
The second lady bowed her knees respectfully, and nodded to Chu Yunhan and the others before leaving. Now their identities are different, it is them, and they must be handled with care if they are seriously pursued.

"What are you looking at? You guys are going to help too."

Seeing a few women still looking around, the third master is not angry.

"Father, please open an ancestral hall for the children to enter the family tree."

In this case, Zeng Shaoqing was unmoved at all, it wasn't that he was cruel, Yiyi, on the contrary, he was already heartbroken, don't think about him being close to them in the future, he would rather take those things on the street Give it away, and will never move it home again.


Hou Ye didn't mean to blame him, he took the lead and walked out with his head held high. Zeng Shaoqing followed with his wife and children. The second son, Zeng Shaoming, was the oldest, and he followed with his brothers one after another. The place where Rao Shigui is the eldest princess can only stay in the hall.

"Alas" After watching their grandfathers disappear, Princess Shang Ming sighed deeply, leaning against the soft mattress with her forehead soft, she unloaded the burden early, was it wrong? Qingling in the past was not like this. When did she become corrupted like this? Fortunately, the emperor went out in person, otherwise, with Xiao Liu's stingy temperament, the Hou Mansion would not know what would happen today.

Chapter 645 Lao Song and others arrive, Yan Xiaohua Sikong Jue

Weiyuan Marquis Mansion can be said to be the first marquis mansion in the capital, not only because of their outstanding military exploits, but also because the Marquis Mansion has the eldest princess in charge. The eldest son, the third master, the second master, the fourth master, and the fifth master all served in the Ministry of War or the Armory. The youngest sixth master did not have any fame, but he was once the first wealthy businessman in Daqing. Such a prominent family was in the eyes of others. A symbol of power and wealth, but any family is more or less filthy. The six sons and brothers are of one mind, but their daughters-in-law are not from the same family. They have been fighting each other for many years. The wife of the first son, the rest of the concubines have similar backgrounds. No matter how hard they fight, they can't defeat each other. They are evenly matched, but the addition of Chu Yunhan has broken this balance. Once the empress dowager, she is still the emperor After his father, even if he doesn't do anything, his joining makes people feel a crisis, so that a series of incidents have been made in the Houfu one after another. .

Another Shunjun Prince's Mansion, who was also involved in this dispute, was not so lucky. Because of the stupidity of the Shizi's wife, the Shunjun Prince's Mansion tasted the warmth and affection it had never had before. When they found the reason, the Shizi's wife had already She was on the verge of dying. She couldn't think about it, she was sullen in her heart, and her body was like a depleted oil lamp. She lost her vitality quickly. Zhi Shizi also knew that the only thing he could do was to persuade her to let go.

The Hou Mansion did not fall into chaos because of the fall of the First Lady. The second lady who took over the affairs of the Hou Mansion was also from a famous family. The eldest lady like them, who came from a famous family, was trained as a mistress since she was a child. For them, it is simply a matter of familiarity. The Hou Mansion has basically not changed. The only difference is that except for the eldest princess and the second lady, the rest have never received Zeng Shaoqing's filial piety. They are not less in their own men for this matter. When they talked in front of them, they only got a pair of blank eyes. It was their turn to spend their own private houses to buy those things. They knew what a huge expense it was. The most important thing was that they no longer had the right to use Baiyun Pavilion’s new products first. , there is no chance to show off to other ladies.

A few days later, Lao Song and his wife, Lao Wang's family and Ling Chenggui's father Ling Qicai made an appointment to come to the capital together. Jingyun Villa all put the matter of Hou Mansion behind, and the family gathered together happily. Gossip is commonplace. As soon as Ling Jingxuan mentioned about Ling Yun, the old Song and his wife agreed with joy. Ling Yun, they watched grow up and became their daughter. They are not only happy, how can they refuse?

Ling Chenggui knew that his father and Jing Xuan could only be in harmony, so he took Ling Qicai to his and Yan Yi's house early to save everyone from feeling uncomfortable.

"Lingyun, you and Shui Ling'er go to watch Xiao Tuanzi and the others, I have something to tell Lao Song and the others alone."

The matter of recognizing her daughter was simple. Ling Yun knelt down, poured tea and kowtowed to them, and then went to the government to transfer the household registration to Lao Song and their names. The next thing they wanted to talk about was the key point. Ling Jingxuan smiled and sent the two girls out. , Ling Yun and Song Shuiling, who had already expressed their intentions to him, were not stupid, both of them blushed with shame, no matter how calm they were, they were still the eldest daughters who had not left the cabinet.

"What's the matter, princess?"

Lao Song, who had the courage to sit in front of them, asked tremblingly, he is a big man, he didn't see the shyness of the little girls at all, he just thought that something big happened, and the first thing that came to his mind was undoubtedly his three children, next to him. Aunt Song noticed it, and she had some expectations in her heart. After all, apart from Xiao Huzi, their two children and Ling Yun were not too young, and they had already passed the best age for marriage.

"Hehe, mother, it's up to you."

Ling Jingxuan smiled and signaled him not to worry. He gave his mother a wink almost mischievously. Yan Shengrui, Zeng Shaoqing and others also showed smiles on their faces. Not to mention Ling Yun, Song Shuiling and An Shaonong, they were going to marry Yan Si. They have to be happy too, don't they?

"Lao Song, Sister Song, I have to congratulate you first."

Mrs. Ling Wang was also unequivocal, she walked over and sat beside Mrs. Song and pulled her enthusiastically.

Holding her hand, Lao Song gave a question mark on his forehead, while Sister Song said tentatively, "What does Madam mean?"

Is it really as she thought? Well, that's good, looking at the attitude of the madam and the princess, they must agree with each other. With their guarantee, can she be worried? I just don't know if Shui Sheng is going to marry his daughter-in-law or Shui Ling'er is going to marry.

"Sister Song, your family's Shui Linger and Ling Yun, An Shaonong and one of the four leaders of the four shadow guards of Sheng Rui, who belong to Jing Xuan's Thunder Team, have met the eyes. Xinyi, although Shaonong and Yan Si do not have any official titles, they are both able-bodied generals of Sheng Rui and Jing Xuan.

What followed was a series of compliments. Yan Si, who was hiding in the dark, was embarrassed. Yan Shengrui and the others even covered their mouths and chuckled. They finally knew who the three Ling Jingxuan brothers had inherited their sharp tongue skills.

"This is a great deed, congratulations to Sister Song."

Lao Wang's wife also reacted quickly when she heard the words. The strange thing was that after she was happy, Sister Song had a sad face. Everyone didn't realize it was strange, and Sister Song burst into a laugh and said, "Madam, you are really bad, we are here. You let us lose two daughters at the same time when we just recognized one daughter, I am really a bit reluctant to be a mother."

"Oh, what should I do, Mrs. Song, you think too much, Yan Si and Shaonong live in this Jingyun Villa, how did you lose two daughters, you obviously gained two and a half sons. "

Ling Wang patted the back of his hand and said that he was happier than them.

"It seems so!"

"Ha ha"

Lao Song scratched his head stupidly, the whole room was full of laughter, the marriage was almost set, the next thing was to see the date and discuss the details of the wedding, Ling Jingxuan was not interested, got up and left the hall with Yan Shengrui and the others.

"Jing Xuan, I have something to talk to you about."

Stopping Ling Jingxuan who was about to leave, Old Wang said embarrassedly, he also had no choice, he couldn't find anyone else to discuss, so he could only find him.

"Brother Wang, let's go to the study."

Nodding to Yan Shengrui and Sikong Jue Zeng Shaoqing respectively, Ling Jingxuan was smiling, and he had already guessed what was going on.

"Hey!" Old Wang nodded swiftly, and the two went to the study one after the other.

"Shanzi came back with the second son of the Gong family, there must be something between them, right?"

Sikong Yuan crossed his arms and touched his chin. Yan Shengrui and Zeng Shaoqing each gave him an expression like what you said. He turned around and walked out first. The children were all playing in the playground in the middle, accompanied by Da Hei and Xiao Hei, but Chu Yun Han was not at ease, and went with him together. There was no other way. This kind of nervousness of being a father again is indeed not something ordinary people can understand.

"What do they mean?"

Seeing this, Sikong Jue blinked his azure blue eyes, Yan Xiaohua laughed helplessly: "That's what you think."

"Oh? Really?" Raising his eyebrows, Sikong Ting took the initiative to take his arm, leaned over and said with a shy face, "Xiaohua, after the new year, let's go back to Xiguo to kiss each other?"

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