"Wang, princess, will my arm really be the same as before?"

Sanmaozi, who was lying on the bed and couldn't move, was as pale as paper, with a red-faced Xiyi in his eyes. When he rushed out yesterday, he only thought that Ye Xiaowei couldn't die, and he didn't feel any fear, his arm was cut off Afterwards, he quickly fainted and didn't feel any pain. It wasn't until he woke up after anesthesia in the middle of the night that he clearly felt the pain and knew that his arm was broken. After he took it up, he heard that his arm could still recover, and he might still be a soldier to kill barbarians in the future. His heart was full of hope, but deep down, he was still somewhat afraid, after all, he had never heard of it. The broken arm can still be attached, and it is still in good condition.

"Hehe...do you want to be the same as before?"

Ling Jingxuan smiled and found a stool and sat down beside the bed. It is said that the child is already thirteen years old. Just looking at his height lying on the bed and his cheeks that are basically fleshless, he can't tell the appearance of thirteen years old at all. He was only eleven or twelve years old, but Ling Jingxuan liked his eyes very much, they were bright and scorching like a little tiger, full of hope, very similar to their little buns and little tigers.

"Well, think, I am still in the army, and I want to kill Beimanzi with General Ye and the others."

Looking into his eyes and nodding, Sanmaozi said firmly, his family was killed by Beimanzi, and most of the people of Buming City who had been taking care of them all these years also died at the hands of Beimanzi. He saw it with his own eyes. After their death, it was simply terrible. Some young women were even naked. It is not difficult to imagine what happened to them before they died. He wanted to take revenge and collect blood debts for those people, and he never wanted to see Daqing again. The people suffered the same fate.

"Then you have to listen to Doctor Zhao's words and recover well. I promise that one day you will definitely stand on the battlefield. Maybe one day in the future, you will be as mighty as General Ye and the others."

With Ling Jingxuan's spirit, how could he not see what he was thinking? He touched his forehead with his right hand. Ling Jingxuan's handsome face was covered with gentleness. They were all hard-working children. Whenever he saw such children, he couldn't help but think of the little buns in the past, and he treated them a little more. Compassion and pity.

"Really? Thank you, Princess, I will listen to the doctors and try my best to recover."

For a child like this, who doesn't want to be a general, Sanmaozi was so excited that he couldn't find Bei. Fortunately, Zhao Shan saw that he was in severe pain in the morning, gave him painkillers, and even gave him a needle for relief. Otherwise he must be screaming in pain now, but

"Princess, will the lord drive the Beimanzi away soon? Then can't I beat them myself?"

After getting excited, Sanmaozi asked worriedly.

"Haha... just drive them away? Your heart is too small, don't worry, as long as you recover well, you will definitely have the opportunity to kill the northern barbarians yourself."

Ling Jingxuan smiled meaningfully, Danfeng's eyes quickly slid over a bloodthirsty Xiao Sha, and drove them away? It’s too cheap for them. Even if they occupy Buming City, they still do such tragic things as massacres. Hmph, the northern barbarians in Buming City, don’t even think about running away for him, killing people for their lives, they all want it. Pay for the lives of the people of Buming City!

"Well, I believe the princess."

What he needs most now is hope, and what Ling Jingxuan gave him is just hope.

"Princess, we want too."

Compared to the nervousness when he saw Prince Cheng yesterday, the princess made them feel very easy-going, and the teenagers were not afraid of him. With such a group of teenagers there, no matter if it is Dongguo or Beiman, they will never want to break through Qingguo!

"Dad, they are all orphans who lost their relatives because of Beiman. General Ye thinks they are too young and doesn't want to accept them. Can you tell your father to accept them, even if you let them be the leader of the army. It does."

Seeing that the opportunity was right, the little bun leaned forward on his shoulders and demanded, "Don't others know that he still doesn't know?" The real master of their family is Daddy. Although Daddy doesn't care much about the military camp, as long as he is willing to say a few words in his father's ear, the father will definitely handle it carefully. No one's words are more effective than him.

"Bearing the cauldron? Isn't that what you and Xiaohuzi do?"

Raising his eyebrows, Ling Jingxuan glanced at him, deliberately making fun of him, who knows...

"Princess, didn't you say you won't carry the cauldron?"

Song Xiaohu, who came with Ling Wen, Yan Shangqing and Long Dashan Zhou Changsheng, happened to hear what he said. The little guy was in a hurry and rushed in front of him to protest. He was already a sixth-rank school captain, so why should he carry his back? pot?

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help laughing. Tie Wazi and Ling Wen, who had just arrived, couldn't help laughing. Only Xiao Baozi and Xiao Huzi frowned, they were going to fight. Who can kill the enemy, how can he carry the cauldron?


After Zhou Changsheng, who was beside Xiao Huzi, gave him an angry look, the princess was joking, did he take it seriously? "Sour Xiucai, who are you talking about?"

Xiao Huzi's martial arts skills over the years were not learned in vain. He immediately glared at him with anger, and Zhou Changsheng slowly turned to look at him: "Who should say who!"

"You... believe it or not, I beat you?"

Xiao Huzi raised his fists in anger, and shook it in front of him with great momentum, but he didn't even blink his eyes: "Trust, but you don't dare!"

Well, this hot and cold, Xiaohuzi's fist is like hitting cotton.

Thank goodness they were arguing.

"Remember, one day I will beat you hard!"

When he mentioned his collar and said harsh words, Xiao Huzi decisively turned around and stopped ignoring him, lest he would really beat him up on impulse, and Zhou Changsheng, he took his time to straighten the crumpled Clothes, he didn't take his anger to heart at all. If you look closely, there seems to be a smile on his lips. Maybe outsiders won't understand, but this is the way they have feelings for each other. Don't look at them arguing like this. It looks like it is really possible to do it. If the other party encounters danger, they will definitely jump out at the first time. The friendship accumulated from growing up together is not something ordinary people can understand.

"Dad, what's wrong with him?"

I don't know when, the little dumpling who was playing with Yuanyuan and the others ran over, and the little guy rushed to the bed while talking, his wriggling little butt trying to climb up the bed.

"Oh my little ancestor, you can stop for a while."

Ling Jingxuan was so frightened that his heartbeat stopped immediately, and he hugged him back. The previous Yiyang pointed to him, and he still had lingering fears.

"Oh, Daddy, people just want to see my brother."

The little dumpling he was hugging squirmed uncomfortably with various protests in his mouth. Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but slapped him twice on the buttocks before placing him on his lap: "Brother can Don't wait to see, just be honest."

Who knows if he will use a Yang finger again, or a more powerful trick? He was afraid of him.

"Why? Daddy can see it, why can't I?"

He didn't feel at all how foolish what he did not long ago, the little dumpling raised his head very naively, Ling Jingxuan let out a long breath, and said as calmly as possible: "Brother is different from the uncle just now, he His arm was broken. Dad took a lot of effort to connect it to him. What if you accidentally touch it and break it for him again? Be good, little dumpling, don't touch your brother, okay? You don't want to either. Will my brother become a handless person in the future?"

His carelessness is too easy to be careless, and people have to guard against it! At this moment, Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but wonder if his decision to grant him permission to go out to play was correct. He really made him run around everywhere, and Ye Lancheng couldn't be jumping around?

"Well, I won't touch it, I'll take a look."


The little dumpling tilted his head and thought for a long time before he said innocently, but Ling Jingxuan suddenly had black lines all over his forehead. He said so much about his feelings for nothing? What he is afraid of is that he will take a look, okay?

I don't understand why their father is so nervous, Ling Wen and others are all puzzled, not to mention the other teenagers, San Maozi lying on the bed looked at them back and forth, and stammered: "No, it doesn't matter, princess, the little prince can watch it if he wants to."

Of course, he just thought that he would not lose any meat, and he didn't want to make the chubby little prince sad.

"If you still want your arm, I advise you not to hold such thoughts, just now—"

After he said that, Ling Jingxuan explained what happened just now, including the little dumpling's words that he wanted to see if other people's wounds were firm. The pale complexion became even more bloodless, the gān astringent lips kept shaking, and it took a long while to say: "Well, then let's forget it."

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