"Sister chūnxiang, I didn't say anything, don't get on me."

Hearing this, Yan Si quickly apologized, and An Shaonong was in a hurry to plead for himself. Even if he lent him a few more courage, he didn't dare to say that the master was not a word. It is a trivial matter to not be able to live in the house today, and it will be impossible for him to live forever. The house is bad, his master must have that kind of medicine.

Don't tell me, An Shaonong knows his master quite well, but he has it, didn't Zeng Xiaoliu ask him for it?

"What are you talking about, no shame!"

The few bridesmaids were all big girls. When they said that, they couldn't help but blushed. Even the bride who was carried on their backs by Song Shuisheng blushed. This Yan Si is so shameless. There's no skin anymore, so I can compete with their prince.

"Come on, come on, is the red envelope you want enough?"

During the conversation, Yan Yi and Qin Muyan who went to Prince Cheng's mansion to "borrow money" also came back. The two of them handed them a stack of at least ten banknotes at the same time, while in Prince Cheng's mansion, Steward Zhu was still sitting stupidly. On the ground, the clothes on his body were torn to shreds, as if he had been ripped off.

"Okay, sisters, make way."

The five bridesmaids stepped aside at the same time. The Song Shuisheng brothers, who were already sweating profusely, hurried out with their brides on their backs. Yan Si'an Shaonong stepped forward to take their brides and hugged them horizontally. Up, the drums sounded, and the groom carried their respective brides and placed them on the beautiful carriages. After that, the five bridesmaids also sat on them, and the groom and the best man got on their horses almost at the same time.

"Return to Jingyun Villa!"

Yan Yi gave an order, and the in-laws turned around in unison. The band led the way, the groom and best man were in the back, the bride was riding in the open-top carriage, and finally the countless dowries, waiting for them all in front of them. After leaving the city, there are still people in Ling Mansion who continue to carry out dowry, which shows how rich their dowry is. Ten miles of red makeup is not enough to describe. Two girls!

Chapter 653 Wedding (5) - Expedited 800 Miles at the Border!

The wedding at Jingyun Mountain Villa can be said to have shocked the entire capital. On the top, the emperor stopped his court to attend the wedding. On the bottom, there were ten miles of red makeup, a luxurious open-top carriage, a pure white wedding veil, a handsome groom and a beautiful bride. Bride, this wedding can be described as perfect, and I am afraid that no one's wedding can be more unique and luxurious than them.

"The bride and groom are back!"

When it was almost noon, the wedding team finally appeared at Jingyun Villa. The carriage went straight to the wedding venue. The band playing chuī in front automatically gave way, and the team carrying the dowry at the back was also led by a few young girls in Jingyun Villa. They were sent to the houses of Yan Si and An Shaonong respectively. Amid the celebratory drums, the groom on a white horse appeared at the outermost arch, and Song Gengniu, who had arrived earlier, was already waiting there.

According to the arranged procedure, the groom entered the pavilion first, surrounded by the best men. Ling Chenglong and his wife, who were the man's officiant, had already taken their seats in front of the main seat. Next to them sat Concubine Yun, Yan Shengrui, Ling Jingxuan and Chu Yunhan. People, when they saw the two handsome and mighty grooms coming in, everyone couldn't help but smile. At this point, no one would make things difficult for them.

"Clap clap clap..."

The festive whip pào sounded in all directions. In the music of the wedding march, the two brides crossed the arch with Song Gengniu's arms on the left and the right, and five bridesmaids who were like flowers and jade followed them step by step. , from time to time to help the two brides to pull the skirts of the ground, the wedding was carried out solemnly and cautiously.

"Sister Yun, Sister Shui Ling'er! I'll help you."

I don't know when, the little dumplings in white dresses with red flowers on their chests suddenly ran behind them, and two chubby little hands hurriedly picked up their skirts, so there was a funny scene at the solemn and solemn wedding. In this scene, the little dumplings are very careful. One person wants to hold the skirts of the two of them, but in the end, they can only wrap their skirts into a lump and hold them in their arms. Ling Yun, who stopped temporarily, did not know whether they should or not. Continuing to walk forward, the rest of the people couldn't help laughing, this little pervert, if he didn't make a little joke for a day, he would be completely exhausted.

"Huh? Why don't you go? Go!"

After finally conquering the hem of the skirt, the little dumpling was sweating profusely, and looking at him, it seemed that he was struggling to hold the "ball". Lingyun and Song Shuiling, including Song Gengniu and chūnxiang, all endured it. The corners of my mouth can't stop twitching, dear little prince, let's not do it so hard? "I'll help you little boy."

The youngest son of the old Wang family, Zhao Zixuan and Xiaohuai Xiaoshu, who have become good brothers, ran over together, the three steamed buns were tossing around again, and Xiaoliuer, who was dressed like a little princess, also squeezed to the side of Xiao Tuanzi: " Brother Tuanzi, I want to help too."

"Sister, don't touch it, you're tired, just go with us."

Don't look at the little dumplings, who are spoiled by the entire Jingyun Villa, but he loves his sister very much, and he can't bear to bear the slightest bit of tiredness. Four little boys of about the same age are paired with each other. After holding other people's skirts like a ball, chūnxiang said helplessly: "Let's go like this, don't miss the hour, little prince, prince, you have to cooperate with Sister Yun and their speed!"

"it is good!"

The little brats agreed very quickly, and the music that had stopped for a while started again. Ling Yun and Song Shui Ling took up her father's arm again. It was inevitable that something would happen again. The speed of guī crawling forward to the pavilion, waiting for a long time

Yan Si An Shaonong, who was eager to see through, got the gesture from Ling Jingxuan's eyes, and both of them couldn't wait to walk out of the pavilion to meet their bride.

"I will give them to you carefully, Yan Si, Shaonong, if there is anything they can't do well in the future, please bear with them. There will always be some conflicts of this kind in the life of the couple. I hope You can all negotiate, try not to argue, I don’t ask you to be rich and noble for your father, I hope you are safe and happy!”

Song Gengniu took the hands of his two daughters and gave them to them. He was originally just a slave who could not help himself. Fortunately, thanks to the appreciation of the princess, the family was able to get rid of the slave status. Several children followed the prince, the princess and the princes He is also more and more capable. Every time he dreams at midnight, he is afraid that he is dreaming, dreaming of a happy family. Now that the two daughters are getting married, he will personally give them to the man opposite, and finally let him I really feel that he is not dreaming, and the life of their family is really getting better and better.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will take care of her."

Taking Ling Yun's hand, Yan Si made a rare and prudent promise. As shadow guards, although they were not sold to their masters like other shadow guards, they also had their own perseverance. They once thought that they would protect them for life. Wangye, there will be no one you like, nor will you have your own family, but when the boss is with Ling Chenggui, and after Wangye and Wangfei also expressed their support, they gradually wavered. Lingyun is a very capable and smart woman. She didn't feel tempted, mainly because she was too young, and he really didn't think about that, but when he couldn't wait to look back, he found that, I don't know when, the little girl had grown up and became more and more wise Beauty, his eyes gradually fixed on her, more and more inseparable, today, she will finally become his righteous wife, he can't guarantee anything else, as long as he is still alive for one day, he will be like a prince Like a princess, love her forever, pamper her, and make her the happiest woman in the world.

"Father, I won't wrong her."

On the other side, An Shaonong also gave the same promise. He is a member of the Thunder team. He sold his entire life to the master. Originally, he never thought about getting married, but once Shui Linger gave them a gift. Something, but he fell in love with her, knowing that he shouldn't be tempted, he still couldn't help wanting to get closer, the closer he got, the deeper he fell. At this time, a joke from the princess gave him hope, but he didn't expect , he can really marry her today.


Lingyun and Song Shuiling's eyes were red, and Song Gengniu, with tears in his eyes, hurriedly said, "Don't cry on the big day, just salute, the auspicious time should be over."


The two teams of newlyweds turned around at the same time, the groom bent his elbows slightly, the bride rolled up their arms with red eyes and cheeks, and the four entered the pavilion side by side at the same time. Yan Xiaoming, who came to watch the ceremony, gave Zhao An a wink, and Eunuch Zhao stood out with a smile on his face.

"Bride and groom kneel!"

With the loud shouts, the best man and bridesmaids who were separated on both sides put down their futons in front of them, and the four of them knelt down. Ling Jingxuan, Chu Yunhan and Shanzi also took advantage of the situation to pull a few children, and hugged them to watch the ceremony together, sitting next to them. With the big buns Ling Wen and Yan Shangqing, as for the little buns, needless to say, they climbed his brother Yan like a koala.

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