"Haha... This palace and the prince have not seen the second emperor's brother for many years, and they miss him very much. We especially came to accompany the second emperor's brother to celebrate the New Year together, and by the way, we will meet old friends."

I don't think it's such a fucking thing for an empress to kidnap the prince. Xue Wuyang said it for granted, and gave him a mischievous wink after the incident. Sikong Haowei Chi Lishang both shuddered and couldn't help feeling sympathy in his heart. The emperor far away in the imperial city, married such a queen, is he destined to have no peace in this life?

Qingguo Yelan City

After breakfast, Ling Jingxuan led the small group to the military hospital, followed by Brother Hu and Gun Gun, Dad Láng and Da Hei did not go together. Along the way, the soldiers who came and went turned pale with fear, but they did not flee in panic. Because, they had already escaped once in the morning, and were heavily fined with 30 military sticks. It was only because the prince and the others brought their father and them together in the morning exercise. At that time, the sky was only bright, and suddenly they saw a few fierce wild animals. shòu, they're anti-sheer... sigh... the past is unbearable to look back on, anyway, the soldier's heart is very sad.

"Dad, why are they all like rocks?"

Before entering the military hospital, Xiao Tuanzi raised his head and asked suspiciously, and his fingers were stupidly pointed at the soldiers who were scared by Brother Hu, who was so stiff next to him like a statue, only the soldiers who didn't pee their pants.

"Haha... It was the first time they saw such a mighty Brother Hu, and they were too excited. Would the little dumpling feel very majestic?"

Taking a meaningful glance at the soldiers, Ling Jingxuan said with a smile.

Suddenly, the sound of countless heavy objects collapsing was heard around. The soldiers who were originally just statues were all declared dead. Who was excited? Who's excited? Are they afraid? What are they looking at, they look excited?


The little dumpling thought about it very seriously, and then nodded heavily. Ling Jingxuan led him as he walked and said, "Then the little dumpling will take Uncle Hu and the others with him wherever he goes, okay?"

"it is good."

The innocent little dumpling was fooled by his father like this. Every time he went out in the future, whenever he went out, he did not follow Brother Hu. The whole person was so miserable that he wanted to cry but had no tears. Of course, that's all for later.


"Princess, Xiaojun Wang!"

"Princess, Xiaojun Wang!"

As soon as the two entered the yard of the inpatient department, the medical children, military doctors and wounded patients greeted them one after another. Some of the wounded patients who had undergone suture operations yesterday were being supported by soldiers or struggling to move with crutches, and the small group grew up. Looking straight at them, Ling Jingxuan nodded and smiled with them one by one, asking about the condition of the wounded from time to time, which immediately captured the hearts of many soldiers.

"Is someone stabbed in the stomach? Don't move too much, be careful that the wound cracks, and go back to rest. After the stitches are removed in a few days, you can do whatever you want."

Ling Jingxuan took the child to inspect the wound of one of the soldiers whose abdomen had been sutured. After confirming that there was no problem, he smiled and warned. The little dumpling watched curiously the whole time. When he saw the sutured wound, the little guy was not afraid, but instead It's very close, and he looks very interested, so that the medical child next to him can't help but break into a cold sweat. Whose children can look like their little prince, not only are they not afraid when they see the wound, but also a I'm excited, I'm very interested in what it looks like? Many people are very curious, how does the princess raise her children so that they can be raised like this.

"It's all right. When I was pierced in the stomach yesterday, I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect to save my life. I want to recover quickly and go back to kill Beimanzi as soon as possible."

The soldiers at the border are more casual and don't know how to behave, but they are all bloody real men. Compared with those who are sour and twisted, Ling Jingxuan undoubtedly prefers them.

"That can't be..."


Before Ling Jingxuan finished speaking, the soldier who was especially the man before suddenly let out a scream like killing a pig. Everyone was startled. Ling Jingxuan lowered his head with a black line on his face, only to see that Xiao Tuanzi's finger was still frozen in mid-air. Retracting back, the little Danfeng looked curiously at the soldier who jumped three feet away after screaming, as if he still didn't understand what happened to him.

"Cough cough... Let's find your third brother."

Ling Jingxuan coughed in embarrassment, picked him up, turned around and ran to the room where Sanmaozi lived alone, grandma, how stupid and naive he has been raising?

"Daddy, it's uncomfortable, let go of me."

The little dumpling who was pinched by his armpit protested dissatisfiedly, because of the uncomfortable posture, Bai Nennen's little fleshy face was already bloodshot and red, Ling Jingxuan had to put it down when he saw this, and he still whispered in his mouth: "I My little ancestor, can you take it easy? How can you poke the wound that was just sutured yesterday?"

God knows how much it hurts when he sees Yi Yang's finger in trouble, it's time for a spanking.

"Didn't Daddy also poke it?"

The little dumpling tilted his head and pouted in protest, Ling Jingxuan rolled his eyes helplessly: "I was checking his wounds."

"Then I also see whether his sewing is strong or not."


Ling Jingxuan was speechless and held his forehead, just begging God to send someone to take this little bastard quickly, otherwise, one day he will be killed by his own son!

Chapter 666

Xiao Tuanzi's Yiyangzhi incident quickly spread throughout the military hospital. When Zhao Shanyitong and others heard it, they all pursed their lips and snickered. Based on his previous "records", they believed that he could come up with that kind of extraordinary performance. stupid

The naive thing is coming, but the military doctor, the wounded and the soldiers are all kinds of cold hearts. They wish that the scumbag little county king would not come again, especially the wounded, they still want to live a few more days and kill a few more northern barbarians. Well, I don't want to die at the hands of Yiyang, the king of the small county, but unfortunately, the culprit who made them fear is still in the military hospital, and? ?

"Third brother, birth brother, I'm here to find you."

The sharp-eyed found the brothers among a group of children in the room. The little dumpling swaggered and shouted and walked in, just like the leader of a certain who came down from above to check, and Ling Jingxuan, who was behind him, could not laugh or cry, and his eggs hurt. .

"Little dumpling? Why are you here?"

"Hang, such a cute little chubby dun'er, chubby for nothing, so gratifying."

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen such a chubby child for a long time."

"It's so cute, Prince Wu, is that your brother?"

The little buns and Tie Wazi who were with him saw him coming in, both frowned and jumped up in surprise, while the others let out exclamations. In their world, basically all children were skinny and skinny, like little dumplings. This kind of white, tender, and fleshy child is undoubtedly very rare. Even Ling Jingxuan, who was following behind, made them ignore it. Everyone's eyes were bright and locked without any fear. Looking at their little chubby boy.

"Third brother, birth brother, who are they?"

The little dumpling walked over and took the hands of the two older brothers, looking up at them and asked curiously.

"They are my friends, why did you come here?"

After returning to God, the little bun rudely tapped his head with his fingers, and couldn't help but glance at the old man who was leaning against the door frame at the door. How could he bring him here? Can Chu Shujue and the second brother agree? Don't look at him always scare him, in fact, he loves his younger brother no less than his brothers, it's just that everyone expresses it differently.

"Daddy brought me here, Xiao Hei, Yuanyuan, Brother Hu and Gun Gun are also here, but Daddy said that he was afraid of scaring others and causing their wounds to burst, so he let them wait outside for the time being, do you want to go to them? Just kidding, they must be lonely."

As a matter of course, after saying that, the little fat duner ran to Xiaohei and Yuanyuan, who were lying on the other side. The heavyweight tonnage, let him toss on them, especially Yuanyuan, who is still lying flat on his stomach, and the teenagers who saw this scene all stared in surprise, but Ling Jingxuan and his son looked on their faces. As usual, isn't he playing with them like this at home on weekdays?

"There is no blockage at the interface and it turns blue, which proves that all the blood vessels are well connected. Remember not to move for the time being. You can try to move your fingers in a few days, but not too intense. After a month, you can start the post-production process after removing the fixation. It's rebuilt, you have to be patient until then, unless you don't want this arm anymore."

I don't know when, Ling Jingxuan, who was leaning on the door frame, had already walked over to the room to examine Sanmaozi's arm carefully. No amount of clever doctors could treat uncooperative patients. own.

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