"The personal soldiers helped to transfer the wounded together, and all the soldiers who were originally guarding the city also went down to rest."

Putting Ye Ruyun in a coma on the stretcher, Yan Shengrui stood up and snorted. As a general, he only had to look at him to know that those soldiers were already tired and paralyzed. on.


The personal soldiers left, and with their help, the city was quickly emptied. Yan Shengrui's husband both looked at the slammed city gate, and the two changed their eyes in silence. Ling Jingxuan quickly ordered the Thunder team to look for a sniper nearby. At the point, Yan Shengrui's personal soldiers also lined up well-trained to gather.

"It's your turn."

Turning his head to look at his prince, Ling Jingxuan said inexplicably.

"wait for my good news!"

Yan Shengrui actually understood, he turned on his horse and raised the sharp blade in his hand, the flag embroidered with strict characters was erected: "Open the door to meet!"


The free-to-fight card that had been hanging up for ten days was taken down, and the two personal soldiers flew towards the city gate. Beimanzi, who was about to hit the city gate, rushed in without any precaution. He did not know when he had retreated to Ling Jingxuan on the stairs of the city tower. In a single order: "She strikes!"


The Thunder team that had been prepared on the commanding heights attacked quickly, and the moment the bullet flew out, the enemy's life was destined to end here, and the Beimanzi, who rushed in along with the siege vehicle, fell wailing and fell, twenty. The guns were densely attacking the broken city gate, and the subsequent enemies fell before they rushed in. The people behind obviously did not dare to rashly come to die.


Seizing the opportunity, Yan Shengrui shouted loudly and rushed out of the city with thousands of soldiers. Ling Jingxuan walked down the stairs, and the Thunder team on the commanding heights also gathered up one after another: "Master, can we go out of the city to help?"

"It's not time for you to really show your strength."

After speaking, Ling Jingxuan took them back to the tower again. Even though there was no one guarding the city, none of the northern barbarians climbed up on the tower. Ling Jingxuan took them to stand on the tower and looked down at the two soldiers and horses that were already fighting below. Seeing Yan Shengrui in the chaos, the silver-white armor made him very dazzling. Of course, it also made it easy for the enemy generals to notice him. Many northern barbarians rushed towards him, but all of them died. Under his sharp blade!

Chapter 661: Killing the Beiman General


The battle drum beats a fierce rhythm, and Yan Shengrui, who rushed out of the city with his personal soldiers, pointed his sword sharply. Life, Beiman's forward troops collapsed, but the generals in charge of the rear rushed out excitedly with more soldiers.

"Kill! The one in the white armor is Yan Shengrui, capture him alive!"

"Catch Yan Shengrui alive!"

Seeing that there are not many of them, only a few thousand people, the northern barbarians who have always been good at fighting immediately rushed out like a madman.

"Brothers, capture their leader alive!"

As soon as they heard that they wanted to capture their master alive, the bloodthirsty gleams in the eyes of the guards, they waved their swords without Yan Shengrui's orders, and the swords in everyone's hands were filled with a bone-scorching cold air. There are countless enemies, and the spirit is extremely accurate. The heads of the enemies roll down like a ball, and the entire battlefield is filled with a bloody smell that is so disgusting. With the leader's instructions, many northern barbarians rode their war horses and rushed towards Yan Shengrui. Around him, there were densely packed northern barbarian soldiers. Yan Shengrui was as imposing as a battlefield Shura. During the flip, the enemies fell in pieces.

Cruel and bloody wars, piles of slaughter, this is the real Shura battlefield, Yan Shengrui in silver and white armor looks like a star, cold and ruthless, even in the dense crowd, he is still brighter than anyone else. Eyes, broken corpses, and rivers of blood, under the warm winter sun, it seems that even the entire sky is covered with blood.

People's lives are like ants on the battlefield. The air is filled with a disgusting bloody smell. The breath of death envelopes the whole land. Ling Jingxuan, standing on the tower, didn't even move his eyebrows, as if he was used to seeing this kind of picture. .

"Princess, Doctor Zhao asked Xiao Xiao to inform you that the operation is ready!"

I don't know how long it took, but the fighting continued, a small soldier suddenly ran up, Ling Jingxuan raised his eyebrows, and the sunset was gradually darkening. This battle was just an appetizer, and it was almost over!

"Give me the gun!"

Reaching out, Ling Jingxuan's focus was fixed on the general in charge of the enemy army. Li Ruhong respectfully gave him his rifle. Ling Jingxuan picked up the rifle and aimed at that person. The rest of the Thunder Team held their breath. The soldier was even more dumbfounded, what did he want to do, what was that weird weapon? And this distance, even if it is a sneak attack on the soldiers under the city, is a bit too far?


Just as everyone waited with bated breath, Ling Jingxuan pulled the trigger and the bullet flew out with a bang.

"No, the general is dead..."

"The general is dead..."

The next second, the Beiman general fell down with a bang, and the back was in a panic. Beiman, who was fighting in front of him, panicked, and his head was cut off in an instant. Then, several gunshots rang out. The flag fell one by one, and the brave and invincible Beiman soldiers immediately threw away their helmets and abandoned them.

A, láng fled.


Yan Shengrui gave an order, and his own soldiers pursued the victory. Ling Jingxuan on the tower put away his gun and returned it to Li Ruhong: "Let someone repair the gate, and the prince will say that I am performing an operation when he comes back. Qin Muyan, don't let anyone come up to the tower for the time being, and let the soldiers go up at night. After cleaning the tower, after today's events, they will never dare to rashly use the ladder to attack the city again."

No, it is correct to say that they will not attack the city again for the time being. Beiman's casualties today are much heavier than theirs. In addition, Yan Shengrui is here. With him at his command, even if their troops have not been gathered, the enemy will be afraid of the three. point.


Qin Muyan changed his eyes, clasped his fists, and bowed.

"Take me to the operating room!"

The Thunder Team is well-trained. As long as they are only given a general direction, they will know what to do. Ling Jingxuan doesn't talk any more. He took one last look at the soldiers who were chasing the poor robbers, turned around and left with the little soldier. , Yan Shengrui knows more about the battlefield than him, and he will naturally arrange the rest.

The so-called operating room is actually an expropriated courtyard house. When Ling Jingxuan entered, the little buns and the others were already busy helping them. As for the things they brought, the soldiers were also working on them one after another. Sending it inside, I haven't seen Chu Yunhan and the others for the time being. They should have brought the little dumpling to the yamen. After all, he is still too young, and he is afraid that there will be a shadow of this kind of bloody scene.

"Master, I have given the child anesthesia, and his severed arm is well preserved. The doctor boy has already washed it with disinfectant, but because there are many injured patients and the number of military doctors is too small, they will not be able to perform surgery. We may have no one to strike."

Zhao Shan, who was surrounded by a group of children, saw him coming in, so he hurried up to meet him. He hadn't done the surgery on the broken arm, so he had to do it with him. I think it should be similar to stitching up the wound, but it's more than that. Suturing the wound is more complicated, because in addition to suturing the muscle and skin, they seem to have to sew up the veins and blood vessels of the arm, especially the bones. For the time being, he doesn't know how to sew it up.

"Well, do you have my medicine kit?"

Ling Jingxuan nodded and walked with him to the operating room. All the soldiers along the way looked at him strangely. After reaching the door, Ling Jingxuan untied the cloak on his body and threw it to the iron boy who was following: "Don't let anyone touch my clothes, poisonous."


Tie Wazi nodded with a cold face. They didn't see the real battlefield. Just these wounded people were enough to make them uncomfortable.

"Are you the Princess Sheng with good medical skills?"

The group of children who had previously surrounded Zhao Shan choked up, and Ling Jingxuan glanced at them. All of them were thin, with dirty faces, and their clothes were tattered. The oldest one did not look older than Fourteen or fifteen years old, the youngest is probably only ten years old, but their tearful eyes are particularly bright, and they are full of hope, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but burst into the first smile after coming here: "Yeah, Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Princess, please save Sanmaozi!"

"I beg your princess..."


In the next second, a dozen or so children knelt down in unison, everyone raised their heads and begged him, it could be seen that their relationship was very good, Ling Jingxuan bent down to support them: "Get up, you can save me. I will save you."

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