear of Xiaoshu, who was at a loss. Xiaoshu also tried his best to imitate the way that Yan Shengrui and the others had used before, carrying one hand behind him and raising his head.

The hand made him get up, although there is still some lack of momentum, but it is also similar.

"Many thanks to the prince, the emperor also rewarded a lot of things. The servant has already been sent to Jingyun Villa. If there is nothing, the servant will retire first. The emperor is still waiting for the servant to return."

The reward was sent to Jingyun Villa, but the imperial decree was sent to the Hou Mansion. No matter how you look at it, it was intentional, right? Zeng Shaoqing almost didn't laugh at Xiao Qi's wit. Zeng Hou and his wife were already extremely speechless, and they were too lazy to watch the little emperor's short-guarding drama. Hou's mansion has been calm for so many years, it's time for some people to watch it. It is clear who is the master of this world. The Marquis of Weiyuan holds the military power, is an extremely noble official, and has the eldest princess who is highly respected in the Yan family. They have indeed done a good job, but gradually, they have become more and more self-confident, and the battle of the back house has moved from the table to the table. If they are not taught a lesson, the Hou Mansion should almost reach its peak. And the fate of decline.

"Father-in-law, walk slowly!"

Zeng Shaoqing took his wife and children in a condensed voice, and Eunuch Zhao seemed to be thinking of something after taking two steps out. He turned around to look at the prince and said, "There is something that the servant may talk too much about. This morning, go to the king's mouth. Kuang Yan, tit-for-tat with the Right Prime Minister everywhere, and even collided with the Prince Regent, the emperor ordered to take away the title of the Prince of Shun County, and all the titles of the Prince of Shun County were withdrawn. Take the lead, discuss the matter of demoting him to a commoner and expelling him from the clan, I heard that the wife of the prince of your house is the eldest daughter of the king of Shun County, the county owner who was proclaimed by the late emperor, and please take care of the wife of the prince and leave!"

"No puff?"

After Zhao An finished speaking, he turned around and left. Yan Qingling, who was standing beside the prince, roared loudly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell down like a broken puppet.

The Prince "Qing Leng" caught him very quickly. Although he was disappointed with her, the two became husband and wife after all. Seeing her vomit blood and fainted, he was somewhat worried, and the others couldn't bear it. Everything they were proud of was lost in an instant, and normal people can't stand it. Only Zeng Shaoqing and the others did not rely on it, but instead took their children to hide away. Poor people must have something to hate, and everything was done by herself. from.

"What are you staring at? Why don't you go to the government doctor?"

Zeng Hou roared angrily, and with his intelligence, how could he not have guessed what happened to Prince Shun? I am afraid that those words were also said by the little emperor at the behest of Zhao An. I have to say that the little emperor's trick of his father's salary is indeed cruel enough. He doesn't know whether to be happy or sad, so he can only let his eldest daughter-in-law see , To solve the bell, the bell must be tied. To resolve all this, the eldest daughter-in-law must admit to Yun Han herself, although that is basically impossible.

"Second daughter-in-law, go and help."

The prince picked up his daughter-in-law and went to the backyard. The eldest princess sighed helplessly. As long as Yan Qingling was still the prince's wife of the Hou residence, they would hold her tightly, but that was the only way. Whether the palace and her can escape depends on her own choice. They are old and don't have so much energy to manage everything.

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