"Don't worry, the operation was successful, and the next step is to cultivate well."

Seeing their anxious faces, Ling Jingxuan did not cheat with them.


The little buns cheered excitedly, and Ye Ruyun's eyes quickly filled with tears of excitement. Then, as if thinking of something, he asked eagerly, "Then his hand... won't have any effect in the future, will it?"

What the child was thinking about was to become an official soldier of the Daqing Kingdom. If his arm could no longer be restored to its original state, wouldn't his dream of being a soldier be shattered?

"The incision on the broken arm is complete, the muscles, veins and blood vessels are all connected back, and I also fixed his bones with steel nails. The operation time is within six hours of Huangjin. At present, he has been fixed, as long as you don't move it casually, Supplemented by the prescription I prescribed, he can recover at least 80% in the future. Because he is young and has strong healing ability, it is not impossible to recover 90%. It all depends on the later recuperation and reconstruction. No, it must be a lie. In the wind and rainy weather in the future, the interface will have a dull pain. However, it does not affect his daily life, and because he is a left hand, I don't think it will break his soldier. Dreams, such things as dreams, depend on willpower to persevere, and whether or not he can realize his dream depends on whether his own willpower is firm enough.”

He could see what she was thinking at a glance, Ling Jingxuan said slowly, the child had been in a coma, and he didn't know what was going on, but since he dared to pounce on the battlefield and push Ye Ruyun away, he should be a strong man who was not afraid of death. Child, since he is not afraid of death, there must be nothing to be afraid of in the later reconstruction and training. As long as he can survive, Nirvana and rebirth will not be a problem.

"That's fine, that's fine..."

Hearing this, Ye Ruyun burst into tears and smiled, as long as the child's dream of being a soldier has not been completely destroyed, Ling Jingpeng embraced her distressedly and said: "After all, his entire arm was cut off, and there are 80 to 90% Hope is already a miracle, we just need to help him recover from his injuries and recover. I believe that he will achieve what he wants one day. Ye Ruyun is always rude and more manly than a man. Her heart is stronger than anyone else's. People are all kind, otherwise they wouldn't be so worried about a child. To put it bluntly, how few soldiers died to save officers on the battlefield? Which general and colonel would take care of the lives of those people? Only Ye Ruyun will do this."

"Ok, I know."

Ye Ruyun nodded, wiped away her tears and said eagerly, "Brother, can I go see him?"

"No, Shanzi child will fix him, and the interface needs to be observed again. Except Shanzi and the doctor boy, no one can disturb him, Ru Yun, let's go back to rest today."

It's not that he didn't know what he was worried about, but Ling Jingxuan rejected him categorically. He didn't even give him a chance to speak. He raised his voice and called two medical children who had just finished the operation, and asked them to go in to help Zhao Shan, and put the person in charge. Go to the inpatient department next door.

"Master, we have done almost the same for the wounded who are going to have surgery, so let's give them to us next."

Seeing that he looked a little tired, a doctor boy couldn't help but worry and said, surgery is a job that requires a high degree of concentration, and the consumption of physical strength is unimaginable for ordinary people. Come, there is no rest during the period, they are more afraid of him falling first than anyone else.

"Well, it's going to be hard for you tonight. I'll start teaching the military doctors some simple nursing care tomorrow. You also have a good rest. In the future, when you really fight, I'm afraid you will face such a scene every day."

Ling Jingxuan nodded, and did not forget to give them a vaccinate. War is like this. There will always be only blood and pain. He is used to seeing too much blood and life and death, so he is not willing to save people. Maybe it was because he was naturally cold-blooded, and his thoughts were naturally different from ordinary people. If it wasn't for Yan Shengrui, he wouldn't even take the time to train them.

"We were enlightened as early as the day we became medical children."

He has never lied to them, let alone concealed anything. When they were bought back by him, he told them that he bought them to learn medicine and save people. Over the years, every word he said they said. Keeping it firmly in my heart, I also worked hard to improve myself, hoping to repay him one day. As a slave, there is nothing happier than being his doctor boy.

"Haha... It's good to be enlightened, go get busy, and tell Shanzi by the way, I'll go back first."

Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing. He reached out and patted his shoulder before leaving with Yan Shengrui and the others. This time they brought a lot of girls here. When they went back, the yamen had been cleaned inside and out. It's clean, Chu Yunhan and the others haven't slept yet, and the little dumpling also turned up and down on Father Láng like a leather monkey. .


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that they were back, and the little dumpling immediately gave up and ran over to hug his leg, raised his head in dissatisfaction and protested: "Where have you gone? People can't find you everywhere, Hate, don't you worry about it!"

Seeing how specious what he said, those who didn't know might think he was really worried for them, Ling Jingxuan bent down and pinched his pouted mouth: "Little bastard, you know how to spell worry. Is it? I think you are bored?"

"Nonsense, people are worried, they are worried, Daddy is bad and ignores you."

Unable to stand his complaints, the little dumpling turned around angrily, and soon turned back and stretched out his hands to Yan Shengrui:

"Father hugs!"

"Who is this kid like?"

One moment he was still angry, and the next moment he started to be cute again. Ling Jingxuan felt helpless, but he felt a lot more sullen for most of the day. The decision to bring him here was decisive and correct. There were many other things, at least when the war was tense. When the time comes, he can bring them some laughter and not make them so tense, right?

"Of course it's like the king."

It was rare for his son to act coquettishly with him, so Yan Shengrui hugged him with a smile on his face, fortunately he had already dealt with the blood on the armor before, otherwise he would have scared the little dumpling.

"Yes, yes, like you, they are all dogs, and they change their faces faster than others."

Glancing at him angrily, Ling Jingxuan walked towards Chu Yunhan and the others. The three steamed buns, together with Ling Jingpeng Ye Ruyun, couldn't help but lower their heads and snicker. They really looked like him, didn't they?

"You haven't eaten, have you? Hurry up and eat some, Shui Ling'er has been keeping you warm."

After laughing, Chu Yunhan, Sikong Jue and others also gave up their seats, and next to Chūn Xiang Xiaxiang hurriedly arranged tableware for them. They had heard about the war outside the city and the military hospital, and it was like this on the first day. , they might be busy in the future. When they were preparing dinner, they were still telling Shui Linger that they would learn from her how to make delicious dried meat, so that they could take them with them when they set out on expeditions in the future, even if they were hungry. Fill your stomach, don't you think?

"Don't tell me, I'm really hungry. It only takes a few hours after the operation. Shanzi also fed me a few pieces of candy, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive at all."

After Ling Jingxuan sat down, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks. His low blood sugar is not nonsense. He would be dizzy if he was a little hungry. On weekdays, he would also bring some small candies to supplement sugar. As he was on his way, he had already eaten up the sugar on his body. Fortunately, Shanzi was also prepared. Thinking of this, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but smile. This apprentice has done well, and he can be filial and filial.

"Daddy, eat this, this egg roll is delicious."

The little dumpling seemed to have forgotten what he complained about just now. He picked up a spoon and scooped up a piece of egg roll wrapped in meat and sent it to his bowl. Of course, he didn't forget to send a piece to his mouth. His stomach was like nothing. In the end, even if he had just finished eating, he could continue to attack those delicacies.

"Hehe, thank you little dumplings, come, eat some vegetables, there are still vegetables in this place, it's really not easy."

Ling Jingxuan smiled and slid the Chinese cabbage with a pair of chopsticks and vinegar to Xiao Tuanzi's mouth, the latter said with a frown, "People don't eat cabbage, uh... I hate..."

"Ha ha……"

Without giving him a chance to finish, Ling Jingxuan shoved it directly into his mouth. The small dumpling protested with a face full of vegetables. The hall could not help bursting out with laughter. As long as there was a small dumpling, no matter how tense and serious the atmosphere was. It can make him go to Huo Huo, and the heavy heart slowly turns to sunny.

Chapter 664 The requirements of the small dumplings, the education of children

The bloody, tense and busy day was finally over. Before the meal was over, the little dumplings began to want to sleep. Ling Jingxuan hugged him and coaxed him to sleep before letting Long Zhang take him down. Then they went to see Ye Ye again. General, the injury on his back has been re-treated by the doctor. Ling Jingxuan checked him again. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, the group left with a tired yawn. They have been on their way for the past ten days, and they basically did not get well. After a rest, they finally arrived at Yelan City, and they encountered Beiman attacking the city again. By this time, they were all tired.

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