That child should not be in danger of life, and now it's just to see if he can save his hand. With his medical skills, if it is in modern times, it will be no problem, but this is the ancient times when there is nothing here, even if his hospital Lu Lu in these years. A lot of new equipment has been added one after another, but it still can't reach the modern level. All he can do is try his best.

"Thank you, princess, thank you, princess!"

The children thanked each other excitedly. Seeing the Lingwen brothers approaching, Ling Jingxuan beckoned to them: "Xiaowen Xiaowu, arrange for them to rest for a while, and by the way, let Shui Linger make more food and bring them over."

These children, I am afraid all of them lost their parents and relatives because of the war, right? But whoever has parents, who would let their children go in and out of a place like this? The intraoperative anesthesia was already on, and he didn't have much time to get to know them and settle them, so he could only temporarily give it to the little buns who were about the same age as them, and it was time for the children to recall the suffering of the people.

"Well, my name is Yan Xiaowen. They are Yan Xiaowu and Zhao Tiesheng. Come with us."

The big bun nodded and stepped forward, not at all disgusting them for being dirty, because he was dirtier than them.

"No, no, we have to wait here for Sanmaozi to come out."

The boy at the head rejected their good intentions, his eyes dodged in a daze, and he turned his hands behind his back in a panic, obviously because he was afraid of soiling them, Ling Jingxuan felt sad, and his smile became more gentle: "Don't wait, surgery requires extreme effort. Quiet, a little noise will disturb us, I not only want to save your friend, but also help him connect his broken arm, there can be no distraction, if you are really good for him, just follow my son Let's go down and rest, don't worry, I am also a child born in a farm family, the children used to live with me in the countryside, we are no different."

Only sensible and self-respecting children would be ashamed, and Ling Jingxuan liked them, at least more than a lot of idiot adults.

"but one"

"Don't be a jerk, or a man? Come with me."

Without giving them a chance, Xiao Baozi stepped forward and grabbed the boy who was talking and walked outside. Ling Wentie smiled at each other, and led them away together, watching them disappear into the crowd of people. Ling Jingxuan followed him. Zhao Shan entered the operating room together, the shadowless light was already on, and the blood bag was pouring blood into the child's body continuously. Ling Jingxuan put on special clothes for surgery, gloves and a mask.

"The incision is very flat. Fortunately, it was not cut at the shoulder level. Shanzi, come and support the broken arm and see how I sew it up. I am afraid there will be many such operations in the future, and you must master it as soon as possible."

After carefully looking at the child's cleaned wounds and broken arm, Ling Jingxuan lifted up his medicine box and pulled out the things he needed later, including steel nails that he had never used before. He has cured a lot of miscellaneous diseases and performed a lot of operations, but he has never done such a difficult operation. He also wants to know if a person's arm is cut off, can he really be connected? How can it be recovered.

"let us start."


After the preparations were done, Ling Jingxuan pulled a stool and sat down beside the surgery room. Zhao Shan nodded and sent the severed arm. The master and apprentice gathered together to start this huge project.

"Captain Ye..."

Outside the yard, the teenagers who had been pushed and half pulled out saw Ye Ruyun walking over with Ling Jingpeng's support as soon as they stepped out of the yard.

"I'm fine, don't worry, how is San Maozi... how is he?"

Seeing them, Ye Ruyun couldn't help tears in her eyes again, and immediately thought of Sanmaozi who broke his arm to save him, the teenagers were excited, Ling Wen stepped forward and said, "Daddy and Brother Shanzi are picking him up. Arm surgery, auntie don't need to worry, Daddy never does anything that takes time, since he said he can do it, he can definitely do it."

They all heard that the Sanmaozi had his arm cut off to save his aunt, and they sincerely hoped that he would recover.


Ye Ruyun nodded with tears in her eyes. She also knew the eldest brother's temperament. Since he said yes, then it must be. She must believe in his medical skills and believe that Sanmaozi will get better.

Chapter 662 Military hospital, the dreams of teenagers

On the other side, Yan Shengrui personally led the army to chase the enemy and bandits, until they chased out about five miles away, and killed countless enemies before retreating. The terrain of Yelan City was slightly higher than that of Buming City. It took a long time for Yan Shengrui to bring the soldiers back to the Buming City occupied by Beiman. When they returned, the soldiers who had been replaced had already filled their stomachs. After recovering a little stamina, they were cleaning the battlefield. Among the people who came and went, The shadows of Xiaohuzi Long Dashan, Zhou Changsheng and others could still be faintly seen, and the broken city gate was also being repaired and strengthened urgently.

"The lord is back!"

"My lord is back..."

I don't know who shouted, the busy soldiers stopped their work one after another, and everyone looked at him with longing, the eyes that had been dead due to the extreme disadvantage re-emerged with the brilliance of hope, Prince War God Sheng. It is their belief, they believe that as long as he is there, Yelan City will not be lost, and they can even fight back to Buming City. The facts in the afternoon have also proved that Prince Sheng only brought a few thousand soldiers and horses. They defeated tens of thousands of enemy troops in two hours, and Princess Sheng personally beheaded the enemy's General Huyan, all of which became the source of their hope and rekindled the spark of hope.

"Two thousand people help with cleaning

On the battlefield, 1,000 people guard the towers, 500 people guard the yamen, and 500 people patrol in teams! ,"

Yan Shengrui, who was riding on a high-headed horse, swept over the soldiers below one by one. The silver-white battle armor, which had been stained red with blood, seemed to be on fire in the afterglow of the setting sun.


The personal soldiers who came back with him quickly dispersed, Yan Shengrui entered the city under the escort of dozens of sharp cavalry, and Qin Muyan, who had been waiting in front of the stone ladder, quickly greeted him, clasped his fists and bowed his head before saying: " The princess asked her subordinates to tell the prince that he is undergoing an operation, and please ask the prince's soldiers not to go to the tower for the time being."

As for cleaning the towers at night, he didn't say anything. There are so many people talking, who can guarantee that there will be no jian fines mixed in nearby? Now that they have insufficient troops, it is better to take precautions.

Yan Shengrui nodded to show that he understood, and then said to the soldiers who were stopped under the tower: "You allot 800 people to help clean the battlefield, and the remaining 200 people go to the military hospital, if you can help, if you can help, there is no need for help. The place will patrol to protect them, and the princess and the wounded must not have any mistakes."

In addition to the soldiers and the common people in the city, no one can guarantee whether there is such a deep hidden secret among the common people. During the operation, Ling Jingxuan was basically engrossed in it. He must ensure the safety of his daughter-in-law.


The bodyguards composed of shadow guards were all well-trained and basically did not require detailed division of labor from others. They soon dispersed. Yan Chengrui turned over and dismounted and strode up the stone stairs. Qin Muyan followed step by step.

"What else can Jing Xuan say?"

He knew that there was poison on the city tower, and he never doubted his daughter-in-law's ability to use poison. If he wanted to come, he should have ordered it, otherwise it would be bad if it was poisoned to his own people.

"The princess said that she will quietly clean the city tower later. The northern barbarians have already seen the poison in the daytime. They will definitely not use the ladder to attack the city tomorrow. We just need to guard the gate of the city."

They were all their own people on the tower, Qin Muyan had no scruples, and roughly repeated what Ling Jingxuan said. Yan Shengrui nodded and walked while looking at the Thunder Team members who were stationed at intervals. They seemed to be integrated with the tower. Like, maintaining the same posture and motionless, although I have seen them training thousands of times harder than ordinary soldiers, now seeing their results, Yan Shengrui still raised his eyebrows and expressed his shock, these people are more soldiers than him. If all of Daqing's soldiers are of this quality, who would dare to provoke them without fear of death?

"I've worked hard for you today, and I'll have my own soldiers come for you tonight."

Seeing that, Yan Shengrui was about to go down from the other side. Qin Muyan, who had been by his side, folded his fists and bent over, watching him leave before joining the ranks of his brothers. Their task was to protect the tower, and they would follow everything else. It doesn't matter.

In the courtyard next to the military hospital, the soldiers with less serious injuries are placed here. They have just eaten and are preparing their own medicine. Several military doctors are interspersed in it. A dozen operations are going on next door at the same time. They are busy with everything. If they couldn't help, they could only grab the medicine and let the soldiers fry it by themselves, and the little buns gathered here.

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