"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

After the routine three kneels, the bridesmaids helped the two brides up, and the best man stepped forward with a brocade box with a wedding ring in it. Zhao An sang in a timely manner, "Both husband and wife wear wedding rings!"

The two grooms picked up the rings at the same time, and took their bride's hand to put the ring on for them. The bride shyly put the ring into her husband's hand under the witness of relatives and friends.

"The gift is done! Send it to the dòng room!"

"Ha ha……"

It was too much for someone to get windy again. Seeing that their rings were on, Yan Yi rushed out before Zhao An and shouted loudly, escorting his brother at the risk of offending someone, who had experienced Zeng Shaoqing and Chu Yunhan's wedding. All of them couldn't help but burst into laughter, but Ling Jingxuan couldn't help rolling his eyes. Ling Yun and the others were women after all. Is he so gān?

In short, the wedding ended with everyone's laughter, and the banquet began. They didn't let the bride stay in the new room. After a few bridesmaids changed into red winter cheongsam with them, the bride came out to eat together. Anyway, The people present were basically inside Jingyun Villa, or people who were familiar with them. The only outsider was Jun Yuanhang, the emperor of the Southern Kingdom who was about to become their own. No matter how unethical they were, as long as they didn’t care, they didn’t dare to say it. Three and four.

"Yan Si, Shaonong, Lingyun, Shui Ling'er, congratulations!"

Mrs. Yan Shengrui brought the children to the newlyweds with wine, Ling Jingxuan raised the wine glass with a smile, and the little dumpling raised the milk and shouted innocently, "Gān glass!"

"Little Prince, you drink milk, we drink wine."

Yan Si looked at their little master with a funny look. He was very heroic, and he didn't think about how much alcohol they all drank.

"Hehe...don't pay attention to him, just do whatever you want."

Reaching out to touch the head of the little dumplings, Ling Jingxuan rarely made things difficult for them. The four Yan Si looked at each other and raised their wine glasses: "No, Princess, we have to gān this glass of wine, thank you!"

Without them, they would never be able to get married, they could handle others, but they couldn't.

"Okay, gān!"

Ling Jingxuan, who didn't drink much on weekdays, raised his glass proudly when he saw this, and everyone drank in unison, looking up and drank the fine wine.

"Eight hundred miles at the border is urgent! Eight hundred miles at the border is urgent!"

Suddenly, a sound that should not have appeared at this time suddenly cut through the laughter and laughter of the scene, a horse galloped, but when the figure flickered, it flew off the horse and rushed into the wedding scene drinking high.

"Your Majesty, the border crossing is 800 miles urgent!"

With a bang, he knelt down in front of Yan Xiaoming, and the messenger took out the letter sealed with lacquer and handed it to him. The smile on Yan Xiaoming's face had long since disappeared, and he picked up the letter and opened it, Yan Shengrui and others also saw this. Leaning over, looking at the brief above, Yan Xiaoming smiled, yes, the thin cherry red lips raised a dozen degrees, revealing a smile that could be regarded as a smile, but if the muscles at the corners of his mouth weren't so savage , is indeed enough to deceive everyone present.

"What happened?"

Yan Shengrui took the letter while asking, and swept the message on it. The tiger's eyes suddenly sank, and Ling Jingxuan, who leaned over to watch it together, quickly slid a bloodthirsty killing in his eyes. Hmph, can't wait to die before the new year?

"Yan Er, order Jinzhou, the army will immediately pull out the camp and head to the border, Yan Shan, mobilize all the shadow guards to reproduce the personal guards, and stand by at any time."


Everyone vaguely guessed something, Yan Chengrui gave an order, and Yan Er Yan Shan, who was still drinking and having fun, suddenly looked sullen, turned around and strode away, Ling Jingxuan also ordered: "Qin Muyan, gather Thunder Team, Get all your guns and ammunition out and be ready to go!"


The named Qin Muyan and Li Ruhong glanced at each other, and the Thunder team members left in the crowd. A good wedding ended in this way. I'm afraid no one expected this, but there are some things. After all, it is unavoidable, and what should come will always come.

Chapter 654 The ruler and ministers are of the same mind, dispatching generals to the frontier

The border crossing has been expedited for 800 miles. Beiman Bu suddenly attacked the border a few days ago. Taking advantage of the festival, the frontier army was caught off guard. Our army suffered heavy casualties and the first frontier city was lost. At present, General Ye has led the army to retreat to Yelan City. It is bound to fight desperately to resist the invasion of the northern barbarians. Yan Xiaoming was promoted to call for civil and military officials to go to court. As soon as the news was announced, the whole court was in an uproar. In the past, the northern barbarians usually attacked after opening, and the grasslands and deserts in winter are far norther than they are here. The place is still several times colder, and if they rashly attack, their own losses will also be heavy, did not expect? ? Most importantly, they have also lost a city, which has never happened since the war with the East and West countries many years ago.

In the court hall, all the civil and military officials showed heavy expressions, and the minister of military affairs quickly calculated the delivery route of food and grass. This battle was inevitable, and it was definitely Prince Sheng leading the troops. They must ensure that the food and grass are safely transported to the frontier.

"Why don't the Aiqings talk? It's the war and you have to talk to each other, right? Don't you talk a lot on weekdays?"

Yan Xiaoming placed one hand on the armrest of the dragon chair and leaned slightly, his face full of suppressed weirdness, the deep peach blossom eyes unique to the Yan family swept over the ministers below one by one, especially those who usually take it when they have something to do. For the censors who reported on some non-existent things, where did they usually impeach others?

Is it war or peace? Whoever was present did not know that today was never the Lord Peace faction, otherwise when he ascended the throne, the national title would not be set as military

Now, Beiman is harassing the border and grabbing one of their cities, and it seems that it has been a long time ago. Whoever dares to make peace, no doubt, the next second waiting for them is to make peace with the Lord of Hell.

"Your Majesty, needless to say about this matter, it is definitely going to be a battle. Our country's national strength is growing stronger and stronger, how can it be that the little northern barbarians can invade? Five years ago, we spared them not to die, but I didn't expect that they would not die, and come again. Attack, please send troops to the border immediately!"

When the first assistant of the dynasty, Sun Liang, the prime minister of the left, stood out. As far as he knew, someone had already rushed to the camp in Jinzhou. The Xuansheng Hospital opened in the four cities of the capital was also closed. It is said that all the doctors were on vacation. After preparing for the frontier, they now only need to raise the challenge.

"My minister agrees!"

Right Prime Minister Ling Jinghan took a look at Sun Liang before standing up. Left is respected. Occasionally he should cooperate with Zuo Prime Minister.

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

With the two leaders on the left and right taking the lead, all civil and military officials bowed together, including Zeng Hou Yan Shengrui who led the generals. , they are naturally happy to cooperate.

"Okay, where is the Minister of War?" Yan Xiaoming shouted, standing up and calling for the Minister of War.

"Wei Chen is here!"

The Minister of War stood tremblingly, Yan Xiao said in a condensed voice: "As the saying goes, the army has not moved, the food and grass go first, and immediately prepare the food, weapons and medicinal materials that the army needs and send it to the border. If there is any mistake, I will only You are asking!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Dare to have any opinion, the Minister of War responded with trepidation. The Ministry of War was undoubtedly the most difficult of the six ministers. In the past, the military would have been restrained by the Ministry of War. Since Prince Sheng beheaded a group of ministers of the Minister of War, the Ministry of War has It has become a hot potato. As long as Prince Sheng is still there for one day, they will not dare to be presumptuous. Prince Sheng will go on an expedition, and they will have to send them a steady stream of food, grass and military supplies. Otherwise, they will be dead when he returns.

"Zenghou, now I have a lot of talented people in the Qing Dynasty, Wen Yousun Liang Lingjinghan, Wuyou Prince Regent, Weiyuan Hou Shizi and other generals, you should stay in Beijing this time, and don't take any more risks."

Without waiting for Zeng Hou to ask Ying, Yan Xiaoming first reassured him, this time it wasn't that he deliberately suppressed Zeng Hou. If there was no Nine Emperor Uncle, he would definitely send Zeng Hou to preside over the overall situation, and only he could suppress those generals. But Uncle Jiuhuang had already taken over the army, and his majesty in the army was not lost to him, so there was no need for him to go to the border at such an advanced age.

"The minister obeys the order."

Zeng Hou is not someone who doesn't know the good and the bad. He realized the emperor's intentions. Although, as a military general, he knew that this was a battle of life and death between several countries, but he couldn't fight in person because of his advanced age. It is a pity that the tomb with the highest standard of military commander is not accompanied by the mausoleum, but is the horse leather corpse that all those who fight to kill the enemy most fear and yearn for.

"Zeng Hou can understand that I have the best intentions. Aunt Huang is old and needs Zeng Hou to accompany her!"

Yan Xiaoming didn't know his unwillingness, but he was a hero and good general of their Daqing Kingdom. He couldn't let him die on the battlefield, even if it was the slightest possibility that he would not allow it to happen.

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