"So your home was destroyed by Beimanzi. You all want to join the army to avenge your family, don't you?"

They were about the same age, and the three steamed buns didn't have the so-called noble spirit. They soon reached a deal with those children. The room was for the wounded, so they sat in a circle in the yard, except for Tiewazi. Carefully hugging Ling Jingxuan's cloak, everyone else looked like they didn't care.

"Well, Beiman invaded our border year after year, and the people were miserable. After a few years of stability, the people also lived a good life, but Beiman suddenly invaded again, and after occupying Buming City, a tragic massacre was carried out. , specially transporting the corpses to Yelan City to disgust us, they are simply not human, we have to join the army, we have to take up arms to defend our family and the country, and kill all the northern barbarians."

One of the older boys said indignantly, like Sanmaozi, they were very familiar with the soldiers of Rongbian. When they were not paying attention, they quietly went up to the tower. When they saw the piles of When they saw a few familiar faces in the corpse like a mountain, the warm blood that was a little calm because of years of peace burned again, they wanted to become soldiers, and they had to personally avenge this bloody vengeance!

"Then why don't you join the army?"

Taking a look at their clothes, the little bun asked suspiciously, a man can be a soldier at fourteen, or thirteen in special circumstances. There should be many of them of the right age, right? Why didn't they wear military uniforms? "Because General Ye said we were young, he stipulated that we must be fifteen before joining the army."

Hearing this, a group of teenagers all clenched their fists. They also wanted to be soldiers, but the oldest of them was only about fourteen and didn't meet the regulations. General Ye was unwilling to let them enlist.


Xiao Baozi frowned slightly, and then changed his eyes with Da Baozi and Tie Wazi. The three of them vaguely understood that General Ye probably didn't plan to let them join the army. They are all orphans who have lost their relatives' homes. , I was afraid that they would even have their bloodlines broken, so they deliberately picked an age that none of them could reach.

"If you really want to be a soldier, I can talk to daddy. He definitely has a way, but you shouldn't be allowed to fight and kill the enemy at first, so I might not be able to go."

When it comes to this little bun, I feel a little depressed. When they arrived before, they heard that Beiman was attacking the city. He and Xiaohuzi wanted to rush forward, but the uncle stopped them and insisted that they move things and wait. After they finished their work, the war outside had almost subsided. It was fine that Xiaohuzi and Changsheng were led by Dashan, but they were taken to the military hospital by Brother Shanzi to help. Judging from this situation, they would definitely not let him go to the battlefield. Rarely came.


"I am willing, I am willing, even if I am a gang leader."

"Me too……"

"I also……"

Unexpectedly, the teenagers were more excited than each other when they heard the words. This is a great opportunity to realize their dreams. Yan Shengrui, who came in from the outside, noticed their commotion immediately, and walked towards them without thinking. , because the little buns turned their backs to the door and didn't notice it, but the others were dumbfounded, and a sharp-eyed boy pointed at him with a trembling finger, "He, he... is he Prince Sheng? ?"

Five years ago, these teenagers had met each other, but it was too long, and they couldn't remember clearly, especially when they were young, the only thing they remembered was his silver-white armor.


Hearing this, the other teenagers turned their heads one after another, and then they all turned into petrification. Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost. As Yan Shengrui got closer and closer, they even stopped breathing. What I heard was the heartbeat of Bang Bang, Prince Sheng, it was really Prince Sheng, the God of War of their Daqing!


Compared to their shock, the three steamed buns stood up to meet him very casually, Yan Shengrui swept away Xiao Sha on his face, and reached out to touch their heads respectively: "I heard that Jing Xuan has an operation here, so I came here to see it. Look, you guys are friends so soon?"

While speaking, Jing Zhan's tiger eyes swept across the group of teenagers who were watching him with bated breath. Naturally, he could not remember them, but as long as he looked at their clothes and the environment here, it was not difficult to imagine their identities.

"Well, Daddy is doing arm surgery on Sanmaozi. They are all Sanmaozi's brothers. We are responsible for taking care of them."

Ling Wen nodded and simply answered his question, Tie Wazi handed him the black fur cloak in his arms, Yan Shengrui took the cloak and walked towards the teenagers: "Don't worry, the concubine's medical skills will definitely be saved. Your brothers, it's getting late, you should rest early, maybe you will need to take care of San Maozi tomorrow."

Maybe it's because of being a daddy with a demonic nature. Except for the little buns, everyone present couldn't believe that their Prince of War God actually had such a gentle and approachable side.

"Wang... wang ye, see wang ye..."

"See Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty..."

One of the children squirmed tremblingly, and the next second, the rest of the children all knelt down, and together, the wounded and the military doctors who heard the news also knelt down one after another, Yan Shengrui's face froze, and he waved with one hand: "All Get up, there is no prince in the army, everyone is welcome, take good care of your wounds, and you will be needed in future battles."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Even if he said that, everyone didn't dare to take it seriously. They stood up after expressing their thanks. Yan Shengrui took three children to look at the wounded soldiers. They all had skin injuries.

It should be fine after a few days of rest. Thinking of what the soldiers said just now, Yan Shengrui couldn't help but look at the next door across the wall. There was a strong smell of blood, and the real wounded were probably there.

"Help them arrange accommodation, let's go and see next door."

Pointing at the teenagers, Yan Shengrui gave an order in a condensed voice. Before they could reply, he took the lead and strode out. Big Bun Tie Wazi quickly followed, and Little Bun rushed to the middle of the group of teenagers and whispered, "Don't worry, you guys I will find time to tell Daddy about the matter, and wait for my good news."


The young man nodded with anticipation, the little bun grinned, turned to catch up with his father, and the father and son quickly disappeared into the yard.

Chapter 663 The operation is successful, the father hugs!

The military hospital occupies a total of three courtyards, which are all empty courtyards left by the people after the evacuation. It is not far from the yamen where the army is the central military tent. Zhao Shan chose this place for the safety of the wounded. It was quicker to come to the rescue. The yard where the lightly wounded stayed was on the left, the middle was used for emergency and surgery, and the right was naturally where the seriously injured were recuperating and hospitalized. When Yan Shengrui and the little buns entered the middle yard, the injured Many of the patients have disappeared, and only a few are still calling. However, there are large bloodstains left on the ground, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood. It is not difficult to imagine what it was like not long ago.

Yan Shengrui has long been used to this kind of scene. At the bloodiest time, the three steamed buns have also seen it. The father and son are not unusual. However, when they came in, many military doctors and wounded people saluted them. Yan Shengrui raised his hand to signal. They were quiet and walked out of the room where Ling Jingpeng Ye Ruyun was waiting.

"Brother Rui."

The two of them greeted each other, Ye Ruyun's expression was still obviously tired, Yan Shengrui frowned, "Take her back to rest, my troops don't want such a sick captain."

In private, they were relatives, and when he was in the army, he was the top commander. In public and private, he could not see Ye Ruyun's appearance that he might fall at any time.

"Brother Rui, Sanmaozi broke her arm because of her. She wants to wait for him to come out."

Ye Ruyun lowered her head in discomfort when she heard the words, Ling Jingpeng looked at her distressedly, raised her head and looked at Yan Shengrui pleadingly, why didn't he feel distressed? But he knew her, even though she was a woman, she was more affectionate and righteous than anyone else. He didn't see Sanmaozi come out safely. Even if she went back, she wouldn't be able to rest well.

"Father, my aunt is also worried about Sanmaozi, so let her stay here and wait."

Seeing that he didn't express his position immediately, the big bun on the side stepped forward to help him alertly, and the little bun on the other side also took his arm and said coquettishly: "Yes, Father, please let the little aunt stay here, wait. Make sure Sanmaozi is safe and sound, don't tell me, shall we drive him away immediately?"

"Father One"

Seeing this, Tie Wazi also wanted to join in the fun, Yan Shengrui said in a condensed voice, "Leave immediately when you are sure that he is safe and sound!"


At the same time, the door that had been closed for an unknown period of time was suddenly pulled open from the inside. Ling Jingxuan walked out wiping the sweat on his forehead. Surrounding him, Yan Shengrui shook off the cloak that was on his arm, and stepped forward and put it on his shoulders gently. Ling Jingxuan gave him a slightly tired smile, and reached out to pull the cloak.

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