"Anyway, you are a lot of crooks. In fact, I also know that I dote on them too much. I keep them in the capital to protect them, and secondly, I want them to get used to solving problems by themselves. Aren't they going to Hanling Academy at the beginning of the year? With me as the dean, everyone at Hanling Academy will be afraid of three points first. I don't want my children to be bullied, and I don't want them to bully others because of their identity. Before leaving, I specially went around Han Ling. Ling Academy went to Jiāo to replace them, just hope they can be like ordinary people and don't get any special treatment in Hanling Academy."

The smile at the corner of his mouth can't help showing a bit of self-deprecation. No one knows himself better than him. If he is in the capital, he will definitely not miss the children's school. Of course, the most important reason is to protect them. The border is indeed. Not for them.

"You are too naive, even if you don't go, won't others go? For example, Xiao Qi and his mother concubine, Yun Han, we shouldn't escape our identities, they are already noble descendants of the royal family, so they should have As a royal consciousness, why not have special treatment? Whether the child will grow crooked, in addition to the environment, the most important thing is the guidance of the parents, but you don't have to worry, with the mother and the concubine, they will not let the child grow crooked. "

Ling Jingxuan stood up while speaking, Chu Yunhan raised his head and frowned, as if there was a little doubt in his eyes, but Ling Jingxuan didn't say anything anymore, patted his shoulder and walked towards his little dumpling, Yun Han's life experience It is too complicated, and it is often easy to get into the horns, but at the same time, he also believes that he will soon understand, whether it is the former Queen Dowager, or the current Sixth Lady, the Zhen Wangfei, he is him, Chu Yunhan, the rest of the identities They are all accessories that make him more noble, and should not be his concern, nor should he be unconsciously rejected.

Chapter 665 Generals on the border of the Three Kingdoms, Xue Wuyang and his son arrive

Tianmenguan Pass on the Eastern Border

"It's quite fast, not only Yan Shengrui, but also his concubine."

After receiving a secret report from Buming City, Tianmenguan general Zhou Sheng threw the book on the table with a bang. The dozens of generals present disagreed. Dongguo has always been the most prosperous country among the Three Kingdoms. With the same arrogance and self-confidence, even the Prince of War God of the Qing Kingdom is only a general who can fight a little in their eyes. The only thing is that he is old and it is impossible to lead troops to fight any more.

"Your Majesty can't hurt Prince Sheng again and again. What kind of person is he? Could it be that His Majesty is..." One of the staff officers asked strangely. Xu's evil spirit, it is not difficult to imagine what he is going to say.

"Your Majesty, is it something we can discuss?"

Zhou Sheng's eyes widened, and he forcibly suppressed the gossip of his subordinates, and then said quite dignifiedly: "It is said that although Prince Cheng is a farmer, she is a ruthless character, excellent in medicine and poison, for three years. He invented the refining method of the jīng steel knives that we managed to get our hands on before, and the Qing country is in circulation in the western countries, but the oxpox that prevents and treats the smallpox plague is not available in our eastern country, and the Qing country only has more than three years. As far as the revived national economy is concerned, all of these things have his shadow. His Majesty used to be especially wary of a team under his command. It is said that their weapons are very strange and their lethality is very powerful. The secret report also said that Beiman Huyan The general did not rush to the front and was killed from a long distance. It must be the weapon. This princess should not be underestimated. In addition, Yan Shengrui is also a tiger general. He is brave and good at fighting. We must not underestimate the enemy. Always pay attention to the movements of Buming City and Yuncheng on the border of the Western Kingdom. Don't let Yan Shengrui and Sikong Hao take advantage of the situation. Beiman also informed them that since husband Yan Shengrui is here, he will definitely want to retake Buming City as soon as possible. They are on guard, and don't let the fat that has finally reached the mouth be forcibly pulled out."

Zhou Sheng is one of several generals in Dongguo. He works calmly and cautiously, and has always won the trust of Qilian City. Even if Dongguo is superior to others, he will subconsciously look down on their opponents. He also carefully prepared for it. , At the same time of self-confidence, it also has a great self-esteem, one must maintain that high self-esteem, and allow no negligence and provocation.


The officers and men swept away the previous looseness, and instantly became solemn. Zhou Sheng thought about it and added: "Send the secret report back to Shengjing, and ask Your Majesty's next move."


Several soldiers stood up, Zhou Sheng waved his hand, and the rest left one after another. Now that the royal princes of the two countries are guarding the border, the battle between the three countries is about to break out. The key is how Prince Sheng’s husband will treat Beiman. Well, the answer is believed to be revealed soon.

Western Border Cloud City

"Tsk tsk?? As expected of Yan Shengrui, he killed that old man Huyan as soon as he arrived. Beiman attacked the Qing Kingdom in a big way this time. After occupying the city of Buming, he even provokes the Qing Kingdom with massacres. Their defeat has already been announced in advance. ."

In the luxurious and huge hall, a tall and straight, extremely handsome man, with a dignified and domineering eyebrows, leaned lazily on the chair, and his bright blue eyes were as dazzling and scorching as the stars on a summer night. Even if he is lazy and powerless, he still gives the impression that he can't be ignored. His aura cannot be said to be outrageous. He is the younger brother of Sikong Jun, the second emperor's brother of Sikong Jue, and the prince of the Western Kingdom, Sikong Hao. The status in their minds is not inferior to that of Yan Shengrui in the minds of the people of the Qing Kingdom. They are the kind of natural generals who were born to be kings.

"That's not necessarily, Wangye, don't forget, there is Dongguo behind Beiman, although they always take Beiman

Man is a spearman, but they won't give up on them easily. Beiman is here, and it has a restraining effect on us. I bet that even if the husband of Yan Shengrui takes back the city of Buming, Dongguo will not let them easily. Attack Beiman, otherwise, Zhou Sheng's old fox will definitely lead his troops to attack the Qing country. At that time, both sides of the Qing country will not be able to take care of it, and the losses may be even more severe. "

The man who spoke was dressed in snow-white brocade clothes, with a tall and slender figure. On a cold day, he swayed a folding fan in a pompous manner. However, his face was very three-dimensional, with deep-set black eyes, trimmed. The sharp sword eyebrows, the soft and distinct facial features, the sexy thin lips that are like cherry red blood under the tall nose bridge, the overall feeling is soft and faintly heroic, and it seems that he does the things that are more flamboyant. It's all natural, his name is Yuchi Lishang, the second grandson of Yuchi Weiwen, the prime minister of the Western country, who is rebellious and disobedient to discipline, and has always been on good terms with Sikong Hao.

"Don't forget, back then, Yan Shengrui defeated the northern barbarians with only a few thousand horses, and they had been recuperating for almost five years. At that time, they didn't have such a strong national strength, and the steel knives were not popularized in the army. Not to mention, this king is more optimistic about Yan Shengrui."

Sikong Hao lifted the wine glass and shook it gently. After speaking, he poured the wine directly into his mouth. His movements were bold and unrestrained, free and easy, not like a prince at all, but a bit like a knight in the world.

"You also said that was back then. Beiman wasn't all idiots. Yan Shengrui made a special move in the past, and he was seriously injured when he encountered Long Xie Wang on the way back? Qingguo has always had more scruples than Beiman. The same They will never use this trick again, and, even if it is used, this time Beiman is prepared, and it is impossible for thousands of troops to succeed."

Yuchi Lishang naturally has his own opinions, but one

"That's not necessarily true!"

A voice that did not belong to the two of them suddenly sounded out of thin air, and both of them were shocked, Sikong Hao even turned over, his eyes were staring at the direction of the entrance, and he saw Xue Wuyang and Xue Wuyang in purple robes, enchanting and seductive. Sikong Qi, who has always been like a little old man, became more and more calm and handsome and walked in one after another. Both of them were dumbfounded. Why did they come?

"Yan Shengrui's ability is no worse than yours, and Ling Jingxuan is a man who doesn't play cards according to the rules. The more you think he can't use tricks, the more he will use them. In order to win, he will do whatever it takes to win, Hao, Li Sad, long time no see!"

Xue Wuyang casually found a seat and sat down while talking. He didn't care about the shocked eyes of the two of them. Sikong Qi followed him silently. Before sitting down, he bowed and called the second uncle. It seems that his face is paralyzed, but he is also a little more handsome, and he still has the grandeur that a prince of a country should have.

"No, Brother Yang, sister-in-law of the emperor, and Xiao Qi, why did you all come to Yuncheng? Where is the brother of the emperor?"

After finally regaining his senses, Sikong Hao strode down from the main seat. Brother Yang, wouldn't he run away from home again? What about Xiao Qi? Is he the same as Brother Yang? The emperor is not allowed to die of anger?

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